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Created July 22, 2020 20:53
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// set up a training pipeline
let pipeline =
// step 1: convert the label value to a boolean
Action<HeartData, ToLabel>(fun input output -> output.Label <- input.Diagnosis > 0.0f),
// step 2: concatenate all feature columns
.Append(context.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "Age", "Sex", "Cp", "TrestBps", "Chol", "Fbs", "RestEcg", "Thalac", "Exang", "OldPeak", "Slope", "Ca", "Thal"))
// step 3: set up a fast tree learner
// train the model
let model = partitions.TrainSet |> pipeline.Fit
// the rest of the code goes here....
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