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Wilson Mongwe WilsonMongwe

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WilsonMongwe / CoinTossing.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
Coin Tossing
#### Author: Wilson Mongwe
#### Date: 21/06/2015
#### Website:
#### Title: Implementing the EM algorithm to the coin tossing example
####################### Simulating the population data #########################
N= 10000
components = sample(1:numberOfCOins,prob=c(0.45,0.55),size=N,replace=TRUE)
thetas= c(0.7,0.2) ### probablity of obtaining a head on Coin 2 and Coin 3 respectively
WilsonMongwe / MixtureGaussians.R
Last active September 25, 2017 05:00
Mixture of Gaussians
#### Author: Wilson Mongwe
#### Date: 21/06/2015
#### Website:
#### Title: This code is for implementing the EM algorithm to estimate paramters from a mixture
#### of three normal distributions.
########################### Simulating the population data #############################
N= 10000 ### Number of draws from the mixture
normals= 3 ### number of normals in the mixture. We have chosen to use 3 in this example.
#### Author: Wilson Mongwe
#### Date: 05/10/2015
#### Website:
#### Title: Training the nueral network for the jump test
#### This code tests fro the presence of jumps using nueral networks
#### Training the neural network #####
WilsonMongwe / server.R
Created August 27, 2017 08:52
Server file
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
## The model class is the backbone of thsi application
WilsonMongwe / server.R
Created September 23, 2017 05:51
A Random Forest Test For Jumps
# Load packages ----
### The simulation functions
WilsonMongwe / Fitting a Jump Diffusion.r
Last active September 30, 2017 07:44
Calibration of financial models
########## This code calculates non parametric estimates of the jump-difusion parameters #######
times <- c(0)
while(Sn <= TotalTime)
n <- length(times)
u <- runif(1)
expon <- -log(u)/lambda_
#Creating a twitter authentication in R
#The infomation can be found under the "Keys and Acces Tokens" tab of your twitter aplication.
api_key <- "Enter your API key here" #This is called the: Consumer Key (API Key)
api_secret <- "Enter your secret API key here" #This is called the: Consumer Secret (API Secret)
access_token <- "Enter your access token here" #This is called the: Access Token
access_token_secret <- "Enter your secret access token here" #This is called the: Access Token Secret
#Run this code to set up the twitter authentication.
#This code reads in the tweets from the timelines of the three news websites
#Note that there is a limit of 3200 tweets that can be extracted from a users timeline.
fin24Tweets <- userTimeline('Fin24', n=3200)
bdLiveTweets <- userTimeline('BDliveSA', n=3200)
moneyWebTweets <- userTimeline('Moneyweb', n=3200)
#Clean the tweets by removing silly symblos/characters
cleanTweets <- function(tweets)
tweets = gsub("@", "", tweets)
tweets = gsub("@\\w+", " ", tweets)
tweets = gsub("https", "", tweets)
tweets <- gsub("[ |\t]{2,}", " ", tweets)
tweets <- gsub("[ |\t]{2,}", " ", tweets)
tweets <- gsub("amp", " ", tweets)
tweets <- gsub("^ ", "", tweets)
tweets_corpus = Corpus(VectorSource(texts_from_tweets))
tweets_corpus_cleaned<- tm_map(tweets_corpus, function(x)removeWords(x,stopwords()))
# create document term matrix applying some transformations
"lunchbox","comment","must","miss","new","editorial","popular", "cartoon","international","national","politics","companies",
"business","day","top","week","markets","economy","subscribe" , "case","missed","ahead","editor","premium","tomorrow","stories",