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Sean Wood WoodyWoodsta

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WoodyWoodsta / pages.json
Last active February 9, 2018 10:47
Content for public portfolio
"home": {
"title": "Hey, it's Sean!",
"body": "I'm a London-based fullstack developer with a background in robotics and microelectronics*. I am a huge fan of innovative thinking and enjoy mixing this way of seeing the world with creativity in a manner which uplifts others. I rise up to life challenges and practice this in juggling hard work with keeping fit and learning new tricks and skills. I'm hacking at all sorts of code in any free time that I get and therefore, together with extensive and broad industry exposure, have developed a valuable understanding of web technologies, the tooling that supports these technologies and the community that have have developed them. Software is more than just the act of writing a piece of code. I view it as the process of understanding a given problem and designing and developing for it a robust and well-performing solution.",
"footnotes": "_* Graduate Mechatronics Engineer (BSc in Engineering in Mechatronics) from the University of Cape Town, Sou
WoodyWoodsta / .hyper.js
Created December 2, 2016 06:16
.hyper.js 20161202
module.exports = {
config: {
// default font size for all tabs
fontSize: 12,
// font family with optional fallbacks
fontFamily: '"Fira Code", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Lucida Console", monospace',
// terminal cursor background color (hex)
cursorColor: 'red',
WoodyWoodsta / .bash_aliases
Last active November 30, 2018 16:13
What I have done to set the Intel Edison up
### Directory
alias ll="ls -lv"
alias lla="ls -alv"
alias glg="git log --pretty='format:%Cgreen%h%Creset %an - %s' --graph"
alias gl="git log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen %cr %an%Creset'"
alias gs="git status"
alias gd="git diff"
# add
alias ga="git add"
2023-06-10T16:57:37Z INFO Using default AutoscalingListener image pull policy {"ImagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"}
2023-06-10T16:57:37Z INFO controller-runtime.metrics Metrics server is starting to listen {"addr": ""}
2023-06-10T16:57:37Z INFO Initializing actions-runner-controller {"version": "v0.27.4", "default-scale-down-delay": "10m0s", "sync-period": "1m0s", "default-runner-image": "summerwind/actions-runner:latest", "default-docker-image": "docker:dind", "default-docker-gid": "1001", "common-runnner-labels": null, "leader-election-enabled": true, "leader-election-id": "actions-runner-controller", "watch-namespace": ""}
2023-06-10T16:57:37Z INFO controller-runtime.builder Registering a mutating webhook {"GVK": ", Kind=Runner", "path": "/mutate-actions-summerwind-dev-v1alpha1-runner"}
2023-06-10T16:57:37Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook Registering webhook {"path": "/mutate-actions-summerwind-dev-v1alpha1-runner"}
2023-06-10T16:57:37Z INFO controller-runtime.bui
2023-06-10 16:59:25.715 NOTICE --- Runner init started with pid 7
2023-06-10 16:59:25.724 DEBUG --- Github endpoint URL
2023-06-10 16:59:28.99 DEBUG --- Passing --ephemeral to to enable the ephemeral runner.
2023-06-10 16:59:28.992 DEBUG --- Configuring the runner.
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