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Created September 16, 2022 12:50
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API diff: Microsoft.iOS.dll


Namespace AVFoundation

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAssetDownloadTask

Removed property:

public virtual Foundation.NSUrl DestinationUrl { get; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAssetTrack

Added property:

public virtual bool CanProvideSampleCursors { get; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAudioPlayer

Added property:

public virtual string CurrentDevice { get; set; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAudioSession

Added methods:

public virtual void Activate (AVAudioSessionActivationOptions options, System.Action<System.Boolean,Foundation.NSError> handler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Tuple<System.Boolean,Foundation.NSError>> ActivateAsync (AVAudioSessionActivationOptions options);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVAudioUnitComponent

Added properties:

public virtual Foundation.NSNumber[] AvailableArchitectures { get; }
public virtual bool HasCustomView { get; }
public virtual UIKit.UIImage Icon { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSUrl IconUrl { get; }
public virtual bool PassesAUVal { get; }
public virtual string[] UserTagNames { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary WeakConfigurationDictionary { get; }

Added method:

public virtual bool SupportsNumberInputChannels (nint numInputChannels, nint numOutputChannels);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureAudioChannel

Added properties:

public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
public virtual float Volume { get; set; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureAudioDataOutput

Added property:

public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary WeakAudioSettings { get; set; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureDevice

Added properties:

public virtual bool InUseByAnotherApplication { get; }
public virtual AVCaptureDevice[] LinkedDevices { get; }
public virtual int WeakTransportType { get; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureFileOutput

Added property:

public virtual bool RecordingPaused { get; }

Added methods:

public virtual void PauseRecording ();
public virtual void ResumeRecording ();

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureSession

Removed property:

public static Foundation.NSString PresetiFrame960x540 { get; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVPlayer

Added properties:

public virtual string AudioOutputDeviceUniqueID { get; set; }
public virtual ulong PreferredVideoDecoderGpuRegistryId { get; set; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer

Added property:

public virtual string AudioOutputDeviceUniqueId { get; set; }

New Type: AVFoundation.AVSampleCursorAudioDependencyInfo

public struct AVSampleCursorAudioDependencyInfo {
	// fields
	public bool IsIndependentlyDecodable;
	public nint PacketRefreshCount;

Namespace AVKit

Type Changed: AVKit.AVPictureInPictureController

Added property:

public bool CanStopPictureInPicture { get; }

Type Changed: AVKit.AVPictureInPictureControllerContentSource

Removed constructor:

public AVPictureInPictureControllerContentSource (UIKit.UIView sourceView, AVPictureInPictureVideoCallViewController contentViewController);

Removed properties:

public virtual AVPictureInPictureVideoCallViewController ActiveVideoCallContentViewController { get; }
public virtual UIKit.UIView ActiveVideoCallSourceView { get; }

Namespace AudioUnit

Type Changed: AudioUnit.AUAudioUnit

Added property:

public virtual bool IsLoadedInProcess { get; }

Type Changed: AudioUnit.AudioComponent

Removed method:

[Obsolete ("Starting with ios14.0 use 'CopyIcon' instead.")]
public UIKit.UIImage GetIcon (float desiredPointSize);

Type Changed: AudioUnit.AudioUnit

Added method:

public static uint GetCurrentInputDevice ();

New Type: AudioUnit.AudioObjectPropertyElement

public enum AudioObjectPropertyElement {
	Main = 0,

New Type: AudioUnit.AudioObjectPropertyScope

public enum AudioObjectPropertyScope {
	Global = 1735159650,
	Input = 1768845428,
	Output = 1869968496,
	PlayThrough = 1886679669,

New Type: AudioUnit.AudioObjectPropertySelector

public enum AudioObjectPropertySelector {
	ActualSampleRate = 1634955892,
	BoxList = 1651472419,
	ClockDevice = 1634755428,
	ClockDeviceList = 1668049699,
	DefaultInputDevice = 1682533920,
	DefaultOutputDevice = 1682929012,
	DefaultSystemOutputDevice = 1934587252,
	Devices = 1684370979,
	HogModeIsAllowed = 1752131442,
	IOThreadOSWorkgroup = 1869838183,
	IsInitingOrExiting = 1768845172,
	MixStereoToMono = 1937010031,
	PlugInList = 1886152483,
	PowerHint = 1886353256,
	ProcessIsAudible = 1886221684,
	ProcessIsMain = 1835100526,

	[Obsolete ("Use the 'ProcessIsMain' element instead.")]
ProcessIsMaster = 1835103092,
	ProcessMute = 1634758765,
	PropertyDevices = 1684370979,
	ServiceRestarted = 1936880500,
	SleepingIsAllowed = 1936483696,
	TranslateBundleIDToPlugIn = 1651074160,
	TranslateBundleIDToTransportManager = 1953325673,
	TranslateUIDToBox = 1969841250,
	TranslateUIDToDevice = 1969841252,
	TranslateUidToClockDevice = 1969841251,
	TransportManagerList = 1953326883,
	UnloadingIsAllowed = 1970170980,
	UserIDChanged = 1702193508,
	UserSessionIsActiveOrHeadless = 1970496882,

Namespace AuthenticationServices

New Type: AuthenticationServices.ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest

public class ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual string CallbackUrlScheme { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public IASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShouldUseEphemeralSession { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSUrl Url { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSUuid Uuid { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	// methods
	public virtual void Cancel (Foundation.NSError error);
	public virtual void Complete (Foundation.NSUrl callbackUrl);
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: AuthenticationServices.ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate

public class ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, IASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate ();
	protected ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// methods
	public virtual void DidCancel (ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest authenticationSessionRequest, Foundation.NSError error);
	public virtual void DidComplete (ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest authenticationSessionRequest, Foundation.NSUrl callbackUrl);

New Type: AuthenticationServices.ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate_Extensions

public static class ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static void DidCancel (this IASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate This, ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest authenticationSessionRequest, Foundation.NSError error);
	public static void DidComplete (this IASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate This, ASWebAuthenticationSessionRequest authenticationSessionRequest, Foundation.NSUrl callbackUrl);

New Type: AuthenticationServices.IASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate

public interface IASWebAuthenticationSessionRequestDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {

Namespace AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration

Type Changed: AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration.AEAssessmentConfiguration

Added properties:

public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<AEAssessmentApplication,AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration.AEAssessmentParticipantConfiguration> ConfigurationsByApplication { get; }
public virtual AEAssessmentParticipantConfiguration MainParticipantConfiguration { get; }

Added methods:

public virtual void Remove (AEAssessmentApplication application);
public virtual void SetConfiguration (AEAssessmentParticipantConfiguration configuration, AEAssessmentApplication application);

Type Changed: AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration.AEAssessmentSessionDelegate

Added methods:

public virtual void DidUpdate (AEAssessmentSession session);
public virtual void FailedToUpdate (AEAssessmentSession session, AEAssessmentConfiguration configuration, Foundation.NSError error);

Type Changed: AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration.AEAssessmentSessionDelegate_Extensions

Added methods:

public static void DidUpdate (this IAEAssessmentSessionDelegate This, AEAssessmentSession session);
public static void FailedToUpdate (this IAEAssessmentSessionDelegate This, AEAssessmentSession session, AEAssessmentConfiguration configuration, Foundation.NSError error);

Namespace CloudKit

Type Changed: CloudKit.CKSubscription

Removed property:

public virtual CKRecordZoneID ZoneID { get; set; }

Namespace CoreAnimation

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CALayer

Added properties:

public virtual CAAutoresizingMask AutoresizingMask { get; set; }
public virtual CAConstraint[] Constraints { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject LayoutManager { get; set; }

Added methods:

public virtual void AddConstraint (CAConstraint c);
public virtual void Resize (CoreGraphics.CGSize oldSuperlayerSize);
public virtual void ResizeSublayers (CoreGraphics.CGSize oldSize);

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CAMetalLayer

Added properties:

public virtual bool DisplaySyncEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual CAEdrMetadata EdrMetadata { get; set; }

Removed Type CoreAnimation.CAEAGLLayer

New Type: CoreAnimation.CAAutoresizingMask

public enum CAAutoresizingMask {
	HeightSizable = 16,
	MaxXMargin = 4,
	MaxYMargin = 32,
	MinXMargin = 1,
	MinYMargin = 8,
	NotSizable = 0,
	WidthSizable = 2,

New Type: CoreAnimation.CAConstraint

public class CAConstraint : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public CAConstraint ();
	public CAConstraint (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected CAConstraint (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected CAConstraint (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public CAConstraint (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat scale, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat offset);
	// properties
	public virtual CAConstraintAttribute Attribute { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat Scale { get; }
	public virtual CAConstraintAttribute SourceAttribute { get; }
	public virtual string SourceName { get; }
	// methods
	public static CAConstraint Create (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttribute);
	public static CAConstraint Create (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat offset);
	public static CAConstraint Create (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat scale, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat offset);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: CoreAnimation.CAConstraintAttribute

public enum CAConstraintAttribute {
	Height = 7,
	MaxX = 2,
	MaxY = 6,
	MidX = 1,
	MidY = 5,
	MinX = 0,
	MinY = 4,
	Width = 3,

New Type: CoreAnimation.CAConstraintLayoutManager

public class CAConstraintLayoutManager : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public CAConstraintLayoutManager ();
	public CAConstraintLayoutManager (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected CAConstraintLayoutManager (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected CAConstraintLayoutManager (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static CAConstraintLayoutManager LayoutManager { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: CoreAnimation.CAEdrMetadata

public class CAEdrMetadata : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	protected CAEdrMetadata (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected CAEdrMetadata (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static CAEdrMetadata HlgMetadata { get; }
	// methods
	public static CAEdrMetadata GetHdr10Metadata (Foundation.NSData displayData, Foundation.NSData contentData, float scale);
	public static CAEdrMetadata GetHdr10Metadata (float minNits, float maxNits, float scale);

Namespace CoreAudioKit

Removed Type CoreAudioKit.CAInterAppAudioSwitcherView

Removed Type CoreAudioKit.CAInterAppAudioTransportView

Namespace CoreData

Type Changed: CoreData.NSBatchInsertRequest

Removed constructor:

public NSBatchInsertRequest ();

Namespace CoreGraphics

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGImage

Removed property:

public static CGImage ScreenImage { get; }

Added methods:

public static CGImage ScreenImage (int windownumber, CGRect bounds);
public static CGImage ScreenImage (int windownumber, CGRect bounds, CGWindowListOption windowOption, CGWindowImageOption imageOption);

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGCaptureOptions

public enum CGCaptureOptions {
	NoFill = 1,
	None = 0,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGDisplay

public static class CGDisplay {
	// properties
	public static int MainDisplayID { get; }
	public static int ShieldingWindowLevel { get; }
	// methods
	public static int Capture (int display);
	public static int Capture (int display, CGCaptureOptions options);
	public static int CaptureAllDisplays ();
	public static CGRect GetBounds (int display);
	public static int GetDisplayID (int displayMask);
	public static int GetGammaTableCapacity (int display);
	public static nint GetHeight (int display);
	public static int GetOpenGLDisplayMask (int display);
	public static int GetShieldingWindowID (int display);
	public static nint GetTypeID ();
	public static nint GetWidth (int display);
	public static int HideCursor (int display);
	public static bool IsCaptured (int display);
	public static int MoveCursor (int display, CGPoint point);
	public static int Release (int display);
	public static int ReleaseAllDisplays ();
	public static void RestoreColorSyncSettings ();
	public static int SetDisplayTransfer (int display, float redMin, float redMax, float redGamma, float greenMin, float greenMax, float greenGamma, float blueMin, float blueMax, float blueGamma);
	public static int ShowCursor (int display);

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamKeys

public static class CGDisplayStreamKeys {
	// properties
	public static Foundation.NSString ColorSpace { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString DestinationRect { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString MinimumFrameTime { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString PreserveAspectRatio { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString QueueDepth { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString ShowCursor { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString SourceRect { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString YCbCrMatrix { get; }

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrixOptionKeys

public static class CGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrixOptionKeys {
	// properties
	public static Foundation.NSString Itu_R_601_4 { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString Itu_R_709_2 { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString Smpte_240M_1995 { get; }

