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I may be slow to respond.

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono

I may be slow to respond.
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Zorono / Makefile
Created September 23, 2024 16:29 — forked from alwynallan/Makefile
Hardware PWM Controller for the Raspberry Pi 4 Case Fan
CC = gcc
RM = rm -f
LIBS = -lbcm2835 -lprom -lpromhttp -lmicrohttpd
CFLAGS = -Wall
Zorono /
Created November 16, 2023 19:46 — forked from patillacode/
# cap - capture your screen
# This script allows you to capture your screen on Linux or macOS systems using
# the appropriate tools available on each platform. On Linux, it uses 'slop'
# and 'ffmpeg', while on macOS, it utilizes 'screencapture'. The script prompts
# you to select a desktop area for recording and saves the recording as an MP4/MOV
# file with customizable video quality.
Zorono / access.lua
Created November 5, 2023 07:16 — forked from mariocesar/access.lua
Nginx Lua script redis based for Basic user authentication
function password_encode(password)
local bcrypt = require 'bcrypt'
return bcrypt.digest(password, 12)
function check_password(password, encoded_password)
local bcrypt = require 'bcrypt'
return bcrypt.verify(password, encoded_password)
Zorono /
Created November 5, 2023 03:45 — forked from mtigas/
HTTPS / SSL certificate config stuff

Normal SSL cert

export DATE=`date +"%Y%m"`
export SITENAME="mike_tig_as"

# Generate private key, make it have no password.
# change to 2048 if you want compatibility with CDNs / aws cloudfront / load balancers, etc
openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:xxxx -out "${KEYNAME}.pass.key" 4096
openssl rsa -passin pass:xxxx -in ${KEYNAME}.pass.key -out ${KEYNAME}.key
Zorono /
Created November 5, 2023 03:40 — forked from alexishida/
Tutorial to configure Nginx client-side SSL certificates.

Client-side SSL

For excessively paranoid client authentication.


Convert SSL certificate from CRT format to PEM

openssl x509 -in server.crt -out server.der -outform DER
openssl x509 -in server.der -inform DER -out server.pem -outform PEM
Zorono / gist:6c6f6ba40ec35194dd0f9366d12524b5
Created November 5, 2023 03:39 — forked from mtigas/gist:952344
Mini tutorial for configuring client-side SSL certificates.

Client-side SSL

For excessively paranoid client authentication.

Updated Apr 5 2019:

because this is a gist from 2011 that people stumble into and maybe you should AES instead of 3DES in the year of our lord 2019.

some other notes:

Zorono /
Created March 2, 2021 20:44
Associating an in-game playerid with a Discord account

Associating an in-game player with a Discord account


  • Want to have a Discord user be able to enter commands to a bot and have actions impact their account in-game or not.
  • Want an in-game user to be able to enter commands and have a bot "carry those over" to Discord
  • Want to have the bot be able to access players' information


  1. Discord user enters /mystats and bot replies with info about their money, score, etc, and whether they're currently connected or not.
  2. Player "John12" enters command '!dsay hello discord' and bot sends that message on a discord channel
Zorono / clean-junk
Last active March 19, 2023 23:35
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ ! $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: You're not running as root!"
exit 1
echo "Clearing snapd Cache..."
rm -rvf /var/lib/snapd/cache/**
Zorono / curl_example.cpp
Created January 15, 2023 23:08 — forked from alghanmi/curl_example.cpp
cURL C++ Example
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <curl/curl.h>
static size_t WriteCallback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
((std::string*)userp)->append((char*)contents, size * nmemb);
return size * nmemb;
Zorono /
Created December 3, 2022 17:21
List of things for hardening Ubuntu

System Updates

Keeping the system updated is vital before starting anything on your system. This will prevent people to use known vulnerabilities to enter in your system.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean