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Feature: PA Create Event Images Page tabs
Scenario Outline: Event detail page tabs order
Given I have event detail for the event "<event-id>"
When I navigate to the images tab at url "/create/events/<event-id>/images"
Then the menu tabs will be displayed
And the menu tabs will display in the order
| Summary |
Feature: PA Create Event Images Page
Scenario: User can initially view 12 images linked to the event
Given I have pictures for the event "paevent:showbiz-oscars"
When I navigate to the images tab at url "/create/events/paevent:showbiz-oscars/images"
Then the images view displays 12 images
And the images are listed in published time descending order
Scenario: Verify first image and it's published time
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"firstcreated": {
"gte": "13/02/2018",
"lte": "13/07/2018",
"format": "dd/MM/yyyy"
"query": {
"terms": {
"profile": [
Feature: PA Create Latest Images Page - Latest Images Page
Scenario: Verify Latest Images page has infinite scroll
Given I navigate to the images tab at url "/create/images"
And the images view displays 30 images
And I scroll down
And the images view displays 44 images
Scenario: Verify images are displayed correctly
Feature: PA Create Event Sidebars Page
Scenario: Event Sidebars Page
Given I have sidebars for the event "paevent:showbiz-oscars"
When I navigate to the sidebars tab at url "/create/events/paevent:showbiz-oscars/sidebars"
Then the 1st sidebar on the sidebar tab will link to "/create/events/paevent:showbiz-oscars-reaction"
And the sidebar item displays the published time
And the sidebar item displays the first topic
"uri": "science-hawking-picture-2",
"type": "picture",
"profile": "asset",
"version": "1",
"firstcreated": "2018-01-23T19:13:43Z",
"versioncreated": "2018-01-23T19:13:43Z",
"pubstatus": "usable",
"urgency": 6,
"language": "en",
"uri": "showbiz-oscars-party-picture-1",
"type": "picture",
"profile": "asset",
"version": "1",
"firstcreated": "2018-01-23T19:13:43Z",
"versioncreated": "2018-01-23T19:13:43Z",
"pubstatus": "usable",
"urgency": 6,
"language": "en",
Feature: PA Create Dashboard - left hand navigation menu
Scenario: User should be able to access a navigation menu found on the left of PA Create dashboard
Given I navigate to the dashboard at url "/create"
And I have the left hand navigation menu
Then the navigation menu should display items in the correct order and with correct links:
| name | links |
| Schedules | /create/schedules |
| Latest Images | /create/images |
"uri": "science-hawking-2",
"type": "composite",
"profile": "story",
"version": "1",
"firstcreated": "2018-03-15T17:26:37Z",
"versioncreated": "2018-03-15T17:26:37Z",
"embargoed": "3018-03-15T17:26:37Z",
"pubstatus": "usable",
"urgency": 6,