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sample_bits = 12;#smaple bits
fs = 10000; #sample frequency
f = 60; #target frequency
amp= 2^(sample_bits-1);
t = 0:1/fs:1/f;
x = amp*(1+sin(2*pi*f*t));#avoid negative part
module and48(A,B,C);
input [47:0]A;
input [47:0]B;
output [47:0]C;
// DSP48E1: 48-bit Multi-Functional Arithmetic Block
// 7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version 14.7
DSP48E1 #(
// Feature Control Attributes: Data Path Selection
.A_INPUT("DIRECT"), // Selects A input source, "DIRECT" (A port) or "CASCADE" (ACIN port)