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Last active May 25, 2024 10:20
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ZIO learning - application configuration revisited / published by #bfdc2ecc-d046-48fd-9686-8dbe40ee02cc/43d9c61dcc59b8fd2936f6f25e7c5cdf54249c6e
// summary : ZIO learning - application configuration revisited
// keywords : scala, zio, learning, pure-functional, kebacase, typesafeconfig, config, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : bfdc2ecc-d046-48fd-9686-8dbe40ee02cc
// created-on : 2021-03-29T19:16:09Z
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio:2.0.13"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio-config:4.0.0-RC14"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio-config-typesafe:4.0.0-RC14"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio-config-magnolia:4.0.0-RC14"
// ---------------------
import zio.*
import zio.config.*
import zio.config.typesafe.*
import zio.config.magnolia.*
case class Truc(
name: String,
myParam: Int,
bidule: Option[Double]
case class MyConfig(
truc: Truc
object Encapsulated extends ZIOAppDefault {
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val hoconConfigSource =
input = s"""truc {
| name = blah
| my-param = 42
|// bidule = 42.0
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val config = for {
config <- hoconConfigSource.load(deriveConfig[MyConfig].mapKey(toKebabCase)) // read(descriptor[MyConfig].mapKey(toKebabCase) from hoconConfigSource)
} yield config
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val logic = for {
config <- ZIO.service[MyConfig]
_ <- Console.printLine( + " " + config.truc.myParam + " " + config.truc.bidule)
} yield ()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val configLayer = ZLayer.fromZIO(config)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
override def run = {
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