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEvent

public sealed class CGEvent : CoreFoundation.NativeObject {
	// constructors
	public CGEvent (CGEventSource eventSource);
	public CGEvent (Foundation.NSData source);
	public CGEvent (CGEventSource source, CGScrollEventUnit units, int[] wheel);
	public CGEvent (CGEventSource source, ushort virtualKey, bool keyDown);
	public CGEvent (CGEventSource source, CGEventType mouseType, CGPoint mouseCursorPosition, CGMouseButton mouseButton);
	// properties
	public CGEventType EventType { get; set; }
	public CGEventFlags Flags { get; set; }
	public CGPoint Location { get; set; }
	public long MouseEventButtonNumber { get; }
	public long MouseEventClickState { get; }
	public long MouseEventDeltaX { get; }
	public long MouseEventDeltaY { get; }
	public bool MouseEventInstantMouser { get; }
	public long MouseEventNumber { get; }
	public double MouseEventPressure { get; }
	public long MouseEventSubtype { get; }
	public ulong Timestamp { get; set; }
	public CGPoint UnflippedLocation { get; }
	// methods
	public CGEvent Copy ();
	public CGEventSource CreateEventSource ();
	public static CoreFoundation.CFMachPort CreateTap (CGEventTapLocation location, CGEventTapPlacement place, CGEventTapOptions options, CGEventMask mask, CGEvent.CGEventTapCallback cback, IntPtr data);
	public static CoreFoundation.CFMachPort CreateTap (IntPtr processSerialNumber, CGEventTapLocation location, CGEventTapPlacement place, CGEventTapOptions options, CGEventMask mask, CGEvent.CGEventTapCallback cback, IntPtr data);
	public CGEventTapInformation[] GetEventTapList ();
	public static CGEventFlags GetFlags (IntPtr eventHandle);
	public string GetUnicodeString ();
	public static bool IsTapEnabled (CoreFoundation.CFMachPort machPort);
	public static void Post (CGEvent evt, CGEventTapLocation location);
	public static void PostToPSN (CGEvent evt, IntPtr processSerialNumber);
	public static bool PreflightListenEventAccess ();
	public static bool PreflightPostEventAccess ();
	public static bool RequestListenEventAccess ();
	public static bool RequestPostEventAccess ();
	public void SetEventSource (CGEventSource eventSource);
	public void SetUnicodeString (string value);
	public static void TapDisable (CoreFoundation.CFMachPort machPort);
	public static void TapEnable (CoreFoundation.CFMachPort machPort);
	public static void TapPostEven (IntPtr tapProxyEvent, CGEvent evt);
	public Foundation.NSData ToData ();

	// inner types
	public sealed delegate CGEventTapCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
		// constructors
		public CGEvent.CGEventTapCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
		// methods
		public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (IntPtr tapProxyEvent, CGEventType eventType, IntPtr eventRef, IntPtr userInfo, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
		public virtual IntPtr EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
		public virtual IntPtr Invoke (IntPtr tapProxyEvent, CGEventType eventType, IntPtr eventRef, IntPtr userInfo);

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventFilterMask

public enum CGEventFilterMask {
	PermitLocalKeyboardEvents = 2,
	PermitLocalMouseEvents = 1,
	PermitSystemDefinedEvents = 4,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventFlags

public enum CGEventFlags {
	AlphaShift = 65536,
	Alternate = 524288,
	Command = 1048576,
	Control = 262144,
	Help = 4194304,
	NonCoalesced = 256,
	NumericPad = 2097152,
	SecondaryFn = 8388608,
	Shift = 131072,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventMask

public enum CGEventMask {
	FlagsChanged = 4096,
	KeyDown = 1024,
	KeyUp = 2048,
	LeftMouseDown = 2,
	LeftMouseDragged = 64,
	LeftMouseUp = 4,
	MouseMoved = 32,
	Null = 1,
	OtherMouseDown = 33554432,
	OtherMouseDragged = 134217728,
	OtherMouseUp = 67108864,
	RightMouseDown = 8,
	RightMouseDragged = 128,
	RightMouseUp = 16,
	ScrollWheel = 4194304,
	TabletPointer = 8388608,
	TabletProximity = 16777216,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventMouseSubtype

public enum CGEventMouseSubtype {
	Default = 0,
	TabletPoint = 1,
	TabletProximity = 2,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventSource

public sealed class CGEventSource : CoreFoundation.NativeObject {
	// constructors
	public CGEventSource (CGEventSourceStateID stateID);
	// properties
	public int KeyboardType { get; set; }
	public double LocalEventsSupressionInterval { get; set; }
	public double PixelsPerLine { get; set; }
	public CGEventSourceStateID StateID { get; }
	public long UserData { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static bool GetButtonState (CGEventSourceStateID stateID, CGMouseButton button);
	public static uint GetCounterForEventType (CGEventSourceStateID stateID, CGEventType eventType);
	public static CGEventFlags GetFlagsState (CGEventSourceStateID stateID);
	public static bool GetKeyState (CGEventSourceStateID stateID, ushort keycode);
	public CGEventFilterMask GetLocalEventsFilterDuringSupressionState (CGEventSuppressionState state);
	public static double GetSecondsSinceLastEventType (CGEventSourceStateID stateID, CGEventType eventType);
	public void SetLocalEventsFilterDuringSupressionState (CGEventFilterMask filter, CGEventSuppressionState state);

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventSourceStateID

public enum CGEventSourceStateID {
	CombinedSession = 0,
	HidSystem = 1,
	Private = -1,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventSuppressionState

public enum CGEventSuppressionState {
	NumberOfEventSuppressionStates = 2,
	RemoteMouseDrag = 1,
	SuppressionInterval = 0,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapInformation

public struct CGEventTapInformation {
	// fields
	public float AvgUsecLatency;
	public bool Enabled;
	public uint EventTapID;
	public CGEventMask EventsOfInterest;
	public float MaxUsecLatency;
	public float MinUsecLatency;
	public CGEventTapOptions Options;
	public int ProcessBeingTapped;
	public CGEventTapLocation TapPoint;
	public int TappingProcess;

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapLocation

public enum CGEventTapLocation {
	AnnotatedSession = 2,
	HID = 0,
	Session = 1,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapOptions

public enum CGEventTapOptions {
	Default = 0,
	ListenOnly = 1,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapPlacement

public enum CGEventTapPlacement {
	HeadInsert = 0,
	TailAppend = 1,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGEventType

public enum CGEventType {
	FlagsChanged = 12,
	KeyDown = 10,
	KeyUp = 11,
	LeftMouseDown = 1,
	LeftMouseDragged = 6,
	LeftMouseUp = 2,
	MouseMoved = 5,
	Null = 0,
	OtherMouseDown = 25,
	OtherMouseDragged = 27,
	OtherMouseUp = 26,
	RightMouseDown = 3,
	RightMouseDragged = 7,
	RightMouseUp = 4,
	ScrollWheel = 22,
	TabletPointer = 23,
	TabletProximity = 24,
	TapDisabledByTimeout = 4294967294,
	TapDisabledByUserInput = 4294967295,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGMouseButton

public enum CGMouseButton {
	Center = 2,
	Left = 0,
	Right = 1,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGScrollEventUnit

public enum CGScrollEventUnit {
	Line = 1,
	Pixel = 0,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGWindowImageOption

public enum CGWindowImageOption {
	BestResolution = 8,
	BoundsIgnoreFraming = 1,
	Default = 0,
	NominalResolution = 16,
	OnlyShadows = 4,
	ShouldBeOpaque = 2,

New Type: CoreGraphics.CGWindowListOption

public enum CGWindowListOption {
	All = 0,
	ExcludeDesktopElements = 16,
	IncludingWindow = 8,
	OnScreenAboveWindow = 2,
	OnScreenBelowWindow = 4,
	OnScreenOnly = 1,

Namespace CoreImage

Type Changed: CoreImage.CIContext

Removed methods:

public static CIContext FromContext (OpenGLES.EAGLContext eaglContext);
public static CIContext FromContext (OpenGLES.EAGLContext eaglContext, CIContextOptions options);
public static CIContext FromContext (OpenGLES.EAGLContext eaglContext, Foundation.NSDictionary dictionary);
public static CIContext FromMetalDevice (Metal.IMTLDevice device, CIContextOptions options);

Type Changed: CoreImage.CIKernel

Added method:

public virtual void SetRegionOfInterestSelector (ObjCRuntime.Selector aMethod);

Namespace CoreLocation

Type Changed: CoreLocation.CLLocationManager

Removed methods:

public virtual void AllowDeferredLocationUpdatesUntil (double distance, double timeout);
public virtual void DisallowDeferredLocationUpdates ();
public virtual void StartMonitoringLocationPushes (System.Action<Foundation.NSData,Foundation.NSError> completion);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Foundation.NSData> StartMonitoringLocationPushesAsync ();
public virtual void StartRangingBeacons (CLBeaconRegion region);
public virtual void StopMonitoringLocationPushes ();
public virtual void StopRangingBeacons (CLBeaconRegion region);

Removed Type CoreLocation.CLLocationPushServiceError

Removed Type CoreLocation.CLLocationPushServiceErrorExtensions

Removed Type CoreLocation.CLLocationPushServiceExtension_Extensions

Removed Type CoreLocation.ICLLocationPushServiceExtension

Namespace CoreMotion

Type Changed: CoreMotion.CMAltimeter

Removed property:

public static bool IsAbsoluteAltitudeAvailable { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void StartAbsoluteAltitudeUpdates (Foundation.NSOperationQueue queue, System.Action<CMAbsoluteAltitudeData,Foundation.NSError> handler);
public virtual void StopAbsoluteAltitudeUpdates ();

Namespace CoreSpotlight

Type Changed: CoreSpotlight.CSSearchableItemAttributeSet

Removed properties:

public virtual string[] ActionIdentifiers { get; set; }
public virtual UniformTypeIdentifiers.UTType SharedItemContentType { get; set; }

Namespace CoreTelephony

Removed Type CoreTelephony.CTCellularData

Removed Type CoreTelephony.CTCellularDataRestrictedState

Removed Type CoreTelephony.CTCellularPlanProvisioning

Removed Type CoreTelephony.CTCellularPlanProvisioningAddPlanResult

Removed Type CoreTelephony.CTCellularPlanProvisioningRequest

Removed Type CoreTelephony.CTSubscriber

Removed Type CoreTelephony.CTSubscriberInfo

Removed Type CoreTelephony.ICTSubscriberDelegate

Namespace CoreVideo

Type Changed: CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer

Removed properties:

public static Foundation.NSString OpenGLESCompatibilityKey { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString OpenGLESTextureCacheCompatibilityKey { get; }

Type Changed: CoreVideo.CVPixelBufferAttributes

Removed property:

public bool? OpenGLESCompatibility { get; set; }

Namespace EventKit

Type Changed: EventKit.EKCalendar

Removed method:

public static EKCalendar FromEventStore (EKEventStore eventStore);

Namespace ExternalAccessory

Type Changed: ExternalAccessory.EAAccessoryManager

Removed methods:

public virtual void ShowBluetoothAccessoryPicker (Foundation.NSPredicate predicate, System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completion);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ShowBluetoothAccessoryPickerAsync (Foundation.NSPredicate predicate);

Namespace FileProvider

Removed Type FileProvider.INSFileProviderChangeObserver

Removed Type FileProvider.INSFileProviderEnumerationObserver

Removed Type FileProvider.INSFileProviderEnumerator

Removed Type FileProvider.INSFileProviderItem

Removed Type FileProvider.INSFileProviderServiceSource

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderDomain

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderDomainTestingModes

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderEnumerator_Extensions

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderError

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderErrorExtensions

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderErrorKeys

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderExtension

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderExtensionFetchThumbnailsHandler

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderFavoriteRank

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderFileSystemFlags

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderItemIdentifier

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderItem_Extensions

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderManager

Removed Type FileProvider.NSFileProviderPage

Namespace Foundation

Type Changed: Foundation.NSError

Removed methods:

public static NSError GetFileProviderError (FileProvider.INSFileProviderItem existingItem);
public static NSError GetFileProviderError (string nonExistentItemIdentifier);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSPortDelegate

Removed method:

public virtual void MessageReceived (NSPortMessage message);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSPortMessage

Added constructor:

public NSPortMessage (NSPort sendPort, NSPort recvPort, NSArray components);

Added properties:

public virtual NSArray Components { get; }
public virtual uint MsgId { get; set; }
public virtual NSPort ReceivePort { get; }
public virtual NSPort SendPort { get; }

Added method:

public virtual bool SendBefore (NSDate date);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSStringDrawingContext

Removed property:

public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat MinimumTrackingAdjustment { get; set; }

Type Changed: Foundation.NSUrlConnection

Removed property:

public virtual NewsstandKit.NKAssetDownload NewsstandAssetDownload { get; }

Removed method:

protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

Removed Type Foundation.NSPortDelegate_Extensions

New Type: Foundation.AEEventClass

public enum AEEventClass {
	Accessibility = 1633903461,
	Appearance = 1634758765,
	AppleEvent = 1634039412,
	Application = 1634758764,
	Command = 1668113523,
	Control = 1668183148,
	HIObject = 1751740258,
	Internet = 1196773964,
	Keyboard = 1801812322,
	Menu = 1835363957,
	Mouse = 1836021107,
	RemoteAppleEvent = 1701867619,
	Service = 1936028278,
	Tablet = 1952607348,
	TextInput = 1952807028,
	Toolbar = 1952604530,
	ToolbarItem = 1952606580,
	Volume = 1987013664,
	Window = 2003398244,

New Type: Foundation.AEEventID

public enum AEEventID {
	ApplicationDied = 1868720500,
	GetUrl = 1196773964,
	OpenApplication = 1868656752,
	OpenContents = 1868787566,
	OpenDocuments = 1868853091,
	PrintDocuments = 188563030,
	QuitApplication = 1903520116,
	ReopenApplication = 1918988400,
	ShowPreferences = 1886545254,

