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Yorick Peterse yorickpeterse

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package main
import (
func main() {
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x418efd]
goroutine 16 [running]:
runtime.panic(0x668940, 0x80ae73)
/build/go/src/go-1.3/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:279 +0xf5
main.(*typeConv).Type(0xc20804e160, 0x7f06feab87c8, 0xc208d700c0, 0x53203, 0xc208d2b801)
/build/go/src/go-1.3/src/cmd/cgo/gcc.go:1288 +0x1f2d
main.(*typeConv).Type(0xc20804e160, 0x7f06feab8730, 0xc208d70060, 0x53203, 0x0)
# command-line-arguments
src/sqlgui/main.go:9: syntax error: unexpected semicolon or newline before {
src/sqlgui/main.go:12: non-declaration statement outside function body
src/sqlgui/main.go:14: missing condition in if statement
src/sqlgui/main.go:17: non-declaration statement outside function body
src/sqlgui/main.go:19: non-declaration statement outside function body
src/sqlgui/main.go:21: missing condition in if statement
src/sqlgui/main.go:24: non-declaration statement outside function body
src/sqlgui/main.go:26: non-declaration statement outside function body
src/sqlgui/main.go:28: non-declaration statement outside function body
$ cloc config lib
283 text files.
282 unique files.
1 file ignored. v 1.60 T=0.46 s (615.6 files/s, 48320.3 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Ruby 219 2461 7587 10389
require 'httpclient'
require 'json'
repos = []
days = %w{Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday}
times = do |hash, key|
hash[key] = { |h, k| h[k] = 0 }
Angular/JS/HTML/CSS Push It Forward http://www.
You'll get: - Competitive comp and equity * Sunny San Francisco location 352 yards / 3 minutes later.
Collins, to be nothing more to say, that there is no 'black hole' here.
Dream up and down the ticket, and we are a former Google exec, and Ben Dilts, our CTO.
Android-only to temporarily disable distracting apps.
Arbor, MI – nutshell.
Symfony / Silex - JSON, XML - Google Closure, Python, AngularJS, Javascript, TypeScript, NodeJS, go, Ansible, Docker or LXCs - Experience with a desire to complement the backend of our codebase, so you
UX person AND a Front End Engineer CoreSpring.
Wizard Bazaarvoice Austin, San Antonio or San Antonio, who want to work on cross-functional product teams to build the web.
Ruby and/or Rails, JavaScript, and CSS.
Calculating -------------------------------------
Ox 1 i/100ms
Nokogiri 1 i/100ms
Oga 1 i/100ms
REXML 1 i/100ms
Ox 8.3 (±36.2%) i/s - 33 in 5.634501s
Nokogiri 5.8 (±17.3%) i/s - 29 in 5.057248s
Oga 0.3 (±0.0%) i/s - 2 in 6.983573s
REXML 0.1 (±0.0%) i/s - 1 in 10.576113s
Calculating -------------------------------------
Ox 16741 i/100ms
Nokogiri 4248 i/100ms
Oga 975 i/100ms
Oga cached 2557 i/100ms
REXML 1069 i/100ms
Ox 214047.0 (±1.6%) i/s - 1071424 in 5.006828s
Nokogiri 46610.0 (±7.7%) i/s - 233640 in 5.040502s
Oga 9946.5 (±1.3%) i/s - 49725 in 5.000172s
one = 'AGG'
dist = 0
one.each_char.with_index do |char, index|
dist += 1 if two[index] != char
puts dist
yorickpeterse / alloc.stp
Created November 6, 2014 10:51
Allocation tracking in Rubinius using dtrace/Systemtap. This is still an experiment and might never actually make it into a release.
global allocations
probe process("rbx").mark("object__allocate")
klass = user_string($arg1)
allocations[klass] <<< 1
probe end