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WirlyWirly / AyuDark.css
Last active March 8, 2023 05:34
AyuDark: A re-skinning of Tridactyl's built-in midnight colorscheme, featuring the AyuDark color palette and Roboto Condensed font
AyuDark: v0.2 (
Tridactyl Install Command:
colorscheme --url AyuDark
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto Condensed';
font-style: normal;
WirlyWirly / Drag and Drop with Python files
Last active November 1, 2020 07:09
How to create drag and drop functionality for python files
If you're on windows, have python installed, and would like to be able to drag-and-drop files on-top of python scripts (.py/.pyw files), this will show you how to set that up.
! Make sure python is in your path otherwise this won't work
1) Create a shortcut for the .py file: Hold alt while you drag the file
2) Right-click on the shortcut and open its properties
3) In the 'Target' field, add the word 'Python' (no quotes) to the very beggining of the line: Make sure you don't edit/delete the part that was already there. Press OK.
ex: python "C:\Path\to\"
4) Drag-and-drop your items on-top of this shortcut and the script will process them
WirlyWirly / Steam: Game Trailer and Gameplay Buttons.user.js
Last active May 11, 2020 15:49
This will add buttons on steam gamepages that when clicked will search YouTube for gameplay or trailer videos. This is based off the script "Steam Game Page - Add Links To Game Trailer & Gameplay Search On YouTube" written by CoopCoding.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Steam: Game Trailer and Gameplay Buttons
// @author WIRLYWIRLY
// @namespace
// @version 2.0
// @homepage
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @description This will add buttons on steam gamepages that when clicked will search YouTube for gameplay or trailer videos. This is based off the script "Steam Game Page - Add Links To Game Trailer & Gameplay Search On YouTube" written by CoopCoding.
// @match htt*://*