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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Submitting Changes

Before making any big changes it's best to open a Github issue to discuss the matter, this saves you from potentially spending hours on something that might ultimately be rejected.

To best utilize the limited time I have available there are a few strict choices I have to make when it comes to dealing with changes made by others. These are as following (in no particular order):

  • I will not merge pull requests if there are unresolved problems (e.g. code not following certain guidelines) or test failures related to the changes made.
  • I will not merge pull requests and fix them because an author is not willing to adjust their changes based on feedback given to them (given said feedback stated the need for any changes).
  • I will spend a lot of time reviewing changes and making sure the author receives the best possible feedback so they too can do their part in the best way possible (and hopefully learn from it).

If one disagrees with my feedback they are of course free to discuss this. However, please provide meaningful arguments instead of "I prefer it this way". Oga has certain patterns and guidelines and I expect people to follow them unless they can convince me (again using meaningful arguments) otherwise.

This may seem harsh but history has shown it's needed to write all of this down as otherwise I'll continue trying to explain this until I finally manage to grow a beard.


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