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Created December 29, 2022 13:43
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Javascript :: Recursion II Arrays and Objects
// adding all the elements of a limitless nested array
function arraySum(anArr) {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < anArr.length; i++) {
let element = anArr[i];
if (Array.isArray(element)) {
sum += arraySum(element);
} else
sum += element;
} return sum;
// all elements are true or false (the long way):
function allSystemsGo(systems) {
for (let key in systems) {
let value = systems[key];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
let subsystemsGo = allSystemsGo(value);
if (!subsystemsGo) {
return false;
} if (!value) {
return false;
} return true;
// doing the same thing but using .every method:
function allSystemsGo(systems) {
// Grab all the values of the current system
const currentSystemValues = Object.values(systems);
// Run an 'every' test to confirm 'every' system is go for launch
return currentSystemValues.every((boolOrSystem) => {
// If its an object, recurse on the object making sure it is all true values or true systems
if (typeof boolOrSystem === 'object') return allSystemsGo(boolOrSystem);
// Otherwise simply return the value of the boolean - any false will force the 'every' call to fail.
else return boolOrSystem;
// return the number of truthy values in an array
function theTruthCounts(anArr) {
// Store the number of truthy vals
let truthyVals = 0
// Iterate through the array
anArr.forEach((val) => {
// check if the current element is an array
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
// if so, recurse and add the total number of truthy values inside that array to the number here
truthyVals += theTruthCounts(val);
// otherwise, add the truthiness of the value to the total
} else if (val) ++truthyVals;
// return the number of truthy values
return truthyVals;
// we could also use .reduce instead of .forEach
function theTruthCounts(anArr) {
// Iterate through the array
return anArr.reduce((sum, val) => {
// check if the current element is an array
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
// if so, recurse and add the total number of truthy values inside that array to the number here
return sum + theTruthCounts(val);
// otherwise, add the truthiness of the value to the total
} else if (val) return sum + 1;
// return the number of truthy values
return sum;
}, 0)
// find the longest name in nested objects:
function getLongestName(familyTree) {
let longestName = '';
familyNames = Object.keys(familyTree);
familyNames.forEach((name) => {
if (name.length >= longestName.length) longestName = name;
if (familyTree[name]) {
const longestSubName = getLongestName(familyTree[name]);
if (longestSubName.length > longestName.length) longestName = longestSubName;
return longestName;
// search for a person in the world to get addresses: arrays, strings, and objets
function searchParty(name, world) {
// grab names of all places in the current hierarchy and store them
let places = Object.keys(world);
// iterate through the places
for (let i = 0; i < places.length; i++) {
let place = places[i];
// store the value of whatever is at that location
let nextValue = world[place];
// if person is at that location, then
if (nextValue === name) {
// return that location
return [place];
// if the vallue is an array of multiple people
} else if (Array.isArray(nextValue)) {
// discover if the person we are looking for is one of the people in the array
const isInArray = nextValue.some(person => person === name);
// if so, then we found the place, so return it
if (isInArray) return [place];
// otherwise, if the value of whats at the location are more sub locations then
} else if (typeof nextValue === 'object')
// recurse on the sublocation and figure out if they are inside of it
const inNextLocation = searchParty(name, nextValue);
// if the person is inside of it, add on their location to the current location to get the full address
if (inNextLocation) return [place].concat(inNextLocation);
// if we could not find the person, return null
return null;
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