New Type: Foundation.NSAffineTransform

public class NSAffineTransform : Foundation.NSObject, INSCoding, INSCopying, INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSAffineTransform ();
	public NSAffineTransform (NSAffineTransform transform);
	public NSAffineTransform (NSCoder coder);
	protected NSAffineTransform (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSAffineTransform (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform TransformStruct { get; set; }
	// methods
	public virtual void AppendTransform (NSAffineTransform transform);
	public virtual void Concat ();
	public virtual NSObject Copy (NSZone zone);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder);
	public virtual void Invert ();
	public virtual void PrependTransform (NSAffineTransform transform);
	public virtual void RotateByDegrees (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat angle);
	public virtual void RotateByRadians (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat angle);
	public virtual void Scale (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat scale);
	public virtual void Scale (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat scaleX, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat scaleY);
	public virtual void Set ();
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint TransformPoint (CoreGraphics.CGPoint aPoint);
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGSize TransformSize (CoreGraphics.CGSize aSize);
	public virtual void Translate (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat deltaX, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat deltaY);

New Type: Foundation.NSAppleEventDescriptor

public class NSAppleEventDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, INSCoding, INSCopying, INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSAppleEventDescriptor ();
	public NSAppleEventDescriptor (NSCoder coder);
	protected NSAppleEventDescriptor (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSAppleEventDescriptor (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual bool BooleanValue { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor CurrentProcessDescriptor { get; }
	public virtual NSData Data { get; }
	public virtual NSDate DateValue { get; }
	public virtual double DoubleValue { get; }
	public virtual AEEventClass EventClass { get; }
	public virtual AEEventID EventID { get; }
	public virtual NSUrl FileURLValue { get; }
	public virtual int Int32Value { get; }
	public virtual bool IsRecordDescriptor { get; }
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor ListDescriptor { get; }
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor NullDescriptor { get; }
	public virtual nint NumberOfItems { get; }
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor RecordDescriptor { get; }
	public virtual string StringValue { get; }
	public virtual uint TypeCodeValue { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor AttributeDescriptorForKeyword (uint keyword);
	public virtual NSObject Copy (NSZone zone);
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorAtIndex (nint index);
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorForKeyword (uint keyword);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithBoolean (bool boolean);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithEnumCode (uint enumerator);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithInt32 (int signedInt);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithString (string str);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor DescriptorWithTypeCode (uint typeCode);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder);
	public virtual uint EnumCodeValue ();
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor FromApplicationURL (NSUrl applicationURL);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor FromBundleIdentifier (string bundleIdentifier);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor FromDate (NSDate date);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor FromDouble (double doubleValue);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor FromFileURL (NSUrl fileURL);
	public static NSAppleEventDescriptor FromProcessIdentifier (int processIdentifier);
	public virtual void InsertDescriptoratIndex (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, nint index);
	public virtual uint KeywordForDescriptorAtIndex (nint index);
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor ParamDescriptorForKeyword (uint keyword);
	public virtual void RemoveDescriptorAtIndex (nint index);
	public virtual void RemoveDescriptorWithKeyword (uint keyword);
	public virtual void RemoveParamDescriptorWithKeyword (uint keyword);
	public virtual void SetAttributeDescriptorforKeyword (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, uint keyword);
	public virtual void SetDescriptorforKeyword (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, uint keyword);
	public virtual void SetParamDescriptorforKeyword (NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, uint keyword);

New Type: Foundation.NSAppleEventManager

public class NSAppleEventManager : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	public NSAppleEventManager ();
	protected NSAppleEventManager (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSAppleEventManager (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor CurrentAppleEvent { get; }
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor CurrentReplyAppleEvent { get; }
	public static NSAppleEventManager SharedAppleEventManager { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor AppleEventForSuspensionID (nint suspensionID);
	public virtual void RemoveEventHandler (AEEventClass eventClass, AEEventID eventID);
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor ReplyAppleEventForSuspensionID (nint suspensionID);
	public virtual void ResumeWithSuspensionID (nint suspensionID);
	public virtual void SetCurrentAppleEventAndReplyEventWithSuspensionID (nint suspensionID);
	public virtual void SetEventHandler (NSObject handler, ObjCRuntime.Selector handleEventSelector, AEEventClass eventClass, AEEventID eventID);
	public virtual nint SuspendCurrentAppleEvent ();

New Type: Foundation.NSAppleScript

public class NSAppleScript : Foundation.NSObject, INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	protected NSAppleScript (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSAppleScript (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSAppleScript (string source);
	public NSAppleScript (NSUrl url, out NSDictionary errorInfo);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual bool Compiled { get; }
	public virtual NSAttributedString RichTextSource { get; }
	public virtual string Source { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual bool CompileAndReturnError (out NSDictionary errorInfo);
	public virtual NSObject Copy (NSZone zone);
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor ExecuteAndReturnError (out NSDictionary errorInfo);
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor ExecuteAppleEvent (NSAppleEventDescriptor eventDescriptor, out NSDictionary errorInfo);

New Type: Foundation.NSDistributedLock

public class NSDistributedLock : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	protected NSDistributedLock (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSDistributedLock (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSDistributedLock (string path);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual NSDate LockDate { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void BreakLock ();
	public static NSDistributedLock FromPath (string path);
	public virtual bool TryLock ();
	public virtual void Unlock ();

New Type: Foundation.NSDistributedNotificationCenter

public class NSDistributedNotificationCenter : Foundation.NSNotificationCenter {
	// constructors
	public NSDistributedNotificationCenter ();
	protected NSDistributedNotificationCenter (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSDistributedNotificationCenter (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static NSDistributedNotificationCenter DefaultCenter { get; }
	public static NSString NSLocalNotificationCenterType { get; }
	public virtual bool Suspended { get; set; }
	// methods
	public virtual void AddObserver (NSObject observer, ObjCRuntime.Selector aSelector, string aName, NSObject anObject);
	public virtual void AddObserver (NSObject observer, ObjCRuntime.Selector selector, string notificationName, string notificationSenderc, NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior suspensionBehavior);
	public virtual void PostNotificationName (string aName, string anObject);
	public virtual void PostNotificationName (string aName, string anObject, NSDictionary aUserInfo);
	public virtual void PostNotificationName (string name, string anObjecb, NSDictionary userInfo, NSNotificationFlags options);
	public virtual void PostNotificationName (string name, string anObject, NSDictionary userInfo, bool deliverImmediately);
	public virtual void RemoveObserver (NSObject observer, string aName, NSObject anObject);

New Type: Foundation.NSNotificationFlags

public enum NSNotificationFlags {
	DeliverImmediately = 1,
	PostToAllSessions = 2,

New Type: Foundation.NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior

public enum NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior {
	Coalesce = 2,
	DeliverImmediately = 4,
	Drop = 1,
	Hold = 3,

New Type: Foundation.NSScriptCommand

public class NSScriptCommand : Foundation.NSObject, INSCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSScriptCommand (NSCoder coder);
	protected NSScriptCommand (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSScriptCommand (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual NSAppleEventDescriptor AppleEvent { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual NSObject EvaluatedReceivers { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder);
	public virtual nint Execute ();

New Type: Foundation.NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription

public class NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription : Foundation.DictionaryContainer {
	// constructors
	public NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription ();
	public NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription (NSDictionary dictionary);
	public NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription (string name, string eventCode, string type, bool isOptional);
	// properties
	public string AppleEventCode { get; set; }
	public bool IsOptional { get; set; }
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public string Optional { get; set; }
	public string Type { get; set; }

New Type: Foundation.NSScriptCommandArgumentDescriptionKeys

public static class NSScriptCommandArgumentDescriptionKeys {
	// properties
	public static NSString AppleEventCodeKey { get; }
	public static NSString OptionalKey { get; }
	public static NSString TypeKey { get; }

New Type: Foundation.NSScriptCommandDescription

public class NSScriptCommandDescription : Foundation.NSObject, INSCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSScriptCommandDescription (NSCoder coder);
	protected NSScriptCommandDescription (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSScriptCommandDescription (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public string AppleEventClassCode { get; }
	public string AppleEventCode { get; }
	public string AppleEventCodeForReturnType { get; }
	public virtual string[] ArgumentNames { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual string ClassName { get; }
	public NSDictionary Dictionary { get; }
	public virtual string Name { get; }
	public virtual string ReturnType { get; }
	public virtual string SuitName { get; }
	// methods
	public static NSScriptCommandDescription Create (string suiteName, string commandName, NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionary commandDeclaration);
	public NSScriptCommand CreateCommand ();
	public virtual void EncodeTo (NSCoder encoder);
	public string GetAppleEventCodeForArgument (string name);
	public string GetTypeForArgument (string name);
	public bool IsOptionalArgument (string name);

New Type: Foundation.NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionary

public class NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionary : Foundation.DictionaryContainer {
	// constructors
	public NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionary ();
	public NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionary (NSDictionary dictionary);
	// properties
	public string AppleEventClassCode { get; set; }
	public string AppleEventCode { get; set; }
	public NSMutableDictionary Arguments { get; set; }
	public string CommandClass { get; set; }
	public string ResultAppleEventCode { get; set; }
	public string Type { get; set; }
	// methods
	public void Add (NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription arg);
	public bool Remove (NSScriptCommandArgumentDescription arg);

New Type: Foundation.NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionaryKeys

public static class NSScriptCommandDescriptionDictionaryKeys {
	// properties
	public static NSString AppleEventClassCodeKey { get; }
	public static NSString AppleEventCodeKey { get; }
	public static NSString ArgumentsKey { get; }
	public static NSString CommandClassKey { get; }
	public static NSString ResultAppleEventCodeKey { get; }
	public static NSString TypeKey { get; }

New Type: Foundation.NSTask

public class NSTask : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	public NSTask ();
	protected NSTask (NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSTask (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual string[] Arguments { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static NSString DidTerminateNotification { get; }
	public virtual NSDictionary Environment { get; set; }
	public virtual bool IsRunning { get; }
	public virtual int ProcessIdentifier { get; }
	public virtual NSObject StandardError { get; set; }
	public virtual NSObject StandardInput { get; set; }
	public virtual NSObject StandardOutput { get; set; }
	public virtual int TerminationStatus { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void Interrupt ();
	public static NSTask LaunchFromPath (string path, string[] arguments);
	public virtual bool Resume ();
	public virtual bool Suspend ();
	public virtual void Terminate ();
	public virtual void WaitUntilExit ();

	// inner types
	public static class Notifications {
		// methods
		public static NSObject ObserveDidTerminate (System.EventHandler<NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
		public static NSObject ObserveDidTerminate (NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);

Namespace GameKit

Type Changed: GameKit.GKLeaderboardSet

Removed methods:

public virtual void LoadImage (GKImageLoadedHandler completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIKit.UIImage> LoadImageAsync ();

Type Changed: GameKit.GKLocalPlayer

Removed property:

public virtual bool IsPresentingFriendRequestViewController { get; }

Removed method:

public virtual bool PresentFriendRequestCreator (UIKit.UIViewController viewController, out Foundation.NSError error);

Removed Type GameKit.GKAchievementViewController

Removed Type GameKit.GKAchievementViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type GameKit.GKFriendRequestComposeViewController

Removed Type GameKit.GKFriendRequestComposeViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type GameKit.GKLeaderboardViewController

Removed Type GameKit.GKLeaderboardViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type GameKit.IGKAchievementViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type GameKit.IGKFriendRequestComposeViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type GameKit.IGKLeaderboardViewControllerDelegate

Namespace HomeKit

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMHome

Removed methods:

public virtual void AddAndSetupAccessories (System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completion);
public virtual void AddAndSetupAccessories (HMAccessorySetupPayload payload, System.Action<HMAccessory[],Foundation.NSError> completion);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task AddAndSetupAccessoriesAsync ();
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<HMAccessory[]> AddAndSetupAccessoriesAsync (HMAccessorySetupPayload payload);

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMHomeManager

Removed event:

public event System.EventHandler<HMHomeManagerAddAccessoryRequestEventArgs> DidReceiveAddAccessoryRequest;

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMHomeManagerDelegate

Removed method:

public virtual void DidReceiveAddAccessoryRequest (HMHomeManager manager, HMAddAccessoryRequest request);

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMHomeManagerDelegate_Extensions

Removed method:

public static void DidReceiveAddAccessoryRequest (this IHMHomeManagerDelegate This, HMHomeManager manager, HMAddAccessoryRequest request);

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessoryBrowser

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessoryBrowserDelegate

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessoryBrowserDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessoryBrowserEventArgs

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessoryOwnershipToken

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessorySetupManager

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessorySetupPayload

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessorySetupRequest

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAccessorySetupResult

Removed Type HomeKit.HMAddAccessoryRequest

Removed Type HomeKit.HMHomeManagerAddAccessoryRequestEventArgs

Removed Type HomeKit.IHMAccessoryBrowserDelegate

Namespace Intents

Type Changed: Intents.INImage

Removed methods:

public virtual void FetchImage (System.Action<UIKit.UIImage> completion);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<UIKit.UIImage> FetchImageAsync ();
public static INImage FromImage (CoreGraphics.CGImage image);
public static INImage FromImage (UIKit.UIImage image);
public static CoreGraphics.CGSize GetImageSize (INIntentResponse response);

Namespace MapKit

Type Changed: MapKit.MKAnnotationView

Added properties:

public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint LeftCalloutOffset { get; set; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint RightCallpoutOffset { get; set; }

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMapView

Added properties:

public virtual bool ShowsPitchControl { get; set; }
public virtual bool ShowsZoomControls { get; set; }

