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Christopher Williams Williams-Christopher

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Williams-Christopher / gist:f5b1449cf0c687ab872cc221f26afa8d
Last active February 12, 2019 03:15
Module 5, Checkpoint 5 Drill Solutions
Williams-Christopher / gist:6c9b5241fa5fbd753abb22e0ac72763c
Created February 12, 2019 03:26
Module 5, Checkpoint 6 Drill Solutions
Williams-Christopher / gist:8326a2c3dd495c51149254ca7034f314
Last active February 12, 2019 17:49
Module 5 - Checkpoint 7 - Drill Solutions
// After turning in my drill solutions and then reviewing my code, I could have and probably
// should have used the strict equality operator as getActiveLight() returns a string. My gut
// rationale at the time was to use the equality operator and let the interpreter do coercion.
Williams-Christopher / gist:71ec870cde965bcdbc7731a7fe2d6eda
Last active February 13, 2019 01:29
Module 5 - Checkpoint 8 - Array Drill Solutions
Why does this not work?
function addToList(list, item) {
return list.push(item);
Williams-Christopher / gist:e95d2a56e9e2c032b0dfaf7f67b6f708
Created February 18, 2019 02:49
Module 5 - Checkpoint 10 - Variable Scope
What is scope? Your explanation should include the idea of global vs. block scope.
Why are global variables avoided?
Explain JavaScript's strict mode
What are side effects, and what is a pure function?
Scope is an important concept in programming and it refers to where a variable is valid in code and which bits of code can modify its value. With JavaScript, a variable can be valid in the global or block scopes. A variable with global scope is one that is defined outside of a function. Because of this, its value is accessible (and therefore mutable) from anywhere within the JavaScript file where it is defined as well as any other JavaScript files loaded after it. Conversely, a variable declared inside of a function is said to have a block scope and it is only accessible to the code block of that function. It is wise to avoid global variables because they can quickly lead to hard to squash bugs, unintended side effects, and do not support the idea of pure functions.
Side effects are changes to an application
Williams-Christopher / gist:8fdb362b5eabf6cbcd98d8a775185e30
Created February 19, 2019 02:25
Module 5 - Checkpoint 12 - Grokking
function getTokens(rawString)
This function accepts a string and returns an array containing all the truthy words in it.
First it takes in a string, forces it to lower case characters, splits the string into an array using a regular expression, creates a new array of truthy items by filtering 'falsy' items from the split array, and finally sorts the resulting array in alpha descending order. Then the array is returned to the calling function.
function mostFrequentWord(text)
This function takes in a string and returns the first word most frequently found in it.
The function first takes the string passed to it and passes it to getTokens(rawString), receiving back an array of strings to process. It then creates an empty object, wordFrequencies, which it checks for the existence of strings from the token array, using bracket notation to add to the wordFrequencies object those words that don't exist (with a count of one) and incrementing by one those words that it finds.
The last portion of the function finds th
Williams-Christopher / gist:5773966848d6c0ad4bba99ff4dfa205d
Created March 8, 2019 04:39
Module 8, Checkpoint 8 - Quiz Application
Here's my submission to cap the Interactive Web Applications module.
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Williams-Christopher / gist:4c20bffc9610440f62d4be10b4a4b362
Last active March 12, 2019 18:01
Thinkful - My Portfolio Content
Christopher Williams - Fullstack Developer
With 18 years in IT helping end-users, managing and deploying servers and network equipment, vendor relations, ERP systems, SQL and management, I'm making the switch to full-stack development. I've had a strong interest in software development since I was a kid and find myself now in a position to do something I want to do and to make it my career. I strive to produce clean, readable code, and faithful implementations of design specs. I enjoy solving problems and practicing constant refinement to make my solutions the best they can be. Aside from development, I love learning, playing my guitar, learning to play the drums, reading on varied topics from cosmology to personal improvement, dabbling with game development, and spending time with my wife and kids.
Quiz App
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