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Xodarap / heat.m
Created July 7, 2012 16:26
Heat calculation
function q = heat(mph)
% Given a walking speed in miles per hour, returns the energy given off as heat
% in 30 degree celsius temperature with no wind.
% No simple formula for energy taken by exercise, unfortunately
if mph == 3
exCalPerH = 230;
elseif mph == 4
exCalPerH = 350;
elseif mph == 5
Xodarap / food.r
Last active December 12, 2015 02:29
food things and veg
# Main function. Given the number of new vegetarians (in millions),
# returns the number of people brought into or out of poverty.
changeInPoor = function(milVeg) {
# Demand in the F&P paper was 61 million bushels
# We find the % change in feed demand, and use that with the elasticity
# from F&P to find % change in price
relDemandChange = vegChange(milVeg) / 61
Xodarap / todo.rb
Created June 30, 2014 14:33
Scripts to synchronize Todoist and habitRPG
# Simple script to synchronize Todoist and habitRPG
# only marks complete items in Todoist as complete in habitRPG,
# doesn't synchronize non-complete to do items
# Note: this script uses a temporary file to store the most recent sequence number from
# Todoist. Therefore, it must be stored in a spot where it has write access to a new file,
# and if you move it you'll either need to comment out the body of the loop below or else
# move the file.
# If this is the first time you're running the script, you might want to comment out the
"_id" : ObjectId("55ce337efef5f226a4000010"),
"status" : {
"state" : "error",
"log" : [
"Queued at 2015-08-14 15:09:23 -0400",
"Starting MapReduce",
"The operation: #<Moped::Protocol::Command\n @length=60262\n @request_id=11\n @response_to=0\n @op_code=2004\n @flags=[]\n @full_collection_name=\"he-development-ecw.$cmd\"\n @skip=0\n @limit=-1\n @selector={:mapreduce=>\"records\", :map=>\"function() {\\n var patient = this;\\n var effective_date = 1451520000;\\n var enable_logging = false;\\n var enable_rationale = true;\\n var short_circuit = true;\\n\\n \\n var test_id = null;\\n \\n\\n hqmfjs = {}\\n if (typeof(map)==\\\"undefined\\\") {\\nmap_reduce_utils();\\nhqmf_utils();\\n}\\n\\n\\n hqmfjs.effective_date = effective_date;\\n hqmfjs.test_id = test_id;\\n \\n \\n var patient_api = new hQuery.Patient(patient)
select "CPTItemDetail"."value", "BillingItems"."itemName", "BillingData"."icdcode1", "BillingData"."icdcode2", "BillingData"."icdcode3", "BillingData"."icdcode4", "PATIENT"."hl7Id", "PATIENT_USERS"."ssn", "PATIENT_USERS"."ptDob", case when "PATIENT_USERS"."sex" = '' then 'Unknown' else "PATIENT_USERS"."sex" end , case when "PATIENT"."deceased" = 1 then 'Yes' when "PATIENT"."deceased" = 0 then 'No' else 'UnKnown' end , "CHARGE_ETHNICITY"."Name", "PATIENT"."language", "encBillingData"."date", "ChargeUser___Patient"."ptDob", "PATIENT_USERS"."ufname", "PATIENT_USERS"."uminitial", "PATIENT_USERS"."ulname", "PATIENT_USERS"."uemail", "PATIENT_USERS"."upPhone", "PATIENT_USERS"."upaddress", "PATIENT_USERS"."upcity", "PATIENT_USERS"."upstate", "PATIENT_USERS"."zipcode", "EDI_FACILITIES"."code", "EDI_FACILITIES"."Id", "EDI_FACILITIES"."Name", "EDI_FACILITIES"."startedOn", "APPOINTMENT_DOCTOR"."NPI", "APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER"."uid", "APPOINTMENT_DOCTOR"."TaxID", "APPOINTMENT_DOCTOR"."SpecialityCode", "APPOIN
doctors.NPI AS "Provider NPI",
users.ufname AS "Provider First Name",
users.ulname AS "Provider Last Name"
enc INNER JOIN doctors
ON enc.doctorID = doctors.doctorID
ON doctors.doctorID = users.uid
repository(owner: "sdiehl", name: "write-you-a-haskell") {
pullRequests(first: 100) {
nodes {
participants(first: 5) {
nodes {
import psycopg2
import itertools
import pandas
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def lorenz_curve(X):
X = np.array(X, dtype='int64')
X_lorenz = X.cumsum() / X.sum()
class Rope {
constructor(text) {
this.text = text;
this.size = text.length
insert(text, location) {
let { left, right } = this.splitAt(location)
// Avoid creating empty children
if (right.toStringPretty() == '') right = undefined;