New Type: MapKit.MKPitchControl

public class MKPitchControl : UIKit.UIView {
	// constructors
	public MKPitchControl (CoreGraphics.CGRect frameRect);
	public MKPitchControl (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MKPitchControl (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKPitchControl (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public static MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance Appearance { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual MKMapView MapView { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance AppearanceWhenContainedIn (System.Type[] containers);
	public static MKPitchControl Create (MKMapView mapView);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public static MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance GetAppearance<T> ();
	public static MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance GetAppearance<T> (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits);
	public static MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance GetAppearance (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits);
	public static MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance GetAppearance<T> (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits, System.Type[] containers);
	public static MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance GetAppearance (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits, System.Type[] containers);

	// inner types
	public class MKPitchControlAppearance : UIKit.UIView+UIViewAppearance {
		// constructors
		protected MKPitchControl.MKPitchControlAppearance (IntPtr handle);

New Type: MapKit.MKZoomControl

public class MKZoomControl : UIKit.UIView {
	// constructors
	public MKZoomControl (CoreGraphics.CGRect frameRect);
	public MKZoomControl (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MKZoomControl (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MKZoomControl (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public static MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance Appearance { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual MKMapView MapView { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance AppearanceWhenContainedIn (System.Type[] containers);
	public static MKZoomControl Create (MKMapView mapView);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public static MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance GetAppearance<T> ();
	public static MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance GetAppearance<T> (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits);
	public static MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance GetAppearance (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits);
	public static MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance GetAppearance<T> (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits, System.Type[] containers);
	public static MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance GetAppearance (UIKit.UITraitCollection traits, System.Type[] containers);

	// inner types
	public class MKZoomControlAppearance : UIKit.UIView+UIViewAppearance {
		// constructors
		protected MKZoomControl.MKZoomControlAppearance (IntPtr handle);

Namespace Metal

Type Changed: Metal.IMTLBlitCommandEncoder

Removed methods:

public virtual void GetTextureAccessCounters (IMTLTexture texture, MTLRegion region, nuint mipLevel, nuint slice, bool resetCounters, IMTLBuffer countersBuffer, nuint countersBufferOffset);
public virtual void ResetTextureAccessCounters (IMTLTexture texture, MTLRegion region, nuint mipLevel, nuint slice);

Added methods:

public virtual void Synchronize (IMTLResource resource);
public virtual void Synchronize (IMTLTexture texture, nuint slice, nuint level);

Type Changed: Metal.IMTLBuffer

Added method:

public virtual void DidModify (Foundation.NSRange range);

Type Changed: Metal.IMTLDevice

Removed properties:

public virtual bool BarycentricCoordsSupported { get; }
public virtual bool SupportsShaderBarycentricCoordinates { get; }

Added properties:

public virtual bool Depth24Stencil8PixelFormatSupported { get; }
public virtual bool Headless { get; }
public virtual bool LowPower { get; }
public virtual ulong RecommendedMaxWorkingSetSize { get; }
public virtual bool Removable { get; }

Type Changed: Metal.IMTLRenderCommandEncoder

Added methods:

public virtual void MemoryBarrier (MTLBarrierScope scope, MTLRenderStages after, MTLRenderStages before);
public virtual void MemoryBarrier (IMTLResource[] resources, nuint count, MTLRenderStages after, MTLRenderStages before);

Type Changed: Metal.IMTLResourceStateCommandEncoder

Removed methods:

public virtual void Update (IMTLFence fence);
public virtual void Update (IMTLTexture texture, MTLSparseTextureMappingMode mode, IMTLBuffer indirectBuffer, nuint indirectBufferOffset);
public virtual void Update (IMTLTexture texture, MTLSparseTextureMappingMode mode, MTLRegion region, nuint mipLevel, nuint slice);
public virtual void Update (IMTLTexture texture, MTLSparseTextureMappingMode mode, nint regions, nint mipLevels, nint slices, nuint numRegions);
public virtual void Wait (IMTLFence fence);

Type Changed: Metal.IMTLTexture

Removed properties:

public virtual MTLTextureCompressionType CompressionType { get; }
public virtual nuint FirstMipmapInTail { get; }
public virtual bool IsSparse { get; }
public virtual nuint TailSizeInBytes { get; }

Type Changed: Metal.MTLDevice

Added method:

public static IMTLDevice[] GetAllDevices ();

Type Changed: Metal.MTLResourceStateCommandEncoder_Extensions

Added methods:

public static void Update (this IMTLResourceStateCommandEncoder This, IMTLFence fence);
public static void Update (this IMTLResourceStateCommandEncoder This, IMTLTexture texture, MTLSparseTextureMappingMode mode, IMTLBuffer indirectBuffer, nuint indirectBufferOffset);
public static void Update (this IMTLResourceStateCommandEncoder This, IMTLTexture texture, MTLSparseTextureMappingMode mode, MTLRegion region, nuint mipLevel, nuint slice);
public static void Update (this IMTLResourceStateCommandEncoder This, IMTLTexture texture, MTLSparseTextureMappingMode mode, nint regions, nint mipLevels, nint slices, nuint numRegions);
public static void Wait (this IMTLResourceStateCommandEncoder This, IMTLFence fence);

Type Changed: Metal.MTLTextureDescriptor

Removed property:

public virtual MTLTextureCompressionType CompressionType { get; set; }

Removed Type Metal.MTLTextureCompressionType

New Type: Metal.MTLBlitCommandEncoder_Extensions

public static class MTLBlitCommandEncoder_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static void GetTextureAccessCounters (this IMTLBlitCommandEncoder This, IMTLTexture texture, MTLRegion region, nuint mipLevel, nuint slice, bool resetCounters, IMTLBuffer countersBuffer, nuint countersBufferOffset);
	public static void ResetTextureAccessCounters (this IMTLBlitCommandEncoder This, IMTLTexture texture, MTLRegion region, nuint mipLevel, nuint slice);

New Type: Metal.MTLTexture_Extensions

public static class MTLTexture_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static nuint GetFirstMipmapInTail (this IMTLTexture This);
	public static bool GetIsSparse (this IMTLTexture This);
	public static nuint GetTailSizeInBytes (this IMTLTexture This);

Namespace MetalPerformanceShaders

Type Changed: MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSMatrixDescriptor

Removed methods:

public static MPSMatrixDescriptor Create (nuint rows, nuint columns, nuint rowBytes, MPSDataType dataType);
public static nuint GetRowBytesFromColumns (nuint columns, MPSDataType dataType);

Type Changed: MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSState

Removed property:

public virtual Metal.IMTLResource Resource { get; }

Namespace NetworkExtension

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEAppProxyFlow

Added method:

public void SetMetadata (Network.NWParameters parameters);

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEAppRule

Added properties:

public virtual string MatchDesignatedRequirement { get; }
public virtual NEAppRule[] MatchTools { get; set; }

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEFilterDataVerdict

Added method:

public static NEFilterDataVerdict PauseVerdict ();

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEFilterFlow

Added property:

public virtual Foundation.NSData SourceAppAuditToken { get; }

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEFilterNewFlowVerdict

Added method:

public static NEFilterDataVerdict PauseVerdict ();

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEFilterProviderConfiguration

Added properties:

public virtual string FilterDataProviderBundleIdentifier { get; set; }
public virtual string FilterPacketProviderBundleIdentifier { get; set; }
public virtual bool FilterPackets { get; set; }

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEFlowMetaData

Added properties:

public virtual Foundation.NSUuid FilterFlowIdentifier { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSData SourceAppAuditToken { get; }

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEPacket

Added property:

public virtual NETrafficDirection Direction { get; }

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NEProvider

Added method:

public static void StartSystemExtensionMode ();

Type Changed: NetworkExtension.NETunnelProviderManager

Added properties:

public virtual NEAppRule[] AppRules { get; set; }
public virtual string[] AssociatedDomains { get; set; }
public virtual string[] CalendarDomains { get; set; }
public virtual string[] ContactsDomains { get; set; }
public virtual string[] ExcludedDomains { get; set; }
public virtual string[] MailDomains { get; set; }
public virtual string[] SafariDomains { get; set; }

Added method:

public static NETunnelProviderManager CreatePerAppVpn ();

Namespace OSLog

Type Changed: OSLog.OSLogStore

Added constructor:

public OSLogStore ();

Added method:

public static OSLogStore CreateLocalStore (out Foundation.NSError error);

Namespace ObjCRuntime

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Constants

Removed fields:

public static const string ARKitLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ARKit.framework/ARKit";
public static const string AddressBookUILibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBookUI.framework/AddressBookUI";
public static const string AssetsLibraryLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/AssetsLibrary.framework/AssetsLibrary";
public static const string CarPlayLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/CarPlay.framework/CarPlay";
public static const string FileProviderUILibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/FileProviderUI.framework/FileProviderUI";
public static const string GLKitLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/GLKit.framework/GLKit";
public static const string MediaSetupLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/MediaSetup.framework/MediaSetup";
public static const string NewsstandKitLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/NewsstandKit.framework/NewsstandKit";
public static const string NotificationCenterLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/NotificationCenter.framework/NotificationCenter";
public static const string OpenGLESLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/OpenGLES";
public static const string TwitterLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Twitter.framework/Twitter";
public static const string VideoSubscriberAccountLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/VideoSubscriberAccount.framework/VideoSubscriberAccount";
public static const string WatchConnectivityLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/WatchConnectivity.framework/WatchConnectivity";

Added fields:

public static const string AppKitLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit";
public static const string ApplicationServicesCoreGraphicsLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics";
public static const string CoreWlanLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework/CoreWLAN";

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Runtime

Removed field:

public static Arch Arch;

Removed Type ObjCRuntime.Arch

Namespace PassKit

Type Changed: PassKit.IPKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate

Added method:

public virtual UIKit.UIWindow GetPresentationWindow (PKPaymentAuthorizationController controller);

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPass

Removed property:

public virtual UIKit.UIImage Icon { get; }

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPayment

Removed properties:

public virtual AddressBook.ABRecord BillingAddress { get; }
public virtual AddressBook.ABRecord ShippingAddress { get; }

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate_Extensions

Removed method:

public static UIKit.UIWindow GetPresentationWindow (this IPKPaymentAuthorizationControllerDelegate This, PKPaymentAuthorizationController controller);

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController

Removed event:

public event System.EventHandler<PKPaymentShippingAddressSelectedEventArgs> DidSelectShippingAddress;

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate

Removed method:

public virtual void DidSelectShippingAddress (PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, AddressBook.ABRecord address, PKPaymentShippingAddressSelected completion);

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate_Extensions

Removed method:

public static void DidSelectShippingAddress (this IPKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate This, PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController controller, AddressBook.ABRecord address, PKPaymentShippingAddressSelected completion);

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentRequest

Removed properties:

public virtual AddressBook.ABRecord BillingAddress { get; set; }
public virtual AddressBook.ABRecord ShippingAddress { get; set; }

Removed Type PassKit.PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionHandler

Removed Type PassKit.PKPaymentShippingAddressSelectedEventArgs

Namespace PdfKit

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfAnnotation

Removed constructor:

public PdfAnnotation (CoreGraphics.CGRect bounds);

Namespace PencilKit

Type Changed: PencilKit.PKCanvasView

Removed property:

public IPKCanvasViewDelegate Delegate { get; set; }

Namespace Photos

Type Changed: Photos.PHAsset

Removed method:

public static PHFetchResult FetchAssets (Foundation.NSUrl[] assetUrls, PHFetchOptions options);

Namespace PhotosUI

Removed Type PhotosUI.PHEditingExtensionContext

Namespace PushKit

Type Changed: PushKit.PKPushRegistryDelegate

Removed method:

public virtual void DidReceiveIncomingPush (PKPushRegistry registry, PKPushPayload payload, string type);

Type Changed: PushKit.PKPushRegistryDelegate_Extensions

Removed method:

public static void DidReceiveIncomingPush (this IPKPushRegistryDelegate This, PKPushRegistry registry, PKPushPayload payload, string type);

Type Changed: PushKit.PKPushType

Removed property:

public static Foundation.NSString Complication { get; }

Namespace SceneKit

Type Changed: SceneKit.ISCNSceneRenderer

Removed property:

public virtual nint Context { get; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAntialiasingMode

Added values:

Multisampling16X = 4,
Multisampling8X = 3,

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNMaterialProperty

Removed property:

public virtual Foundation.NSObject BorderColor { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNRenderer

Removed property:

public virtual nint Context { get; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNRenderer FromContext (OpenGLES.EAGLContext context, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public static SCNRenderer FromContext (nint context, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public virtual void Render ();

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNRenderingOptions

Removed property:

public SCNRenderingApi? RenderingApi { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNSceneRenderer

Removed property:

public virtual nint Context { get; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNView

Removed properties:

public virtual nint Context { get; }
public virtual OpenGLES.EAGLContext EAGLContext { get; set; }

Namespace Security

Type Changed: Security.SecCertificate

Removed method:

[Obsolete ("Starting with ios12.0 use 'GetKey' instead.")]
public SecKey GetPublicKey ();

New Type: Security.Authorization

public class Authorization : ObjCRuntime.DisposableObject {
	// methods
	public static Authorization Create (AuthorizationFlags flags);
	public static Authorization Create (AuthorizationParameters parameters, AuthorizationEnvironment environment, AuthorizationFlags flags);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void Dispose (AuthorizationFlags flags, bool disposing);
	public int ExecuteWithPrivileges (string pathToTool, AuthorizationFlags flags, string[] args);

