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Created July 2, 2020 10:09
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/home/maria/Documents/venvs/stage_m1/bin/python3.6 /home/maria/Documents/resolution-des-coreferences-pronominales/resolution_coreferences_pronominales/tests/
Le chien est tombé dans le puits. Il est maladroit celui-là.
[['Il', ['chien', 'puits'], {'ROOT': 'celui', 'sens': 'sortante'}]]
Le chien est tombé dans le puits. Il est maladroit celui-là.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/maria/Documents/resolution-des-coreferences-pronominales/resolution_coreferences_pronominales/tests/", line 24, in <module>
print(analyses_texte.coreferences_phrase(phrase, True))
File "/home/maria/Documents/resolution-des-coreferences-pronominales/resolution_coreferences_pronominales/coreferences/", line 138, in coreferences_phrase
if 'xcomp' in infos_pour_un_pronom[2].keys():
IndexError: list index out of range
Process finished with exit code 1
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