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Yourname942 / recipe conflicts 11:35am 5_3_20
Created May 3, 2020 15:35
recipe conflicts 11:35am 5_3_20
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Current loaders after merging: [[preinit]]
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Loading scripts for loader with names [preinit]
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: LootTableTweaker\lootTableModifications.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: main.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: recipeConflictFixes.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: recipesAdded.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Completed script loading in: 1ms
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] CraftTweaker: Building registry
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] CraftTweaker: Successfully built i
Yourname942 / recipe conflicts 12:10pm 5_3_20
Created May 3, 2020 16:10
recipe conflicts 12:10pm 5_3_20
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Current loaders after merging: [[preinit]]
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Loading scripts for loader with names [preinit]
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: LootTableTweaker\lootTableModifications.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: main.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: recipeConflictFixes.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] [preinit | SIDE_CLIENT]: Skipping file {[0:crafttweaker]: recipesAdded.zs} as we are currently loading with a different loader
[PREINITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Completed script loading in: 2ms
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] CraftTweaker: Building registry
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] CraftTweaker: Successfully built i
Yourname942 / recipeConflictFixes.zs 1:03pm_5_6_20
Created May 6, 2020 17:03
recipeConflictFixes.zs 1:03pm_5_6_20
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
//ringIron bountiful baubles
recipes.removeShaped(<bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[null, <ore:ingotIron>, null], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [null, <ore:ingotIron>, null]]);
recipes.addShaped("bountifulbaubles_ringiron", <bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>]]);
// stone gear ender io
// stone gear ex nihilo creatio
Yourname942 / crafttweaker log 1:17pm_5_6_20
Created May 6, 2020 17:17
crafttweaker log 1:17pm_5_6_20
[PREINITIALIZATION][SERVER][INFO] Thank you to the Patreon supporters below and others who make CraftTweaker possible!
Dan Goodman
Pongo Sapiens
Diablo Crasher
Jonathan McManus
Yourname942 / crafttweaker log 11:57am_5_7_20
Created May 7, 2020 15:57
crafttweaker log 11:57am_5_7_20
[PREINITIALIZATION][SERVER][INFO] Thank you to the Patreon supporters below and others who make CraftTweaker possible!
Jonathan McManus
Pongo Sapiens
Dan Goodman
Diablo Crasher
Yourname942 / recipeConflictFixes.zs 11:57am_5_7_20
Created May 7, 2020 15:59
recipeConflictFixes.zs 11:57am_5_7_20
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
//ringIron bountiful baubles
recipes.removeShaped(<bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[null, <ore:ingotIron>, null], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [null, <ore:ingotIron>, null]]);
recipes.addShaped("bountifulbaubles_ringiron", <bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>]]);
// stone gear ender io
// stone gear ex nihilo creatio
Yourname942 / crafttweaker log 4:36pm_5_7_20
Created May 7, 2020 20:37
crafttweaker log 4:36pm_5_7_20
[PREINITIALIZATION][SERVER][INFO] Thank you to the Patreon supporters below and others who make CraftTweaker possible!
Pongo Sapiens
Diablo Crasher
Dan Goodman
Jonathan McManus
Yourname942 / recipeConflictFixes.zs 4:37pm_5_7_20
Created May 7, 2020 20:38
recipeConflictFixes.zs 4:37pm_5_7_20
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
//ringIron bountiful baubles
recipes.removeShaped(<bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[null, <ore:ingotIron>, null], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [null, <ore:ingotIron>, null]]);
recipes.addShaped("bountifulbaubles_ringiron", <bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>]]);
// stone gear ender io
// stone gear ex nihilo creatio
Yourname942 / crafttweaker log 9:51am_5_9_20
Created May 9, 2020 13:51
crafttweaker log 9:51am_5_9_20
[PREINITIALIZATION][SERVER][INFO] Thank you to the Patreon supporters below and others who make CraftTweaker possible!
Pongo Sapiens
Diablo Crasher
Jonathan McManus
Yourname942 / recipeConflictFixes.zs 9:51am_5_9_20
Created May 9, 2020 13:52
recipeConflictFixes.zs 9:51am_5_9_20
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
//ringIron bountiful baubles
recipes.removeShaped(<bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[null, <ore:ingotIron>, null], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [null, <ore:ingotIron>, null]]);
recipes.addShaped("bountifulbaubles_ringiron", <bountifulbaubles:ringiron>, [[<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>], [<ore:ingotIron>, null, <ore:ingotIron>], [<minecraft:iron_nugget>, <ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:iron_nugget>]]);
// stone gear ender io
// stone gear ex nihilo creatio