New Type: Security.AuthorizationEnvironment

public class AuthorizationEnvironment {
	// constructors
	public AuthorizationEnvironment ();
	// fields
	public bool AddToSharedCredentialPool;
	public string Password;
	public string Username;

New Type: Security.AuthorizationFlags

public enum AuthorizationFlags {
	Defaults = 0,
	DestroyRights = 8,
	ExtendRights = 2,
	InteractionAllowed = 1,
	NoData = 1048576,
	PartialRights = 4,
	PreAuthorize = 16,

New Type: Security.AuthorizationParameters

public class AuthorizationParameters {
	// constructors
	public AuthorizationParameters ();
	// fields
	public string IconPath;
	public string PathToSystemPrivilegeTool;
	public string Prompt;

New Type: Security.AuthorizationStatus

public enum AuthorizationStatus {
	BadAddress = -60033,
	Canceled = -60006,
	Denied = -60005,
	ExternalizeNotAllowed = -60009,
	InteractionNotAllowed = -60007,
	Internal = -60008,
	InternalizeNotAllowed = -60010,
	InvalidFlags = -60011,
	InvalidPointer = -60004,
	InvalidRef = -60002,
	InvalidSet = -60001,
	InvalidTag = -60003,
	Success = 0,
	ToolEnvironmentError = -60032,
	ToolExecuteFailure = -60031,

Namespace StoreKit

Type Changed: StoreKit.SKDownload

Added methods:

public static void DeleteContentForProduct (string productId);
public static Foundation.NSUrl GetContentUrlForProduct (string productId);

Type Changed: StoreKit.SKPaymentQueue

Removed methods:

public virtual void PresentCodeRedemptionSheet ();
public virtual void ShowPriceConsentIfNeeded ();

Removed Type StoreKit.SKANError

Removed Type StoreKit.SKANErrorExtensions

Namespace UIKit

Type Changed: UIKit.NSLayoutManager

Removed property:

public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat HyphenationFactor { get; set; }

Removed method:

protected virtual void ShowGlyphs (nint glyphs, nint positions, nuint glyphCount, UIFont font, CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform textMatrix, Foundation.NSDictionary attributes, CoreGraphics.CGContext graphicsContext);

Type Changed: UIKit.UIApplicationDelegate

Removed method:

public virtual bool AccessibilityPerformMagicTap ();

Type Changed: UIKit.UIApplicationDelegate_Extensions

Removed method:

public static bool AccessibilityPerformMagicTap (this IUIApplicationDelegate This);

Type Changed: UIKit.UIApplicationShortcutIcon

Removed method:

public static UIApplicationShortcutIcon FromContact (Contacts.CNContact contact);

Type Changed: UIKit.UIKeyboard

Removed methods:

public static uint AnimationCurveFromNotification (Foundation.NSNotification n);
public static double AnimationDurationFromNotification (Foundation.NSNotification n);
public static CoreGraphics.CGRect FrameBeginFromNotification (Foundation.NSNotification n);
public static CoreGraphics.CGRect FrameEndFromNotification (Foundation.NSNotification n);

Type Changed: UIKit.UIResponder

Added interface:


Added property:

public virtual AppKit.NSTouchBar TouchBar { get; set; }

Removed method:

public virtual bool AccessibilityPerformMagicTap ();

Added method:

public virtual AppKit.NSTouchBar CreateTouchBar ();

Type Changed: UIKit.UISceneActivationRequestOptions

Added property:

public virtual UISceneCollectionJoinBehavior CollectionJoinBehavior { get; set; }

Type Changed: UIKit.UIVibrancyEffect

Removed methods:

[Obsolete ("Starting with ios10.0 use 'CreatePrimaryVibrancyEffectForNotificationCenter' instead.")]
public static UIVibrancyEffect CreateForNotificationCenter ();

[Obsolete ("Starting with ios13.0 use 'UIVibrancyEffect.CreateWidgetEffectForNotificationCenter' instead.")]
public static UIVibrancyEffect CreatePrimaryVibrancyEffectForNotificationCenter ();

[Obsolete ("Starting with ios13.0 use 'UIVibrancyEffect.CreateWidgetEffectForNotificationCenter' instead.")]
public static UIVibrancyEffect CreateSecondaryVibrancyEffectForNotificationCenter ();
public static UIVibrancyEffect CreateWidgetEffectForNotificationCenter (UIVibrancyEffectStyle vibrancyStyle);

Type Changed: UIKit.UIViewController

Removed property:

public virtual UISearchDisplayController SearchDisplayController { get; }

Added property:

public virtual UIViewController ChildViewControllerForTouchBar { get; }

Added method:

public virtual void SetNeedsTouchBarUpdate ();

Type Changed: UIKit.UIWindowScene

Added property:

public virtual UITitlebar Titlebar { get; }

Removed Type UIKit.IUISearchDisplayDelegate

Removed Type UIKit.IUIWebViewDelegate

Removed Type UIKit.UISearchDisplayController

Removed Type UIKit.UISearchDisplayDelegate

Removed Type UIKit.UISearchDisplayDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type UIKit.UIWebErrorArgs

Removed Type UIKit.UIWebLoaderControl

Removed Type UIKit.UIWebView

Removed Type UIKit.UIWebViewDelegate

Removed Type UIKit.UIWebViewDelegate_Extensions

New Type: UIKit.UIImageResizingModeExtensions

public static class UIImageResizingModeExtensions {
	// methods
	public static UIImageResizingMode ToManaged (nint value);
	public static nint ToNative (UIImageResizingMode value);

New Type: UIKit.UISceneCollectionJoinBehavior

public enum UISceneCollectionJoinBehavior {
	Automatic = 0,
	Disallowed = 2,
	Preferred = 1,
	PreferredWithoutActivating = 3,

New Type: UIKit.UITextAlignmentExtensions

public static class UITextAlignmentExtensions {
	// methods
	public static UITextAlignment ToManaged (nint value);
	public static nint ToNative (UITextAlignment value);

New Type: UIKit.UITitlebar

public class UITitlebar : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	public UITitlebar ();
	protected UITitlebar (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected UITitlebar (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual bool AutoHidesToolbarInFullScreen { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSUrl RepresentedUrl { get; set; }
	public virtual UITitlebarSeparatorStyle SeparatorStyle { get; set; }
	public virtual UITitlebarTitleVisibility TitleVisibility { get; set; }
	public virtual AppKit.NSToolbar Toolbar { get; set; }
	public virtual UITitlebarToolbarStyle ToolbarStyle { get; set; }

New Type: UIKit.UITitlebarSeparatorStyle

public enum UITitlebarSeparatorStyle {
	Automatic = 0,
	Line = 2,
	None = 1,
	Shadow = 3,

New Type: UIKit.UITitlebarTitleVisibility

public enum UITitlebarTitleVisibility {
	Hidden = 1,
	Visible = 0,

New Type: UIKit.UITitlebarToolbarStyle

public enum UITitlebarToolbarStyle {
	Automatic = 0,
	Expanded = 1,
	Preference = 2,
	Unified = 3,
	UnifiedCompact = 4,

Namespace UserNotifications

Type Changed: UserNotifications.UNNotificationSound

Removed property:

public static UNNotificationSound DefaultRingtoneSound { get; }

Removed method:

public static UNNotificationSound GetRingtoneSound (string name);

Removed Type UserNotifications.UNLocationNotificationTrigger

Removed Namespace ARKit

Removed Type ARKit.ARAltitudeSource

Removed Type ARKit.ARAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARAppClipCodeAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARAppClipCodeUrlDecodingState

Removed Type ARKit.ARBlendShapeLocationOptions

Removed Type ARKit.ARBody2D

Removed Type ARKit.ARBodyAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARBodyTrackingConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.ARCamera

Removed Type ARKit.ARCoachingGoal

Removed Type ARKit.ARCoachingOverlayView

Removed Type ARKit.ARCoachingOverlayViewDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.ARCoachingOverlayViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type ARKit.ARCollaborationData

Removed Type ARKit.ARCollaborationDataPriority

Removed Type ARKit.ARConfidenceLevel

Removed Type ARKit.ARConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.ARDepthData

Removed Type ARKit.ARDirectionalLightEstimate

Removed Type ARKit.AREnvironmentProbeAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.AREnvironmentTexturing

Removed Type ARKit.ARErrorCode

Removed Type ARKit.ARErrorCodeExtensions

Removed Type ARKit.ARFaceAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARFaceGeometry

Removed Type ARKit.ARFaceTrackingConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.ARFrame

Removed Type ARKit.ARFrameSemantics

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeoAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeoTrackingAccuracy

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeoTrackingConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeoTrackingState

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeoTrackingStateReason

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeoTrackingStatus

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeometryElement

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeometryPrimitiveType

Removed Type ARKit.ARGeometrySource

Removed Type ARKit.ARHitTestResult

Removed Type ARKit.ARHitTestResultType

Removed Type ARKit.ARImageAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARImageTrackingConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.ARLightEstimate

Removed Type ARKit.ARMatteGenerator

Removed Type ARKit.ARMatteResolution

Removed Type ARKit.ARMeshAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARMeshClassification

Removed Type ARKit.ARMeshGeometry

Removed Type ARKit.ARObjectAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARObjectScanningConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.AROrientationTrackingConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.ARParticipantAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARPlaneAnchor

Removed Type ARKit.ARPlaneAnchorAlignment

Removed Type ARKit.ARPlaneClassification

Removed Type ARKit.ARPlaneClassificationStatus

Removed Type ARKit.ARPlaneDetection

Removed Type ARKit.ARPlaneGeometry

Removed Type ARKit.ARPointCloud

Removed Type ARKit.ARPositionalTrackingConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.ARQuickLookPreviewItem

Removed Type ARKit.ARRaycastQuery

Removed Type ARKit.ARRaycastResult

Removed Type ARKit.ARRaycastTarget

Removed Type ARKit.ARRaycastTargetAlignment

Removed Type ARKit.ARReferenceImage

Removed Type ARKit.ARReferenceObject

Removed Type ARKit.ARSCNDebugOptions

Removed Type ARKit.ARSCNFaceGeometry

Removed Type ARKit.ARSCNPlaneGeometry

Removed Type ARKit.ARSCNView

Removed Type ARKit.ARSCNViewDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.ARSCNViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type ARKit.ARSKView

Removed Type ARKit.ARSKViewDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.ARSKViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type ARKit.ARSceneReconstruction

Removed Type ARKit.ARSegmentationClass

Removed Type ARKit.ARSession

Removed Type ARKit.ARSessionDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.ARSessionDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type ARKit.ARSessionObserver_Extensions

Removed Type ARKit.ARSessionRunOptions

Removed Type ARKit.ARSkeleton

Removed Type ARKit.ARSkeleton2D

Removed Type ARKit.ARSkeleton3D

Removed Type ARKit.ARSkeletonDefinition

Removed Type ARKit.ARSkeletonJointName

Removed Type ARKit.ARSkeletonJointNameExtensions

Removed Type ARKit.ARTrackedRaycast

Removed Type ARKit.ARTrackingState

Removed Type ARKit.ARTrackingStateReason

Removed Type ARKit.ARVideoFormat

Removed Type ARKit.ARWorldAlignment

Removed Type ARKit.ARWorldMap

Removed Type ARKit.ARWorldMappingStatus

Removed Type ARKit.ARWorldTrackingConfiguration

Removed Type ARKit.GeoLocationForPoint

Removed Type ARKit.GetGeolocationCallback

Removed Type ARKit.IARAnchorCopying

Removed Type ARKit.IARCoachingOverlayViewDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.IARSCNViewDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.IARSKViewDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.IARSessionDelegate

Removed Type ARKit.IARSessionObserver

Removed Type ARKit.IARSessionProviding

Removed Type ARKit.IARTrackable

Removed Namespace AddressBookUI

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABNewPersonViewController

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABNewPersonViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABPersonPredicateKey

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABPersonViewController

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABPersonViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABUnknownPersonViewController

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type AddressBookUI.ABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type AddressBookUI.IABNewPersonViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type AddressBookUI.IABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate

Removed Type AddressBookUI.IABPersonViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type AddressBookUI.IABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate

Removed Namespace AssetsLibrary

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAsset

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetLibraryChangedEventArgs

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetOrientation

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetRepresentation

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetType

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsEnumerator

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsError

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsErrorExtensions

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsFilter

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsGroup

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsGroupType

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsLibrary

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAssetsLibraryGroupsEnumerationResultsDelegate

Removed Type AssetsLibrary.ALAuthorizationStatus

Removed Namespace CarPlay

Removed Type CarPlay.CPActionSheetTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPAlertAction

Removed Type CarPlay.CPAlertActionStyle

Removed Type CarPlay.CPAlertTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPApplicationDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPApplicationDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPAssistantCellActionType

Removed Type CarPlay.CPAssistantCellConfiguration

Removed Type CarPlay.CPAssistantCellPosition

Removed Type CarPlay.CPAssistantCellVisibility

Removed Type CarPlay.CPBarButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPBarButtonHandler

Removed Type CarPlay.CPBarButtonStyle

Removed Type CarPlay.CPBarButtonType

Removed Type CarPlay.CPButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPContact

Removed Type CarPlay.CPContactCallButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPContactDirectionsButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPContactMessageButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPContactTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPContentStyle

