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Created October 20, 2012 05:18
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public class MyApiExplorer : ApiExplorer
public MyApiExplorer(HttpConfiguration config)
: base(config)
public override bool ShouldExploreController(string controllerVariableValue, System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor, System.Web.Http.Routing.IHttpRoute route)
if (skip) // your logic to filter out API by route
return false;
return base.ShouldExploreController(controllerVariableValue, controllerDescriptor, route);
/// <summary>
/// Use this class to customize the Help Page.
/// For example you can set a custom <see cref="System.Web.Http.Description.IDocumentationProvider"/> to supply the documentation
/// or you can provide the samples for the requests/responses.
/// </summary>
public static class HelpPageConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Register your custom ApiExplorer
config.Services.Replace(typeof(IApiExplorer), new MyApiExplorer(config));
//// Uncomment the following to use the documentation from XML documentation file.
//config.SetDocumentationProvider(new XmlDocumentationProvider(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XmlDocument.xml")));
//// Uncomment the following to use "sample string" as the sample for all actions that have string as the body parameter or return type.
//// Also, the string arrays will be used for IEnumerable<string>. The sample objects will be serialized into different media type
//// formats by the available formatters.
//config.SetSampleObjects(new Dictionary<Type, object>
// {typeof(string), "sample string"},
// {typeof(IEnumerable<string>), new string[]{"sample 1", "sample 2"}}
//// Uncomment the following to use "[0]=foo&[1]=bar" directly as the sample for all actions that support form URL encoded format
//// and have IEnumerable<string> as the body parameter or return type.
//config.SetSampleForType("[0]=foo&[1]=bar", new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), typeof(IEnumerable<string>));
//// Uncomment the following to use "1234" directly as the request sample for media type "text/plain" on the controller named "Values"
//// and action named "Put".
//config.SetSampleRequest("1234", new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/plain"), "Values", "Put");
//// Uncomment the following to use the image on "../images/aspNetHome.png" directly as the response sample for media type "image/png"
//// on the controller named "Values" and action named "Get" with parameter "id".
//config.SetSampleResponse(new ImageSample("../images/aspNetHome.png"), new MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/png"), "Values", "Get", "id");
//// Uncomment the following to correct the sample request when the action expects an HttpRequestMessage with ObjectContent<string>.
//// The sample will be generated as if the controller named "Values" and action named "Get" were having string as the body parameter.
//config.SetActualRequestType(typeof(string), "Values", "Get");
//// Uncomment the following to correct the sample response when the action returns an HttpResponseMessage with ObjectContent<string>.
//// The sample will be generated as if the controller named "Values" and action named "Post" were returning a string.
//config.SetActualResponseType(typeof(string), "Values", "Post");
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