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Ryan R Zodzie

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17:05] <@CoraGames> [RS3] Peanuts, you have 1.3b (1,300,000,000 available) in your account.
[17:05] * Peanuts is now known as JonAward
[17:05] <flman> l0l
[17:05] <flman> JonAward:
[17:05] <JonAward> .
[17:05] <flman> u gonna set up some machines
[17:05] <flman> or something
[17:06] <JonAward> no
[17:06] <Lexi>
[17:06] <Lexi> gg
[00:15] <Concept> D:
[00:15] <Dreadlocks> .credits transfer VP0 200m
[00:15] <@CoraGames> Dreadlocks, you have successfully given VP0 200m.
[00:15] <ilovejojo> .jackpot
[00:15] <@CoraGames> [RS3] The jackpot is currently 376.07k/700k.
[00:15] <%VP0> !bj deal 200k
[00:15] <@CoraGames> [RS3] VP0 just started a blackjack game risking 200k!
[00:18] <Dreadlocks> .credits cancel
[19:00:58 INFO]: <AgileAK> thats bad money i guess
[19:01:06 INFO]: <Flauzzy> what is? a vegetable farm?
[19:01:15 INFO]: <AgileAK> yh?
[19:01:15 INFO]: waddlester issued server command: /home
[19:01:18 INFO]: waddlester issued server command: /home
[19:01:28 INFO]: waddlester issued server command: /spawn
[19:01:29 INFO]: <Flauzzy> nah, i get 1702k for a full inventory of wheat, carrots, and potatoes
[19:01:35 INFO]: waddlester issued server command: /spawn
[19:01:37 INFO]: <AgileAK> lol for real
[19:01:42 INFO]: <Flauzzy> yup
[20:32] Xodz so funny that jonaward banned from forum lol
[20:32] Genny really? by who
[20:32] Xodz Andy
[20:32] Xodz he has been banned for almost 2 days from forum
[20:32] Genny LOL
[20:33] Genny GG
[20:33] Xodz u saw his posts? where he was like fuck you ltu,
[20:33] Xodz etc
[20:33] Genny nop
[20:33] Xodz that kid is so dumb... he deranked himself
public void rehabPlayer(Player player, String name)
if ((this.spawntp) &&
(this.loginLocations.containsKey(name))) {
Location fixedLocation = (Location)this.loginLocations.remove(name);
fixedLocation.add(0.0D, 0.2D, 0.0D);
[19:55:33 INFO]: <pvm_combater> did u find a village/
[19:55:34 INFO]: <Flauzzy> okay :/
[19:55:35 INFO]: Flauzzy issued server command: /home
[19:55:36 INFO]: <Flauzzy> yeah
[19:55:51 INFO]: <pvm_combater> where?
[19:56:03 INFO]: <Flauzzy> some where! :D
[19:56:10 INFO]: <pvm_combater> come on tell me the biome?
[19:56:19 INFO]: <pvm_combater> sand?
[19:56:25 INFO]: <pvm_combater> I spent 5 hours trying to find one
[19:56:26 INFO]: <pvm_combater> w
CoraGames [RS07] Paul, you have 4.5m (4,500,000 available) in your account. You owe the house 1,477,623.
[22:39] CoraExchanger !credits transfer Follyhall 782000
[22:39] CoraGames CoraExchanger, you have successfully given Follyhall 782k.
[22:39] Follyhall !credits
[22:39] CoraGames [RS3] Follyhall, you have 783.5k (783,500 available) in your account.
[22:39] Follyhall !bj
[22:39] =-= DuhYellowAzn is now known as DuhYellowAzn|afk
[22:39] sloppy !bj deal amount
[22:39] CoraGames Sorry sloppy, amount is not a valid amount (value[kmb])!
[22:39] -->| wizziidizzii (Mibbit@99C9B0AD.D948F1F9.1EE81F89.IP) has joined #coradyce
info: Mon Jun 29 2015 15:29:41 GMT+0000 (GMT) Request: /reCaptCha
throw err
SyntaxError: Unexpected token u
at Object.parse (native)
at Request._callback (/var/www/html/game/Node_Dice/app/faucet.js:18:15)
at self.callback (/var/www/html/game/Node_Dice/node_modules/request/request.js:197:22)
at Request.emit (events.js:95:17)
[07:02] <@Zodz> .credits transfer [CP]iMerk 2.5m
[07:02] <@CoraGames> [RS07] Sorry Zodz, [CP]iMerk does not have an account.
[07:02] <@Zodz> .credits transfer [CP]iMerk` 2.5m
[07:02] <@CoraGames> [RS07] Sorry Zodz, [CP]iMerk` does not have an account.
[07:02] <ruintyras> .bj deal 15m
[07:02] <@CoraGames> [RS3] ruintyras just started a blackjack game risking 15m!
[07:02] <ruintyras> .bj hit
[07:02] <ruintyras> .bj stand
[07:02] <@CoraGames> Dealer had C 10, C 6, C 6, totaling 22.
[07:02] <@CoraGames> ruintyras had D 4, H 6, S 4, totaling 14.
[12:33] <castodin> Zodz i had a issue i sold on mc and forgot to check if cora ex was there
[12:33] <%RSSEAN> wrong one
[12:33] <@Zodz> ok castodin
[12:33] <@Zodz> i can check that