Removed Type CarPlay.CPDashboardButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPDashboardController

Removed Type CarPlay.CPGridButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPGridTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPImageSet

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInformationItem

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInformationRatingItem

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInformationTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInformationTemplateLayout

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInstrumentClusterController

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInstrumentClusterControllerDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInstrumentClusterControllerDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInstrumentClusterSetting

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInterfaceController

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInterfaceControllerDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPInterfaceControllerDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPLimitableUserInterface

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListImageRowItem

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListImageRowItemHandler

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListItem

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListItemAccessoryType

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListItemPlayingIndicatorLocation

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListSection

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPListTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPManeuver

Removed Type CarPlay.CPManeuverDisplayStyle

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMapButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMapTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMapTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMapTemplateDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMessageComposeBarButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMessageLeadingItem

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMessageListItem

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMessageListItemLeadingConfiguration

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMessageListItemTrailingConfiguration

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMessageListItemType

Removed Type CarPlay.CPMessageTrailingItem

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNavigationAlert

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNavigationAlertDismissalContext

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNavigationSession

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingAddToLibraryButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingImageButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingMoreButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingPlaybackRateButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingRepeatButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingShuffleButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPNowPlayingTemplateObserver_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPPanDirection

Removed Type CarPlay.CPPointOfInterest

Removed Type CarPlay.CPPointOfInterestTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPPointOfInterestTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPPointOfInterestTemplateDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPRouteChoice

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSearchTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSearchTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSearchTemplateDelegateUpdateHandler

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSearchTemplateDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSelectableListItemHandler

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSessionConfiguration

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSessionConfigurationDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPSessionConfigurationDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTabBarTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTabBarTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationDashboardScene

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationDashboardSceneDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationDashboardSceneDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationInstrumentClusterScene

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationInstrumentClusterSceneDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationInstrumentClusterSceneDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationScene

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationSceneDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTemplateApplicationSceneDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTextButton

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTextButtonStyle

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTimeRemainingColor

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTravelEstimates

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTrip

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTripEstimateStyle

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTripPauseReason

Removed Type CarPlay.CPTripPreviewTextConfiguration

Removed Type CarPlay.CPVoiceControlState

Removed Type CarPlay.CPVoiceControlTemplate

Removed Type CarPlay.CPWindow

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPApplicationDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPBarButtonProviding

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPInstrumentClusterControllerDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPInterfaceControllerDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPListTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPListTemplateItem

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPMapTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPNowPlayingTemplateObserver

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPPointOfInterestTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPSearchTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPSelectableListItem

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPSessionConfigurationDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPTabBarTemplateDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPTemplateApplicationDashboardSceneDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPTemplateApplicationInstrumentClusterSceneDelegate

Removed Type CarPlay.ICPTemplateApplicationSceneDelegate

Removed Namespace FileProviderUI

Removed Type FileProviderUI.FPUIActionExtensionContext

Removed Type FileProviderUI.FPUIActionExtensionViewController

Removed Type FileProviderUI.FPUIExtensionErrorCode

Removed Type FileProviderUI.FPUIExtensionErrorCodeExtensions

Removed Namespace GLKit

Removed Type GLKit.GLKBaseEffect

Removed Type GLKit.GLKEffectProperty

Removed Type GLKit.GLKEffectPropertyFog

Removed Type GLKit.GLKEffectPropertyLight

Removed Type GLKit.GLKEffectPropertyMaterial

Removed Type GLKit.GLKEffectPropertyTexture

Removed Type GLKit.GLKEffectPropertyTransform

Removed Type GLKit.GLKFogMode

Removed Type GLKit.GLKLightingType

Removed Type GLKit.GLKMesh

Removed Type GLKit.GLKMeshBuffer

Removed Type GLKit.GLKMeshBufferAllocator

Removed Type GLKit.GLKModelError

Removed Type GLKit.GLKNamedEffect

Removed Type GLKit.GLKReflectionMapEffect

Removed Type GLKit.GLKSkyboxEffect

Removed Type GLKit.GLKSubmesh

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureEnvMode

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureInfo

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureInfoAlphaState

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureInfoOrigin

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureLoader

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureLoaderCallback

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureLoaderError

Removed Type GLKit.GLKTextureTarget

Removed Type GLKit.GLKVertexAttrib

Removed Type GLKit.GLKView

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewController

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewControllerDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewDelegate

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewDrawEventArgs

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewDrawableColorFormat

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewDrawableDepthFormat

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewDrawableMultisample

Removed Type GLKit.GLKViewDrawableStencilFormat

Removed Type GLKit.IGLKNamedEffect

Removed Type GLKit.IGLKViewControllerDelegate

Removed Type GLKit.IGLKViewDelegate

Removed Namespace MediaSetup

Removed Type MediaSetup.IMSAuthenticationPresentationContext

Removed Type MediaSetup.MSServiceAccount

Removed Type MediaSetup.MSSetupSession

Removed Namespace NewsstandKit

Removed Type NewsstandKit.NKAssetDownload

Removed Type NewsstandKit.NKIssue

Removed Type NewsstandKit.NKIssueContentStatus

Removed Type NewsstandKit.NKLibrary

Removed Namespace NotificationCenter

Removed Type NotificationCenter.INCWidgetProviding

Removed Type NotificationCenter.NCUpdateResult

Removed Type NotificationCenter.NCWidgetController

Removed Type NotificationCenter.NCWidgetDisplayMode

Removed Type NotificationCenter.NCWidgetProviding

Removed Type NotificationCenter.NCWidgetProviding_Extensions

Removed Type NotificationCenter.NSExtensionContext_NCWidgetAdditions

Removed Namespace OpenGLES

Removed Type OpenGLES.EAGLContext

Removed Type OpenGLES.EAGLRenderingAPI

Removed Type OpenGLES.EAGLSharegroup

Removed Type OpenGLES.IEAGLDrawable

Removed Namespace ThreadNetwork

Removed Type ThreadNetwork.THClient

Removed Type ThreadNetwork.THCredentials

Removed Namespace Twitter

Removed Type Twitter.TWRequest

Removed Type Twitter.TWRequestHandler

Removed Type Twitter.TWRequestMethod

Removed Type Twitter.TWRequestResult

Removed Type Twitter.TWTweetComposeViewController

Removed Type Twitter.TWTweetComposeViewControllerResult

Removed Namespace VideoSubscriberAccount

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.IVSAccountManagerDelegate

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountAccessStatus

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountApplicationProvider

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountManager

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountManagerAccessOptions

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountManagerDelegate

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountManagerDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountManagerResult

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountMetadata

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountMetadataRequest

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountProviderAuthenticationScheme

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountProviderAuthenticationSchemeExtensions

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSAccountProviderResponse

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSErrorCode

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSErrorCodeExtensions

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSErrorInfo

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSSubscription

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSSubscriptionAccessLevel

Removed Type VideoSubscriberAccount.VSSubscriptionRegistrationCenter

Removed Namespace WatchConnectivity

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.IWCSessionDelegate

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCErrorCode

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSession

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionActivationState

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionDelegate

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionDelegate_Extensions

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionFile

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionFileTransfer

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionReplyDataHandler

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionReplyHandler

Removed Type WatchConnectivity.WCSessionUserInfoTransfer

New Namespace AppKit

New Type: AppKit.AppKitThreadAccessException

public class AppKitThreadAccessException : System.Exception {
	// constructors
	public AppKitThreadAccessException ();

New Type: AppKit.HfsTypeCode

public enum HfsTypeCode {
	AfpServerIcon = 1634103411,
	AlertCautionBadgeIcon = 1667392615,
	AlertCautionIcon = 1667331444,
	AlertNoteIcon = 1852798053,
	AlertStopIcon = 1937010544,
	AliasBadgeIcon = 1633838183,
	AppearanceFolderIcon = 1634758770,
	AppleLogoIcon = 1667330156,
	AppleMenuFolderIcon = 1634561653,
	AppleMenuIcon = 1935765612,
	AppleScriptBadgeIcon = 1935897200,
	AppleTalkIcon = 1635019883,
	AppleTalkZoneIcon = 1635023470,
	ApplicationSupportFolderIcon = 1634956656,
	ApplicationsFolderIcon = 1634758771,
	BackwardArrowIcon = 1650553455,
	BurningIcon = 1651864174,
	ClipboardIcon = 1129072976,
	ClippingPictureTypeIcon = 1668051056,
	ClippingSoundTypeIcon = 1668051059,
	ClippingTextTypeIcon = 1668051060,
	ClippingUnknownTypeIcon = 1668051061,
	ColorSyncFolderIcon = 1886547814,
	ComputerIcon = 1919905652,
	ConnectToIcon = 1668178804,
	ContextualMenuItemsFolderIcon = 1668116085,
	ControlPanelDisabledFolderIcon = 1668575812,
	ControlPanelFolderIcon = 1668575852,
	DeleteAliasIcon = 1684106345,
	DesktopIcon = 1684370283,
	DocumentsFolderIcon = 1685021555,
	DropFolderIcon = 1684172664,
	EjectMediaIcon = 1701471587,
	ExtensionsDisabledFolderIcon = 1702392900,
	ExtensionsFolderIcon = 1702392942,
	FavoriteItemsIcon = 1717663346,
	FavoritesFolderIcon = 1717663347,
	FinderIcon = 1179534418,
	FontSuitcaseIcon = 1179011404,
	FontsFolderIcon = 1718578804,
	ForwardArrowIcon = 1717662319,
	FtpServerIcon = 1718906995,
	FullTrashIcon = 1718907496,
	GenericApplicationIcon = 1095782476,
	GenericCdromIcon = 1667523698,
	GenericComponentIcon = 1953001063,
	GenericControlPanelIcon = 1095782467,
	GenericControlStripModuleIcon = 1935959414,
	GenericDeskAccessoryIcon = 1095782468,
	GenericDocumentIcon = 1685021557,
	GenericEditionFileIcon = 1701082214,
	GenericExtensionIcon = 1229867348,
	GenericFileServerIcon = 1936881266,
	GenericFloppyIcon = 1718382713,
	GenericFolderIcon = 1718379634,
	GenericFontIcon = 1717987692,
	GenericFontScalerIcon = 1935895666,
	GenericHardDiskIcon = 1751413611,
	GenericIDiskIcon = 1768190827,
	GenericMoverObjectIcon = 1836021362,
	GenericNetworkIcon = 1735288180,
	GenericPCCardIcon = 1885564259,
	GenericPreferencesIcon = 1886545254,
	GenericQueryDocumentIcon = 1902473849,
	GenericRamDiskIcon = 1918987620,
	GenericRemovableMediaIcon = 1919774582,
	GenericSharedLibraryIcon = 1936223330,
	GenericStationeryIcon = 1935961955,
	GenericSuitcaseIcon = 1937074548,
	GenericUrlIcon = 1735750252,
	GenericWindowIcon = 1735879022,
	GenericWormIcon = 2003792493,
	GridIcon = 1735551332,
	GroupIcon = 1735554416,
	GuestUserIcon = 1735750514,
	HelpIcon = 1751477360,
	HttpServerIcon = 1752461427,
	IPFileServerIcon = 1769173622,
	InternationalResourcesIcon = 1768319340,
	InternetLocationAppleShareIcon = 1768710502,
	InternetLocationAppleTalkZoneIcon = 1768710516,
	InternetLocationFileIcon = 1768711785,
	InternetLocationFtpIcon = 1768711796,
	InternetLocationGenericIcon = 1768712037,
	InternetLocationHttpIcon = 1768712308,
	InternetLocationMailIcon = 1768713569,
	InternetLocationNewsIcon = 1768713847,
	InternetLocationNslNeighborhoodIcon = 1768713843,
	InternetSearchSitesFolderIcon = 1769173862,
	KeepArrangedIcon = 1634889319,
	KeyboardLayoutIcon = 1801873772,
	LockedBadgeIcon = 1818387559,
	LockedIcon = 1819239275,
	MountedBadgeIcon = 1835164775,
	MountedFolderIcon = 1835955300,
	NoFilesIcon = 1852205420,
	NoFolderIcon = 1852206180,
	NoWriteIcon = 1853321844,
	OpenFolderIcon = 1868983396,
	OwnedFolderIcon = 1870098020,
	OwnerIcon = 1937077106,
	PrintMonitorFolderIcon = 1886547572,
	PrinterDescriptionFolderIcon = 1886413926,
	PrivateFolderIcon = 1886549606,
	ProtectedApplicationFolderIcon = 1885433968,
	ProtectedSystemFolderIcon = 1886615923,
	PublicFolderIcon = 1886741094,
	QuestionMarkIcon = 1903519091,
	RecentApplicationsFolderIcon = 1918988400,
	RecentDocumentsFolderIcon = 1919184739,
	RecentItemsIcon = 1919118964,
	RecentServersFolderIcon = 1920168566,
	RightContainerArrowIcon = 1919115634,
	SharedBadgeIcon = 1935828071,
	SharedFolderIcon = 1936221804,
	SharingPrivsNotApplicableIcon = 1936223841,
	SharingPrivsReadOnlyIcon = 1936224879,
	SharingPrivsReadWriteIcon = 1936224887,
	SharingPrivsUnknownIcon = 1936225643,
	SharingPrivsWritableIcon = 2003986804,
	ShortcutIcon = 1936224884,
	ShutdownItemsDisabledFolderIcon = 1936221252,
	ShutdownItemsFolderIcon = 1936221286,
	SortAscendingIcon = 1634954852,
	SortDescendingIcon = 1685286500,
	SoundFileIcon = 1936091500,
	SpeakableItemsFolder = 1936747369,
	StartupItemsDisabledFolderIcon = 1937011268,
	StartupItemsFolderIcon = 1937011316,
	SystemExtensionDisabledFolderIcon = 1835098948,
	SystemFolderIcon = 1835098995,
	SystemSuitcaseIcon = 2054388083,
	ToolbarAdvancedIcon = 1952604534,
	ToolbarApplicationsFolderIcon = 1950445683,
	ToolbarCustomizeIcon = 1952675187,
	ToolbarDeleteIcon = 1952736620,
	ToolbarDesktopFolderIcon = 1950643051,
	ToolbarDocumentsFolderIcon = 1950642019,
	ToolbarDownloadsFolderIcon = 1950644078,
	ToolbarFavoritesIcon = 1952866678,
	ToolbarHomeIcon = 1953001325,
	ToolbarInfoIcon = 1952606574,
	ToolbarLabelsIcon = 1952607330,
	ToolbarLibraryFolderIcon = 1951164770,
	ToolbarMovieFolderIcon = 1951231862,
	ToolbarMusicFolderIcon = 1951233395,
	ToolbarPicturesFolderIcon = 1951426915,
	ToolbarPublicFolderIcon = 1951429986,
	ToolbarSitesFolderIcon = 1951626355,
	ToolbarUtilitiesFolderIcon = 1951757420,
	TrashIcon = 1953657704,
	TrueTypeFlatFontIcon = 1936092788,
	TrueTypeFontIcon = 1952868716,
	TrueTypeMultiFlatFontIcon = 1953784678,
	UnknownFSObjectIcon = 1970169459,
	UnlockedIcon = 1970037611,
	UserFolderIcon = 1969646692,
	UserIDiskIcon = 1969517419,
	UserIcon = 1970496882,
	VoicesFolderIcon = 1719037795,
	WorkgroupFolderIcon = 2003201124,

