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Created April 8, 2020 18:26
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MySQL / MariaDB bitmap operations on records
create table test(id int, b blob);
insert into test(id, b) select 1, 0x000000;
insert into test(id, b) select 2, 0xffffff;
delimiter //
create function set_bit(b blob, pos int, val int) returns blob reads sql data
comment 'changes the bit at position <pos> (0: right most bit) to <val> in the blob <b>'
declare len int; -- byte length of the blob
declare byte_pos int; -- position of the affected byte (1: left most byte)
declare bit_pos int; -- position within the affected byte (0: right most bit)
declare byte_val int; -- value of the affected byte
set len = length(b);
set byte_pos = len - (pos div 8);
set bit_pos = pos mod 8;
set byte_val = ord(substring(b, byte_pos, 1)); -- read the byte
set byte_val = byte_val & (~(1 << bit_pos)); -- set the bit to 0
set byte_val = byte_val | (val << bit_pos); -- set the bit to <val>
return insert(b, byte_pos, 1, char(byte_val)); -- replace the byte and return
end //
delimiter ;
delimiter //
create function to_base2(b blob) returns text deterministic
declare t text default '';
declare i int default 1;
while (i <= length(b)) do
set t = concat(t, lpad(conv(ord(substring(b,i,1)),10,2),8,0), ' ');
set i = i + 1;
end while;
return trim(t);
end //
delimiter ;
update test set b = set_bit(b, 10, 1);
update test set b = set_bit(b, 11, 0);
select id, hex(b), to_base2(b) from test;
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