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set nat destination rule 101 destination port '500'
set nat destination rule 101 inbound-interface 'eth0'
set nat destination rule 101 protocol 'udp'
set nat destination rule 101 translation address ''
set nat destination rule 102 destination port '4500'
set nat destination rule 102 inbound-interface 'eth0'
set nat destination rule 102 protocol 'udp'
set nat destination rule 102 translation address ''
set nat destination rule 103 destination port '1194'
set nat destination rule 103 inbound-interface 'eth0'
## this is all-in-one install on localhost .. so being root# from start
# apt-get update
# apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev gcc libssl-dev python-selinux python-setuptools
## using virtualenv to setup the environment
apt-get install python-virtualenv
virtualenv kolla-setup
cd kolla-setup
(kolla-setup) root@aio1:/home/sd/kolla-setup# kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one bootstrap-servers
Bootstrapping servers : ansible-playbook -i ./all-in-one -e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @/etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e C
ONFIG_DIR=/etc/kolla -e kolla_action=bootstrap-servers /home/sd/kolla-setup/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/kolla-host.y
[DEPRECATION WARNING]: The TRANSFORM_INVALID_GROUP_CHARS settings is set to allow bad characters in group names by
default, this will change, but still be user configurable on deprecation. This feature will be removed in version
2.10. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
[WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details
root@noc:/srv/zabbix-docker# docker-compose up zabbix-server
WARNING: Some services (zabbix-agent, zabbix-java-gateway, zabbix-proxy-mysql, zabbix-proxy-sqlite3, zabbix-server, zabbix-snmptraps, zabbix-web-apache-mysql, zabbix-web-nginx-mysql) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use `docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm.
Pulling zabbix-server (zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:ubuntu-5.0-latest)...
ubuntu-5.0-latest: Pulling from zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql
23884877105a: Already exists
bc38caa0f5b9: Already exists
2910811b6c42: Already exists
36505266dcc6: Already exists
4ff5cb6fd948: Pull complete
sd@aio1:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release
A. Install dependencies
sd@aio1:~$ sudo apt-get update
TASK [nova : Create cell0 mappings] **************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost -> localhost]
TASK [nova : include_tasks] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [Bootstrap upgrade] *************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]