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Тестыпо английскому 9 11 класс

Тестыпо английскому 9 11 класс - Тест по английскому языку 11 класс

Тестыпо английскому 9 11 класс

Контрольные тесты по чтению 9-11 класс
Тест по английскому языку (9-11 кл.)
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Тесты по чтению по английскому языку 9 класс
Тесты по английскому языку для 9-11 классов
"Тесты-тренажеры по английскому языку" (9-11 класс)

Предлагаю вам подборку Reading tests для 9 класса. Тесты не сложные, однако поработать придется. Тесты по чтению для 9 класса предложены по следующим темам:. Тесты идут от самого простого к более сложным, поэтому Вы можете ориентироваться по уровню класса. Andy and Kate were pleased. Today was Friday, and that was the day when Gran came to tea. Of all their relatives, they liked their grandmother the best. She was good fun. Granny Morgan was sitting at the kitchen table when they came in. There was a big plate of banana sandwiches in front of her. He took another sandwich. One day I met Picasso in an art gallery in the south of France. Данный тест по чтению рассчитан на минут. Можно даже использовать тест для аудирования, так как он очень простой. Thank you for your letter. I would like to know a bit more about your school activities. Do you have parties at school? What are they like? Our parties are not always interesting. Some are amusing and some are boring. We all loved it very much. It was a costume party. I had a butterfly suit on with big black-and-red wings. We have pinned up funny posters on the walls in the rest room. The most interesting part of it was the mail. I think the big card was from Joe. I went all red when I opened it. There was a big satin elephant holding a bunch of plastic flowers in its trunk and these words: You can guess what I wrote in it. We also sang and danced at the party. How do your parties go? There was a small shop in a little street in an old town. In the shop there were beautiful things made of silver and gold. The small shop had a door that opened on the little street. The shopkeeper was standing at the open door. The king wanted a beautiful gold ring and a silver cup from the shop. The shopkeeper called the boy who worked for him. Do not leave the door of the shop whatever happens. He gave the king the ring and the cup. Then he went home. Soon he was back at his shop. He stopped and looked up in astonishment. Just then, the shopkeeper saw the boy. He was in the street near the shop. The boy had the shop door on his back. He was standing in the square looking at some men who were doing tricks. I did just as you said. I did not leave the door. I have the door here with me. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. Счастья, здоровья и удачи! Статьи по лексике английского языка. Узнать свой уровень английского. Тесты по чтению по английскому языку 9 класс МЕТКИ: Тесты по чтению для 9 класса предложены по следующим темам: Family; Art and museums; School activities; Parties St. Reаding tests для 9 класса. Тест по чтению для 9 класса 1. Granny Morgan Andy and Kate were pleased. How was school today? Picasso was a charming man. He asked me to tea. Granny Morgan came to dinner. The children visited the National Gallery. The boy liked the elephants at the museum. Granny met Picasso in Paris. Why were Kate and Andy pleased? When did their grandmother usually come to tea? Where was she sitting when they came in? What sort of sandwiches were there on the table? How many sandwiches did Andy take altogether? What did Andy like best at the Natural History Museum? What else did he see there? Who did Granny Morgan meet at an art gallery? White a short story about your granny. A Letter Dear Irina, Thank you for your letter. Write what Sharon liked about the St. All parties in the English school are interesting. The party was held in the classroom. Sharon got a bunch of flowers from Joe. Sharon wrote ten cards to boys. They sang and danced at the party. Does Sharon like parties? Are all English school parties amusing? Was the party she described a costume party? Did Sharon get a card from Joe? Does she love Joe? Did she write a card to Joe? Complete the table about the St. The Boy and the Door There was a small shop in a little street in an old town. I shall show you beautiful things made of silver and gold. The shopkeeper ran to the boy. Choose the correct answer to the questions. What did the shopkeeper sell? It was a big new shop. The shopkeeper usually stood at the open door. The things in the shop were beautiful and expensive. The shopkeeper asked the boy not to leave the door. When the shopkeeper came back, his shop was ruined. The boy took the door with him. The boy did what the shopkeeper had told him. What did the shopkeeper do to attract clients to his shop? Why did the shopkeeper go to the palace? What was the boy doing when the shopkeeper came back? Give your opinion on who was right: If you were a boy and wanted to go away, what would you do? Ответы к Reading Tests. Granny Morgan came to tea. The children visited the National History Museum. The boy liked the gorillas at the museum. Granny met Picasso in the south of France. They were pleased because their Granny was coming to tea. She usually came to tea on Friday. She was sitting at the kitchen table when they came in. There were banana sandwiches on the table. He took at least 2 sandwiches. He liked the gorillas best He also saw dinosaurs there? Granny Morgan met Picasso at an art gallery. Ответы к reading test 2. She liked the mail most of all. Name of party Costume she had on Number of cards she received Number of cards she sent What they did at the party St. It was a small shop. True True True True False. When the shopkeeper came back, he saw many people walking into his shop and he also saw that the door of the shop was gone and so was the boy who worked for him. True True Упражнение 3. The shopkeeper went to the palace to give the king the ring and the cup. Упражнение 4,5 — your own answers. Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями! Оставить комментарий Отменить ответ Ваш электронный адрес не будет опубликован. У нас на сайте. Грамматические упражнения Времена английского глагола. Популярные записи Упражнения на отработку времен Present Simple и Present Continuous Progressive Present Simple. Упражнения на отработку с ответами. The Present Simple Tense Exercises with answers Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения на отработку Present Perfect Simple Упражнения на отработку глагола to be. Exercises verb to be Past Simple и Present Perfect: English poems for children. Метки adjective adverb articles books conditionals confusing words exercises games grammar idioms jokes modals noun online tests passive voice prepositions pronoun questions reading speaking spelling teaching tenses topics verbs vocabulary страноведение. Страницы Контакты О блоге Содержание.

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