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Created August 12, 2010 18:52
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_Integration of JDownloader in Safari (Mac OS X)_
(AddLinksToJDownloader.scpt created by a jduser)
This apple script is for usage in Automator to create a service, which then can be used in Safari via
context menu or shortcut to download selected links in JDownloader.
Therefore it sends requests to the jd-http-remote. See more info via localhost:10025/help when
jd-remote is activated.
Also very nice is setting a Keyboard-shortcut in Keyboard.prefPane for App Safari. Simply add there a
shortcut with the name of the service and set the key-command to e.g. CMD+F2, now it feels like
the Flash-Got plugin in Firefox.
Inspiration came from:
- also implement text links extraction like we see it in the elasticthreads urlshortening
script (usage of the input inTxt)
- seperate link extraction from later usage, so other custom scripts can be run on a list of extracted
links (atm the final shell script is build during link extraction)
- the jd-remote is a bit unfinished imho:
1. adding multiple links with a single request does not work, so atm we have to do one remote
call for each link
2. adding links like:
does not work correctly. Atm we try to call the remote with the second part of such a
link (second http://...). It is a hacky workaround!
- if Safari losts focus during invoke of the script, it seems not to work correctly
global AppIcon
global JDRemoteCmdUrl
global PieceOfSuccessSummaryMsg
global ShowLinksInGrowlMsg
on run {inTxt}
set JDRemoteCmdUrl to "localhost:10025/action/add/links/grabber1/start1/"
set ShowLinksInGrowlMsg to true
set AppIcon to "Safari"
set PieceOfSuccessSummaryMsg to " been submitted to JDownloader."
set shellScriptStr to getTheLinksAndBuildShellScript()
set resultStr to runShellScript(shellScriptStr)
end run
on runShellScript(shQ)
if shQ is not "" then
set resultStr to do shell script shQ
on error
set resultStr to ""
end try
set resultStr to ""
end if
return resultStr
end runShellScript
on sendResultToGrowl(resultStr)
if not first character of resultStr is "0" and resultStr contains PieceOfSuccessSummaryMsg then
triggerGrowl(resultStr, "Success")
if resultStr is not "" then
set resultStr to return & return & resultStr
end if
triggerGrowl("Something went wrong." & resultStr, "Fail")
end if
end sendResultToGrowl
on getTheLinksAndBuildShellScript()
set theScriptStr to ""
tell application "Safari"
set theScriptStr to do JavaScript "
function getLinksAndBuildScript() {
if (window.console) console.log('getLinksAndBuildScript() - begin');
var selection = window.getSelection();
var SQ = \"'\"; // singleQuote
var finalScriptStr = '';
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < document.links.length ; i++) {
var linkNode = document.links[i];
if (selection.containsNode(linkNode, true) && linkNode.href) {
//next line is a hack, the bug with urls that have urls as parameter should be fixed in JD
var fixedUrl=linkNode.href.replace(/.*http:\\/\\//, 'http://');
var cmd = 'curl --silent --show-error --stderr - ' +
SQ + '" & JDRemoteCmdUrl & "' + encodeURI(fixedUrl) + SQ;
//cmd += ' > /dev/null 2>&1';
finalScriptStr = finalScriptStr + cmd + ' && ';
var extractLinksSubtitutions = 's/.*Link\\\\(s\\\\) added. \\\\(.*//g; ';
if (" & ShowLinksInGrowlMsg & ") {
extractLinksSubtitutions = 's/\\\\)?Link\\\\(s\\\\) added. \\\\(/\\\\n\\\\n/g; s/ *\\\\)$//; ';
var badCharsSubtitutions = 's/\"//g; s/\\\\[/{/g; s/\\\\]/}/g; s/\\\\r//g; ';
var perlFilter=' | perl -ne ' + SQ + badCharsSubtitutions + extractLinksSubtitutions + 'print;' + SQ;
var grammarSnipped = ' has';
if (count != 1) { grammarSnipped = 's have' ; }
var summaryMsg = count + ' link' + grammarSnipped + '" & PieceOfSuccessSummaryMsg & "';
finalScriptStr = 'response=\"`' + finalScriptStr + ' true`\"' +
' && ' +
' echo ' + SQ + summaryMsg + SQ +
' ; ' +
'eval echo ' + SQ + '$response' + SQ + perlFilter;
if (window.console) console.log('getLinksAndBuildScript() - end, result: ' + finalScriptStr);
return finalScriptStr;
getLinksAndBuildScript()" in document 1
end tell
return theScriptStr
end getTheLinksAndBuildShellScript
on triggerGrowl(currentStatus, currentTitle)
tell application "System Events"
set isGrlRunning to (count of (every process whose name is "GrowlHelperApp")) > 0
end tell
ignoring application responses
if isGrlRunning then
set osaSc to "tell application \"GrowlHelperApp\"
set the allNotificationsList to {\"Notification\"}
set the enabledNotificationsList to {\"Notification\"}
register as application \"Safari2JD\" all notifications allNotificationsList default notifications enabledNotificationsList icon of application \"" & AppIcon & "\"
notify with name \"Notification\" title \"" & currentTitle & "\" description \"" & currentStatus & "\" application name \"Safari2JD\"
end tell"
set shSc to "osascript -e " & quoted form of osaSc & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
ignoring application responses
do shell script shSc
end ignoring
end if
end ignoring
end try
end triggerGrowl
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