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Jeremy Schneider YmerejRedienhcs

  • Esri
  • Arlington, Virginia, USA
View GitHub Profile
What’s a (good) bug? My opinions
Definition: A formal means of communication about a perceived problem.
Audience: practically everyone! developer, product manager, project manager, dev manager, testers, test manager, even VP, President depending on company size
Title: brief, to the point, but not too short, but says what’s wrong
bad: “search broken”
good: “searching for items with ampersands results in no search results”
before :updating, :ask_for_deploy_configuration do
ask :branch, ENV['CODE_BRANCH'] || 'master'
ask :revision, ENV['CODE_REVISION'] || %x[git rev-parse --short #{fetch :branch}].strip
set :branch_name, fetch(:branch)
set :branch, fetch(:revision)
rownum,latitude,longitude,quant_val,expected_color,date,zoo animal
1,40,-88,1002,dark_blue,1/1/11 0:00,cheeta
2,40,-87.9,1003,dark_blue,1/2/11 0:00,cheeta
3,40,-87.8,1004,dark_blue,1/3/11 0:00,cheeta
4,40,-87.7,1004,dark_blue,1/4/11 0:00,cheeta
5,40,-87.6,1005,dark_blue,1/5/11 0:00,cheeta
6,40,-87.5,1005,dark_blue,1/6/11 0:00,cheeta
7,40,-87.4,1006,dark_blue,1/7/11 0:00,cheeta
8,40,-87.3,1006,dark_blue,1/8/11 0:00,cheeta
9,40,-87.2,1006,dark_blue,1/9/11 0:00,cheeta

How to report a bug

Please provide the following in your bug report:

  1. Please enter the issue in the composer repository at (click the "New Issue" button to start entering the new issue). If you don't have access, send email to and ask for your GitHub ID to be added to the DC Dev team.

  2. If you can (depends on if you have admin or collaborator access), assign the issue to Jeremy Schneider. He will then add appropriate labels and assign it to the proper developer.

  3. Also if you can, add a label with the priority. To do this, click the gear symbol next to "labels" on the right side of the issue, scroll down, and click one of "Priority: High", "Priority: Medium", or "Priority: Low".

This is a living document that describes our current bug lifecycle process in the Open Data team(s).

When we create a bug issue, we apply the “0 - New” label, apply the label for the component (for example, “Admin UI”, “Composer Server”, "Composer UI”, "Downloads", "Language", etc.), apply a label for priority (“Priority: High”, “Priority: Medium”, or “Priority: Low”), and apply the label “Bug”. The current practice is to assign it to the current milestone.

Bug scrubbing may place the bug into a future milestone, or close it as "won't fix" by adding the label "wontfix", adding a comment saying why, and closing the issue.

The developers sometimes apply the label “1 - In Progress” when they start working on an issue. This is an individual preference. They leave the label “0 - New” label on until the issue has been resolved.

When the developer fixes an issue and submits a pull request to the repository, they remove the “0 - New” label (and the “1 - In Progress” label if they use it) and apply the label

YmerejRedienhcs / Selenium Cheat
Created March 3, 2017 17:43 — forked from kenrett/Selenium Cheat
Selenium Cheat Sheet - Ruby

#Getting Started


    <title>Testing with Ruby and Selenium WebDriver</title>
<body bgcolor="antiquewhite">
# Ways to execute a shell script in Ruby
# Example Script - Joseph Pecoraro
cmd = "echo 'hi'" # Sample string that can be used
# 1. Kernel#` - commonly called backticks - `cmd`
# This is like many other languages, including bash, PHP, and Perl
# Returns the result of the shell command
# Docs: