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<!- 2. Audio Hijack | 音频转换输出 ->

  1. OBS
  2. Soundflower | 虚拟声道


Audio MIDI Setting>create multi output

sudo ifconfig en0 ether 6e:77:05:cc:99:bb
DESCRIBE table_name;

stackoverflow e.g.gcc -O3 and the gcc optimiser found that some of your variables were redundant in some way that allowed them to be optimised away.

e.g.gcc -O0 Compile with optimisation disabled, if you want to see such variables (this is generally a good idea for debug builds in any case).
a1exlism /
Last active March 28, 2018 08:06
Vim Shortcuts
Description shortcuts Details
Go to the Header H in Screen
Go to the Middle M
Go to the Lower L
select v Selection
select row(s) SHIFT + v
select blocks (columns) CTRL + v
search for word under cursor * Pretty Good
split screen horizontally :split Split Screens
a1exlism / window.storage_usage.js
Created March 28, 2018 02:34
sessionStorage and localStorage
// Refer Link:
const STATE = `sessionStorage and localStorage are both window object's inner properties`;
function checkStorage(type) {
let storage = window[type];
let x = '__storage_test__';
try {
storage.setItem(x, x);
return true;
// core function
// factory usage
let ul = document.querySelector('ul');
ul.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if( === 'LI') {
function f(){
return this.a;
var a = {a: 'foo'};
var b = {a: 'bar'};
var x = f.bind(a);
var y = x.bind(b);
// bind 只能绑定一次, 可重复绑定