New Type: AppKit.INSAlignmentFeedbackToken

public interface INSAlignmentFeedbackToken : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {

New Type: AppKit.INSToolbarDelegate

public interface INSToolbarDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {

New Type: AppKit.INSTouchBarDelegate

public interface INSTouchBarDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {

New Type: AppKit.INSTouchBarProvider

public interface INSTouchBarProvider : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public virtual NSTouchBar TouchBar { get; }

New Type: AppKit.NSAlignmentFeedbackToken

public class NSAlignmentFeedbackToken : Foundation.NSObject, INSAlignmentFeedbackToken, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSAlignmentFeedbackToken ();
	protected NSAlignmentFeedbackToken (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSAlignmentFeedbackToken (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);

New Type: AppKit.NSButtonTouchBarItem

public class NSButtonTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSButtonTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSButtonTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSButtonTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSButtonTouchBarItem (string identifier);
	// properties
	public virtual ObjCRuntime.Selector Action { get; set; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIColor BezelColor { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
	public virtual NSImage Image { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Target { get; set; }
	public virtual string Title { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static NSButtonTouchBarItem Create (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier, NSImage image, Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	public static NSButtonTouchBarItem Create (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier, string title, Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	public static NSButtonTouchBarItem Create (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier, string title, NSImage image, Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

New Type: AppKit.NSCollectionElementCategory

public enum NSCollectionElementCategory {
	DecorationView = 2,
	InterItemGap = 3,
	Item = 0,
	SupplementaryView = 1,

New Type: AppKit.NSCollectionViewDropOperation

public enum NSCollectionViewDropOperation {
	Before = 1,
	On = 0,

New Type: AppKit.NSCollectionViewItemHighlightState

public enum NSCollectionViewItemHighlightState {
	AsDropTarget = 3,
	ForDeselection = 2,
	ForSelection = 1,
	None = 0,

New Type: AppKit.NSCollectionViewScrollDirection

public enum NSCollectionViewScrollDirection {
	Horizontal = 1,
	Vertical = 0,

New Type: AppKit.NSCollectionViewScrollPosition

public enum NSCollectionViewScrollPosition {
	Bottom = 4,
	CenteredHorizontally = 16,
	CenteredVertically = 2,
	LeadingEdge = 64,
	Left = 8,
	NearestHorizontalEdge = 512,
	NearestVerticalEdge = 256,
	None = 0,
	Right = 32,
	Top = 1,
	TrailingEdge = 128,

New Type: AppKit.NSColorPickerTouchBarItem

public class NSColorPickerTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSColorPickerTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSColorPickerTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSColorPickerTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSColorPickerTouchBarItem (string identifier);
	// properties
	public virtual ObjCRuntime.Selector Action { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIColor Color { get; set; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShowsAlpha { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Target { get; set; }
	// events
	public event System.EventHandler Activated;
	// methods
	public static NSColorPickerTouchBarItem CreateColorPicker (string identifier);
	public static NSColorPickerTouchBarItem CreateColorPicker (string identifier, NSImage image);
	public static NSColorPickerTouchBarItem CreateStrokeColorPicker (string identifier);
	public static NSColorPickerTouchBarItem CreateTextColorPicker (string identifier);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

New Type: AppKit.NSCursor

public class NSCursor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSCursor ();
	public NSCursor (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSCursor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSCursor (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSCursor (NSImage newImage, CoreGraphics.CGPoint aPoint);
	// properties
	public static NSCursor ArrowCursor { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static NSCursor ClosedHandCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor ContextualMenuCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor CrosshairCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor CurrentCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor CurrentSystemCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor DisappearingItemCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor DragCopyCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor DragLinkCursor { get; }
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint HotSpot { get; }
	public static NSCursor IBeamCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout { get; }
	public virtual NSImage Image { get; }
	public static NSCursor OpenHandCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor OperationNotAllowedCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor PointingHandCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor ResizeDownCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor ResizeLeftCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor ResizeLeftRightCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor ResizeRightCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor ResizeUpCursor { get; }
	public static NSCursor ResizeUpDownCursor { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
	public static void Hide ();
	public virtual bool IsSetOnMouseEntered ();
	public virtual bool IsSetOnMouseExited ();
	public virtual void Pop ();
	public virtual void Push ();
	public virtual void Set ();
	public static void SetHiddenUntilMouseMoves (bool flag);
	public virtual void SetOnMouseEntered (bool flag);
	public virtual void SetOnMouseExited (bool flag);
	public static void Unhide ();

New Type: AppKit.NSCustomImageRepDrawingHandler

public sealed delegate NSCustomImageRepDrawingHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
	// constructors
	public NSCustomImageRepDrawingHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
	// methods
	public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstRect, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
	public virtual bool EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
	public virtual bool Invoke (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstRect);

New Type: AppKit.NSEdgeInsets

public struct NSEdgeInsets {
	// constructors
	public NSEdgeInsets (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat top, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat left, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat bottom, System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat right);
	// fields
	public System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat Bottom;
	public System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat Left;
	public System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat Right;
	public System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat Top;

New Type: AppKit.NSGroupTouchBarItem

public class NSGroupTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSGroupTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSGroupTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSGroupTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSGroupTouchBarItem (string identifier);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual NSTouchBar GroupTouchBar { get; set; }
	public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat PreferredItemWidth { get; set; }
	public virtual bool PrefersEqualWidths { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static NSGroupTouchBarItem CreateAlertStyleGroupItem (string identifier);
	public static NSGroupTouchBarItem CreateGroupItem (string identifier, NSTouchBarItem[] items);

New Type: AppKit.NSImage

public class NSImage : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSImage ();
	public NSImage (CoreGraphics.CGSize aSize);
	public NSImage (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	public NSImage (Foundation.NSData data);
	protected NSImage (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public NSImage (Foundation.NSUrl url);
	protected NSImage (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSImage (string fileName);
	public NSImage (CoreGraphics.CGImage cgImage, CoreGraphics.CGSize size);
	// properties
	public virtual string AccessibilityDescription { get; set; }
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect AlignmentRect { get; set; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIColor BackgroundColor { get; set; }
	public virtual NSEdgeInsets CapInsets { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual bool Flipped { get; set; }
	public static string[] ImageFileTypes { get; }
	public static string[] ImageTypes { get; }
	public static string[] ImageUnfilteredTypes { get; }
	public virtual bool IsValid { get; }
	public virtual bool MatchesOnMultipleResolution { get; set; }
	public virtual bool MatchesOnlyOnBestFittingAxis { get; set; }
	public virtual bool PrefersColorMatch { get; set; }
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGSize Size { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Template { get; set; }
	public virtual bool UsesEpsOnResolutionMismatch { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	// methods
	public virtual Foundation.NSData AsTiff ();
	public virtual void CancelIncrementalLoad ();
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject GetLayerContentsForContentsScale (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat layerContentsScale);
	public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat GetRecommendedLayerContentsScale (System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat preferredContentsScale);
	public static NSImage ImageNamed (string name);
	public static Foundation.NSObject[] ImageUnfilteredFileTypes ();
	public static NSImage ImageWithSize (CoreGraphics.CGSize size, bool flipped, NSCustomImageRepDrawingHandler drawingHandler);
	public virtual void LockFocus ();
	public virtual void LockFocusFlipped (bool flipped);
	public virtual void Recache ();
	public virtual void UnlockFocus ();

New Type: AppKit.NSImageName

public enum NSImageName {
	ActionTemplate = 4,
	AddTemplate = 14,
	ApplicationIcon = 34,
	BluetoothTemplate = 1,
	BookmarksTemplate = 28,
	Caution = 29,
	EnterFullScreenTemplate = 18,
	ExitFullScreenTemplate = 19,
	Folder = 24,
	FollowLinkFreestandingTemplate = 17,
	GoLeftTemplate = 11,
	GoRightTemplate = 10,
	HomeTemplate = 27,
	IChatTheaterTemplate = 2,
	InvalidDataFreestandingTemplate = 7,
	LeftFacingTriangleTemplate = 13,
	LockLockedTemplate = 8,
	LockUnlockedTemplate = 9,
	MenuMixedStateTemplate = 36,
	MenuOnStateTemplate = 35,
	MobileMe = 38,
	PathTemplate = 6,
	QuickLookTemplate = 0,
	RefreshFreestandingTemplate = 23,
	RefreshTemplate = 22,
	RemoveTemplate = 15,
	RevealFreestandingTemplate = 16,
	RightFacingTriangleTemplate = 12,
	ShareTemplate = 39,
	SlideshowTemplate = 3,
	SmartBadgeTemplate = 5,
	StatusAvailable = 30,
	StatusNone = 33,
	StatusPartiallyAvailable = 31,
	StatusUnavailable = 32,
	StopProgressFreestandingTemplate = 21,
	StopProgressTemplate = 20,
	TouchBarAddDetailTemplate = 40,
	TouchBarAddTemplate = 41,
	TouchBarAlarmTemplate = 42,
	TouchBarAudioInputMuteTemplate = 43,
	TouchBarAudioInputTemplate = 44,
	TouchBarAudioOutputMuteTemplate = 45,
	TouchBarAudioOutputVolumeHighTemplate = 46,
	TouchBarAudioOutputVolumeLowTemplate = 47,
	TouchBarAudioOutputVolumeMediumTemplate = 48,
	TouchBarAudioOutputVolumeOffTemplate = 49,
	TouchBarBookmarksTemplate = 50,
	TouchBarColorPickerFill = 51,
	TouchBarColorPickerFont = 52,
	TouchBarColorPickerStroke = 53,
	TouchBarCommunicationAudioTemplate = 54,
	TouchBarCommunicationVideoTemplate = 55,
	TouchBarComposeTemplate = 56,
	TouchBarDeleteTemplate = 57,
	TouchBarDownloadTemplate = 58,
	TouchBarEnterFullScreenTemplate = 59,
	TouchBarExitFullScreenTemplate = 60,
	TouchBarFastForwardTemplate = 61,
	TouchBarFolderCopyToTemplate = 62,
	TouchBarFolderMoveToTemplate = 63,
	TouchBarFolderTemplate = 64,
	TouchBarGetInfoTemplate = 65,
	TouchBarGoBackTemplate = 66,
	TouchBarGoDownTemplate = 67,
	TouchBarGoForwardTemplate = 68,
	TouchBarGoUpTemplate = 69,
	TouchBarHistoryTemplate = 70,
	TouchBarIconViewTemplate = 71,
	TouchBarListViewTemplate = 72,
	TouchBarMailTemplate = 73,
	TouchBarNewFolderTemplate = 74,
	TouchBarNewMessageTemplate = 75,
	TouchBarOpenInBrowserTemplate = 76,
	TouchBarPauseTemplate = 77,
	TouchBarPlayPauseTemplate = 79,
	TouchBarPlayTemplate = 80,
	TouchBarPlayheadTemplate = 78,
	TouchBarQuickLookTemplate = 81,
	TouchBarRecordStartTemplate = 82,
	TouchBarRecordStopTemplate = 83,
	TouchBarRefreshTemplate = 84,
	TouchBarRemoveTemplate = 116,
	TouchBarRewindTemplate = 85,
	TouchBarRotateLeftTemplate = 86,
	TouchBarRotateRightTemplate = 87,
	TouchBarSearchTemplate = 88,
	TouchBarShareTemplate = 89,
	TouchBarSidebarTemplate = 90,
	TouchBarSkipAhead15SecondsTemplate = 91,
	TouchBarSkipAhead30SecondsTemplate = 92,
	TouchBarSkipAheadTemplate = 93,
	TouchBarSkipBack15SecondsTemplate = 94,
	TouchBarSkipBack30SecondsTemplate = 95,
	TouchBarSkipBackTemplate = 96,
	TouchBarSkipToEndTemplate = 97,
	TouchBarSkipToStartTemplate = 98,
	TouchBarSlideshowTemplate = 99,
	TouchBarTagIconTemplate = 100,
	TouchBarTextBoldTemplate = 101,
	TouchBarTextBoxTemplate = 102,
	TouchBarTextCenterAlignTemplate = 103,
	TouchBarTextItalicTemplate = 104,
	TouchBarTextJustifiedAlignTemplate = 105,
	TouchBarTextLeftAlignTemplate = 106,
	TouchBarTextListTemplate = 107,
	TouchBarTextRightAlignTemplate = 108,
	TouchBarTextStrikethroughTemplate = 109,
	TouchBarTextUnderlineTemplate = 110,
	TouchBarUserAddTemplate = 111,
	TouchBarUserGroupTemplate = 112,
	TouchBarUserTemplate = 113,
	TouchBarVolumeDownTemplate = 114,
	TouchBarVolumeUpTemplate = 115,
	TrashEmpty = 25,
	TrashFull = 26,
	UserGuest = 37,

