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$(document).ready ->
$('.thing').click (e)->
specialVariable = (some stuff for calculating the variable here)
#function I want to run
SELECT ordered_posts.vote_score as vote_score,(CASE WHEN current_user_subscriptions.user_id IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE '1' END) as user_is_following, ordered_posts.influencer_id, current_user_subscriptions.user_id
FROM (SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY vote_score desc) as ordered_posts
(SELECT * FROM influencer_subscriptions WHERE user_id = 1) AS current_user_subscriptions
ON ordered_posts.influencer_id = current_user_subscriptions.influencer_id
WHERE ordered_posts.community_board = TRUE
GROUP BY influencer_id
ORDER BY user_is_following desc, ordered_posts.created_at desc
$(document).on('click', function(e){
if ($( == $('.learn-more-btn')){
console.log('yo, they're the same element!')
var bulletinApp = angular.module('bulletinApp', ['ngResource']);
bulletinApp.controller('PostsCtrl', ['$scope', 'Post', function($scope, Post){
this.heading = 'Bulletin Board';
this.posts = Post.query();
var PostsCtrl = this;
this.create = function(){
class NumberThing
def return_number
return 12
def test(new_number:true)
if new_number
return_number = 5
irb(main):001:0> module Dog
irb(main):002:1> def bark
irb(main):003:2> puts 'woof'
irb(main):004:2> end
irb(main):005:1> end
=> :bark
irb(main):006:0> module Yanik
irb(main):007:1> include Dog
irb(main):008:1> end
=> Yanik
I'm using the SC api, and I just had a question for you guys!
I'm noticing from the example in the docs that one has to instantiate a player every time one streams a new track:
In my current implementation, I'm invoking the above every time a new track is played (with the new url stream replacing the old)
- is this the intended use, or is there a way of pulling in the next stream without the overhead of reinitializing the player all over again? If not, it seems like I would have to re-attach all my event handlers to the new player instance every time a user clicks to a new track, which
class Range
def oscillate(num_times: 1)
previous_value = nil
num_times.times do |index|
first.upto(last) do |value|
#protect against repeat values, since
#each oscillation directions don't know
#about the other, and will otherwise
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
public static void foo (String string)
How Google works:
Phase 1 - Discovery
Google needs to first discover all the webpages that exists.
In order to discover new webpages, there are two ways Google would generally do this:
1. They work with major web hosts (e.g. GoDaddy, Amazon Web Services, Wix, etc), and get informed of new webpages uploaded to the host by people like you and me.
(if you’ve ever made a website before, to actually put it on the internet you know you’d have to upload it to a host company)
2. Using software programs called “bots”, they scan previously identified webpages (perhaps from step 1) regularly, searching for possible links to new pages.