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xLite/ Secret

Last active December 11, 2015 17:28
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Save xLite/a05b932023862abe3091 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package com.sivicity.assets
import com.greensock.loading.display.ContentDisplay;
import com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import org.villekoskela.utils.RectanglePacker;
import starling.core.Starling;
import starling.display.Image;
import starling.textures.RenderTexture;
import starling.textures.Texture;
import starling.textures.TextureAtlas;
public class Assets
private static var _initialised:Boolean = false;
private static var _mouseMap:Bitmap;
private static var _renderTextureAtlases:Dictionary;
private static var _textureAtlases:Dictionary;
/* helper objects */
private static var _blankTexture:Texture;
public static function addTextureAtlas(name:String, texture:Texture, atlasXML:XML):void
if (!_initialised) throw new Error("Assets class not initialised.");
_textureAtlases[name] = new TextureAtlas(texture, atlasXML);
private static function _buildTextureAtlases():void
Assets.addTextureAtlas("atlas1", Texture.fromBitmap(ContentDisplay(LoaderMax.getContent("atlas1PNG")).rawContent as Bitmap), LoaderMax.getContent("atlas1XML") as XML);
Assets.addTextureAtlas("human", Texture.fromBitmap(ContentDisplay(LoaderMax.getContent("humanPNG")).rawContent as Bitmap), LoaderMax.getContent("humanXML") as XML);
public static function generateTextureAtlas(folder:String):void
if (!_initialised) throw new Error("Assets class not initialised.");
if (_renderTextureAtlases[folder] != null)
(_renderTextureAtlases[folder] as TextureAtlas).dispose();
var i:int;
var image:Image = new Image(_blankTexture);
var itemName:String;
var itemNames:Vector.<String> = Assets.getNames(folder + "/");
var itemsTexture:RenderTexture;
var itemTexture:Texture;
var itemTextures:Vector.<Texture> = Assets.getTextures(folder + "/");
var noOfRectangles:int;
var rect:Rectangle;
var rectanglePacker:RectanglePacker = new RectanglePacker();
var texture:Texture;
noOfRectangles = itemTextures.length;
if (noOfRectangles == 0)
for (i = 0; i < noOfRectangles; i++)
rectanglePacker.insertRectangle(Math.round(itemTextures[i].width), Math.round(itemTextures[i].height), i);
if (rectanglePacker.rectangleCount != noOfRectangles)
throw new Error("Only " + rectanglePacker.rectangleCount + " out of " + noOfRectangles + " rectangles packed for folder: " + folder);
itemsTexture = new RenderTexture(rectanglePacker.width, rectanglePacker.height);
for (i = 0; i < noOfRectangles; i++)
itemTexture = itemTextures[rectanglePacker.getRectangleId(i)];
rect = rectanglePacker.getRectangle(i, rect);
image.texture = itemTexture;
image.x = rect.x + itemTexture.frame.x;
image.y = rect.y + itemTexture.frame.y;
_renderTextureAtlases[folder] = new TextureAtlas(itemsTexture);
for (i = 0; i < noOfRectangles; i++)
itemName = itemNames[rectanglePacker.getRectangleId(i)];
itemTexture = itemTextures[rectanglePacker.getRectangleId(i)];
rect = rectanglePacker.getRectangle(i);
(_renderTextureAtlases[folder] as TextureAtlas).addRegion(itemName, rect, itemTexture.frame);
private static function _generateTextureAtlases():void
public static function getNames(prefix:String, result:Vector.<String> = null):Vector.<String>
if (!_initialised) throw new Error("Assets class not initialised.");
result = (result != null) ? result : new Vector.<String>;
for (var key:String in _textureAtlases)
result = (_textureAtlases[key] as TextureAtlas).getNames(prefix, result);
return result;
public static function getTexture(name:String, folder:String = null):Texture
if (!_initialised) throw new Error("Assets class not initialised.");
if (folder != null)
return (_renderTextureAtlases[folder] != null) ? (_renderTextureAtlases[folder] as TextureAtlas).getTexture(folder + "/" + name) : null;
var texture:Texture;
for (var key:String in _textureAtlases)
if ((texture = (_textureAtlases[key] as TextureAtlas).getTexture(name)) != null)
return texture;
return null;
public static function getTextures(prefix:String, result:Vector.<Texture> = null):Vector.<Texture>
if (!_initialised) throw new Error("Assets class not initialised.");
result = (result != null) ? result : new Vector.<Texture>;
for each (var name:String in Assets.getNames(prefix))
return result;
public static function init():void
_initialised = true;
_blankTexture = Texture.empty(1, 1);
_mouseMap = ContentDisplay(LoaderMax.getContent("mouseMap")).rawContent as Bitmap;
_renderTextureAtlases = new Dictionary();
_textureAtlases = new Dictionary();
Starling.current.stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, _onContext3DCreateHandler);
public static function get mouseMap():Bitmap
if (!_initialised) throw new Error("Assets class not initialised.");
return _mouseMap;
public static function removeTextureAtlas(name:String):void
if (!_initialised) throw new Error("Assets class not initialised.");
if (_textureAtlases[name] != null)
(_textureAtlases[name] as TextureAtlas).dispose();
delete _textureAtlases[name];
private static function _onContext3DCreateHandler(e:Object):void
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