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error: Couldn't load game path '.'
Godot Engine v2.1.stable.official (c) 2008-2016 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.
Usage: ./yanmcbaba [options] [scene]
-path [dir] : Path to a game, containing engine.cfg
-test [test] : Run a test.
(string, containers, math, render, particles, multimesh, gui, io, shaderlang, physics)
-r WIDTHxHEIGHT : Request Window Resolution
-p XxY : Request Window Position
-f : Request Fullscreen
Zarkonnen / rant.txt
Last active September 1, 2016 17:00
No, the threat model is the police
I just re-read James Mickens' This World of Ours, where he states that there's really only two threat models in computer security: organized criminals who want to steal your identity, who are defeated by basic security principles, and some uber-scary national security agency against which there is no real defence.
While I find the article amusing, I don't agree. Let's be honest here: the real threat model for "strong" security is the police.
Let's say I'm engaged in some left-wing, but not particularly fringe or violent kind of activism. I'm for nuclear disarmament, for civil rights, or against police violence, or international trade treaties. My buddies and I organize protests, distribute pamphlets, and try the occasional publicity stunt. Nothing dangerous, nothing crazy.
The police decides that my activities are grave threat to national security, taps my phone line, reads my email. It inserts spies into my organizations who proceed to sexually assault everyone within r
Process: JavaAppLauncher [1367]
Path: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/
Identifier: com.zarkonnen.airships
Version: 1.0 (1)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: JavaAppLauncher [1367]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2016-08-29 16:25:39.709 +0100

Medical Hypotheses, September 2018

You may have heard of "empty nose syndrome", a medical condition that has seen a lot of recent press attention, owing to its strange nature and wildfire spread. You may also have heard of "turbinates", the intricate structures in the human nose connected to the syndrome.

The first, isolated reports of the condition were all of patients that had undergone surgery to remove parts of their turbinates to improve airflow in the nose. Chronic inflammation of the turbinates, often combined with a deviated septum, made it hard or impossible for them to breathe normally.

In most patients, the operation successfully improved their ability to breathe. But a small minority reported a sensation of stillness, of emptiness in their nose. They could no longer tell if they were breathing, and they felt that they were suffocating.

At the time, these scattered complaints were not taken seriously by the medical establishment. And so, those afflicted soon found each other through the Interne

Zarkonnen /
Created January 6, 2016 14:06
Ludicious Unconference Harassment Policy

Ludicious Unconference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Talks and discussions relating to sexual topics need to be clearly marked as such. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers.

The unconference is a small and informal event, but priority will be given to ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion.
  • Sexual images in public spaces
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
  • Harassing photography or recording
  • Sustained d
Zarkonnen /
Created October 17, 2015 15:10
3rd negative QoS review

Позитивных отзывов в Steam уйма, только вот люди там в большинстве отыграли 1 час, а то и меньше. Что же тогда такого позитивного тут? А ничего! Предельное разрешение экрана где-то 1000х800, а геймплей ничем не отличается от Supaplex, в который можно сыграть бесплатно в браузере. Эта игра сделана для пиксельных наркоманов и любителей пустить слезу по старым денькам (ностальгирующие наркоманы). Сама же по себе дешевка и пустышка в сравнении с современными стандартами и мерками. Банальный геймплей, минимум разнообразия. Quaries of Scred будто попала к нам из прошлого, где-то из 90-ых годов. Хорошо ли это? Отнюдь. Вы можете легко установить эмулятор спектрума и переиграть сотни, а то и тысячи подобных проектов. За что тут платить $4 — не понятно. Взял в бандле, а так покупать не рекомендую.

Google translate:

Positive reviews on Steam a lot, but that's where most people have played for 1 hour, or even less. What, then, this positive here? Nothing! Limit screen resolution somewhere 1000h800, and the gameplay doe

Zarkonnen /
Last active October 12, 2015 20:53
v 73

The main reason why I waited until now with a tutorial is that I wanted to wait for the gameplay to crystallize and stop changing heavily. In previous projects, I added a tutorial early on and found myself having to rewrite it multiple times as the game changed. This was an immensely motivation-sapping task I wanted to avoid.

I've also had the luxury of doing without a tutorial because a large proportion of new players have come to the game via YouTube videos of it being played. This meant that they already knew how to play the game. Others simply liked the challenge of figuring things out.

But as we near the end of Airships' development - two more major interim version before the final release - making the game more broadly accessible becomes ever more important. Right now, the game can be accurately described as a niche hit. It's had modest but steady sales that are just about enough to support me, but not yet pay back the effort invested. And it's had a very positive reception within its audience - the S

Zarkonnen /
Created September 16, 2015 08:24
Airships IndieCade Feedback

Entry: Airships: Conquer the Skies

It feels good to experiment with different ship types and different approaches to combat. The campaign doesn't feel especially deep; it's unclear if this is supposed to be the meat of the game, or if multiplayer is where you're supposed to focus your efforts.

A more guided or gated introduction to the game would be good. The main menu contains a big mess of options, and without some guidance, it's easy to go the wrong way, get lost wandering through shipbuilding or networking menus, and get confused about how to get into the basics of the game.

I think the major issue is that there's really no indication of what you can do. I didn't realize buildings could be captured until I saw the AI do it. Otherwise, a fun little game, that is deceptively tactical

The systems here are clearly complex, nuanced, and could be a lot of fun. However, I found it very difficult to get at that fun. I tried playing a new game, but found building a ship from scratch to be too demandi

Large Monsters


  • Fly
  • Short-range fire attack that needs recharging
  • Maybe melee claw attack?
  • Light armour vs pen, hv vs blast
  • Agile: +50% evasion
  • Strategy: Evade attacks, then close in with rifles/cannon

Giant Owls

DLC vs Expansions

Recently, when ideas for major new features for Airships have cropped up, I've taken to saying "that's a good idea for an expansion". Understandably, this has got some people concerned that the game's going to down the route of endless DLC.

I want to address those concerns here and describe what I mean by expansions as opposed to DLC.

An expansion is a significant addition to gameplay. It requires major additions to the game's programming. It's developed after the release of the game, and the game should be able to stand on its own without it. So when you buy a game, you pay for the work done on that game. When you then buy an expansion, you pay for the additional work that's gone into the expansion.

A good recent example would be Don't Starve's Reign of the Giants, which is a $5 expansion to a $15 game. Or a classic example would be Starcraft's Brood War expansion.