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Last active March 2, 2017 20:31
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Sending SMS from your own local Gateway

Used with old android phone with second SIM card and you can send it from your quota.

  1. Install SMS Gateway Ultimate from google play
  2. Setup server on android phone (username,password,port,protocol,port)
  3. Start the server on android phone and press info where you will get local ip
  4. Phone and raspberry pi must be on the same network or correct routes must be used or router forwarding must be applied
  5. Change variables to yours specifications in function SMS parameters
  6. In httprequest node enter username and password
  7. Modify inject field to respond to your need

Things to do! Create a node that passes recipient and message so it can be used as subflow. If someone please post it. I still learn so it will take a while :)

[{"id":"cf53449d.984cc8","type":"inject","z":"1f324765.e0bfd9","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":190,"y":178,"wires":[["9dcf4dd2.f8054"]]},{"id":"9dcf4dd2.f8054","type":"function","z":"1f324765.e0bfd9","name":"SMS paramters edit","func":"msg.method =\"GET\";\nmsg.payload=\"\";\n//use http or https depends how server is configured\nvar protocol = \"http\";\nvar username = \"username\";//enter username \nvar password = \"password\";//enter password\nvar ip = \"XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX\";//enter ip address\nvar port = \"port\";//enter port\nvar recipient = \"EnterSmsBody\";\nvar message = \"myfirstsms\";\nvar myurl = protocol+\"://\"+username+\":\"+password+\"@\"+ip+\":\"+port+\"/send.html?smsto=\"+recipient+\"&smsbody=\"+message;\nmsg.url=myurl;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":447,"y":178,"wires":[["9874ce12.2724"]]},{"id":"c2ea0b92.0cb3a8","type":"comment","z":"1f324765.e0bfd9","name":"Instructions","info":"1. Install SMS Gateway Ultimate from google play\n2. Setup server on android phone (username,password,port,protocol,port)\n3. Start the server on android phone and press info where you will get local ip \n4. Phone and raspberry pi must be on the same network or correct routes must be used or router \nforwarding must be applied\n5. Change variables to yours specifications in function SMS parameters\n6. In httprequest node enter username and password\n7. Modify inject field to respond to your need\n","x":504,"y":114,"wires":[]},{"id":"9874ce12.2724","type":"http request","z":"1f324765.e0bfd9","name":"","method":"use","ret":"txt","url":"","tls":"","x":722,"y":178,"wires":[[]]}]
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