New Type: AppKit.NSImageNameExtensions

public static class NSImageNameExtensions {
	// methods
	public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this NSImageName self);
	public static NSImageName GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);

New Type: AppKit.NSMenuToolbarItem

public class NSMenuToolbarItem : AppKit.NSToolbarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSMenuToolbarItem ();
	protected NSMenuToolbarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSMenuToolbarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSMenuToolbarItem (string itemIdentifier);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIMenu ItemMenu { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShowsIndicator { get; set; }

New Type: AppKit.NSPickerTouchBarItem

public class NSPickerTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSPickerTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSPickerTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSPickerTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual ObjCRuntime.Selector Action { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual NSImage CollapsedRepresentationImage { get; set; }
	public virtual string CollapsedRepresentationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual NSPickerTouchBarItemControlRepresentation ControlRepresentation { get; set; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
	public virtual nint NumberOfOptions { get; set; }
	public virtual nint SelectedIndex { get; set; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIColor SelectionColor { get; set; }
	public virtual NSPickerTouchBarItemSelectionMode SelectionMode { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Target { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static NSPickerTouchBarItem Create (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier, NSImage[] images, NSPickerTouchBarItemSelectionMode selectionMode, Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	public static NSPickerTouchBarItem Create (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier, string[] labels, NSPickerTouchBarItemSelectionMode selectionMode, Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual bool GetEnabled (nint index);
	public virtual NSImage GetImage (nint index);
	public virtual string GetLabel (nint index);
	public virtual void SetEnabled (bool enabled, nint index);
	public virtual void SetImage (NSImage image, nint index);
	public virtual void SetLabel (string label, nint index);

New Type: AppKit.NSPickerTouchBarItemControlRepresentation

public enum NSPickerTouchBarItemControlRepresentation {
	Automatic = 0,
	Collapsed = 2,
	Expanded = 1,

New Type: AppKit.NSPickerTouchBarItemSelectionMode

public enum NSPickerTouchBarItemSelectionMode {
	Momentary = 2,
	SelectAny = 1,
	SelectOne = 0,

New Type: AppKit.NSPopoverTouchBarItem

public class NSPopoverTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSPopoverTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSPopoverTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSPopoverTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSPopoverTouchBarItem (string identifier);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual NSImage CollapsedRepresentationImage { get; set; }
	public virtual string CollapsedRepresentationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual NSTouchBar PopoverTouchBar { get; set; }
	public virtual NSTouchBar PressAndHoldTouchBar { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShowsCloseButton { get; set; }
	// methods
	public virtual void DismissPopover (Foundation.NSObject sender);
	public virtual void ShowPopover (Foundation.NSObject sender);

New Type: AppKit.NSRectEdge

public enum NSRectEdge {
	MaxXEdge = 2,
	MaxYEdge = 3,
	MinXEdge = 0,
	MinYEdge = 1,

New Type: AppKit.NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem

public class NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem : AppKit.NSToolbarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem ();
	protected NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem (string itemIdentifier);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }

New Type: AppKit.NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem

public class NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem (string identifier);
	// properties
	public virtual NSImage ButtonImage { get; set; }
	public virtual string ButtonTitle { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }

New Type: AppKit.NSSliderAccessory

public class NSSliderAccessory : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSSliderAccessory (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSSliderAccessory (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSSliderAccessory (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual NSSliderAccessoryBehavior Behavior { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static double DefaultWidth { get; }
	public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
	public static double WidthWide { get; }
	// methods
	public static NSSliderAccessory CreateAccessory (NSImage image);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: AppKit.NSSliderAccessoryBehavior

public class NSSliderAccessoryBehavior : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSSliderAccessoryBehavior ();
	public NSSliderAccessoryBehavior (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSSliderAccessoryBehavior (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSSliderAccessoryBehavior (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public static NSSliderAccessoryBehavior AutomaticBehavior { get; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public static NSSliderAccessoryBehavior ValueResetBehavior { get; }
	public static NSSliderAccessoryBehavior ValueStepBehavior { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
	public static NSSliderAccessoryBehavior CreateBehavior (System.Action<NSSliderAccessory> handler);
	public static NSSliderAccessoryBehavior CreateBehavior (Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
	public virtual void HandleAction (NSSliderAccessory sender);

New Type: AppKit.NSSliderTouchBarItem

public class NSSliderTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSSliderTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSSliderTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSSliderTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSSliderTouchBarItem (string identifier);
	// properties
	public virtual ObjCRuntime.Selector Action { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual double DoubleValue { get; set; }
	public virtual string Label { get; set; }
	public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat MaximumSliderWidth { get; set; }
	public virtual NSSliderAccessory MaximumValueAccessory { get; set; }
	public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat MinimumSliderWidth { get; set; }
	public virtual NSSliderAccessory MinimumValueAccessory { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Target { get; set; }
	public virtual System.Runtime.InteropServices.NFloat ValueAccessoryWidth { get; set; }
	// events
	public event System.EventHandler Activated;
	// methods
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

New Type: AppKit.NSStepperTouchBarItem

public class NSStepperTouchBarItem : AppKit.NSTouchBarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSStepperTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSStepperTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSStepperTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public virtual ObjCRuntime.Selector Action { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual double Increment { get; set; }
	public virtual double MaxValue { get; set; }
	public virtual double MinValue { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Target { get; set; }
	public virtual double Value { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static NSStepperTouchBarItem Create (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier, Foundation.NSFormatter formatter);
	public static NSStepperTouchBarItem Create (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier, System.Action<CoreGraphics.CGRect,System.Double> drawingHandler);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

New Type: AppKit.NSStringDrawing_NSAttributedString

public static class NSStringDrawing_NSAttributedString {
	// methods
	public static void DrawAtPoint (this Foundation.NSAttributedString This, CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);
	public static void DrawInRect (this Foundation.NSAttributedString This, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
	public static CoreGraphics.CGSize GetSize (this Foundation.NSAttributedString This);

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbar

public class NSToolbar : Foundation.NSObject {
	// constructors
	public NSToolbar ();
	protected NSToolbar (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSToolbar (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSToolbar (string identifier);
	// properties
	public NSToolbarIdentifiers AllowedItemIdentifiers { get; set; }
	public virtual bool AllowsExtensionItems { get; set; }
	public virtual bool AllowsUserCustomization { get; set; }
	public virtual bool AutosavesConfiguration { get; set; }
	public virtual string CenteredItemIdentifier { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary ConfigurationDictionary { get; }
	public NSToolbarIdentifiers DefaultItemIdentifiers { get; set; }
	public INSToolbarDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public virtual NSToolbarDisplayMode DisplayMode { get; set; }
	public virtual string Identifier { get; }
	public virtual bool IsCustomizationPaletteRunning { get; }
	public virtual NSToolbarItem[] Items { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarCloudSharingItemIdentifier { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarDidRemoveItemNotification { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarShowColorsItemIdentifier { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarToggleSidebarItemIdentifier { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString NSToolbarWillAddItemNotification { get; }
	public NSToolbarIdentifiers SelectableItemIdentifiers { get; set; }
	public virtual string SelectedItemIdentifier { get; set; }
	public virtual bool ShowsBaselineSeparator { get; set; }
	public virtual NSToolbarSizeMode SizeMode { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Visible { get; set; }
	public virtual NSToolbarItem[] VisibleItems { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	public NSToolbarWillInsert WillInsertItem { get; set; }
	// events
	public event System.EventHandler DidRemoveItem;
	public event System.EventHandler WillAddItem;
	// methods
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void InsertItem (string itemIdentifier, nint index);
	public virtual void RemoveItem (nint index);
	public virtual void RunCustomizationPalette (Foundation.NSObject sender);
	public virtual void SetConfigurationFromDictionary (Foundation.NSDictionary configDict);
	public virtual void ValidateVisibleItems ();

	// inner types
	public static class Notifications {
		// methods
		public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveNSToolbarDidRemoveItem (System.EventHandler<NSToolbarItemEventArgs> handler);
		public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveNSToolbarDidRemoveItem (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<NSToolbarItemEventArgs> handler);
		public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveNSToolbarWillAddItem (System.EventHandler<NSToolbarItemEventArgs> handler);
		public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveNSToolbarWillAddItem (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<NSToolbarItemEventArgs> handler);

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarDelegate

public class NSToolbarDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, INSToolbarDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSToolbarDelegate ();
	protected NSToolbarDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSToolbarDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// methods
	public virtual string[] AllowedItemIdentifiers (NSToolbar toolbar);
	public virtual string[] DefaultItemIdentifiers (NSToolbar toolbar);
	public virtual void DidRemoveItem (Foundation.NSNotification notification);
	public virtual string[] SelectableItemIdentifiers (NSToolbar toolbar);
	public virtual void WillAddItem (Foundation.NSNotification notification);
	public virtual NSToolbarItem WillInsertItem (NSToolbar toolbar, string itemIdentifier, bool willBeInserted);

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarDelegate_Extensions

public static class NSToolbarDelegate_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static string[] AllowedItemIdentifiers (this INSToolbarDelegate This, NSToolbar toolbar);
	public static string[] DefaultItemIdentifiers (this INSToolbarDelegate This, NSToolbar toolbar);
	public static void DidRemoveItem (this INSToolbarDelegate This, Foundation.NSNotification notification);
	public static string[] SelectableItemIdentifiers (this INSToolbarDelegate This, NSToolbar toolbar);
	public static void WillAddItem (this INSToolbarDelegate This, Foundation.NSNotification notification);
	public static NSToolbarItem WillInsertItem (this INSToolbarDelegate This, NSToolbar toolbar, string itemIdentifier, bool willBeInserted);

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarDisplayMode

public enum NSToolbarDisplayMode {
	Default = 0,
	Icon = 2,
	IconAndLabel = 1,
	Label = 3,

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarIdentifiers

public sealed delegate NSToolbarIdentifiers : System.MulticastDelegate {
	// constructors
	public NSToolbarIdentifiers (object object, IntPtr method);
	// methods
	public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (NSToolbar toolbar, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
	public virtual string[] EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
	public virtual string[] Invoke (NSToolbar toolbar);

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarItem

public class NSToolbarItem : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSToolbarItem ();
	protected NSToolbarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSToolbarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSToolbarItem (string itemIdentifier);
	// properties
	public virtual ObjCRuntime.Selector Action { get; set; }
	public virtual bool AllowsDuplicatesInToolbar { get; }
	public virtual bool Autovalidates { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Bordered { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; }
	public virtual string Identifier { get; }
	public virtual NSImage Image { get; set; }
	public virtual UIKit.UIMenuElement ItemMenuFormRepresentation { get; set; }
	public virtual string Label { get; set; }
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGSize MaxSize { get; set; }
	public virtual CoreGraphics.CGSize MinSize { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Navigational { get; set; }
	public virtual string PaletteLabel { get; set; }
	public virtual nint Tag { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Target { get; set; }
	public virtual string Title { get; set; }
	public virtual string ToolTip { get; set; }
	public virtual NSToolbar Toolbar { get; }
	public UIKit.UIImage UIImage { get; set; }
	public virtual nint VisibilityPriority { get; set; }
	// events
	public event System.EventHandler Activated;
	// methods
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void Validate ();

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarItemEventArgs

public class NSToolbarItemEventArgs : Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs {
	// constructors
	public NSToolbarItemEventArgs (Foundation.NSNotification notification);
	// properties
	public NSToolbarItem Item { get; }

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarItemGroup

public class NSToolbarItemGroup : AppKit.NSToolbarItem {
	// constructors
	public NSToolbarItemGroup ();
	protected NSToolbarItemGroup (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSToolbarItemGroup (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSToolbarItemGroup (string itemIdentifier);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual NSToolbarItemGroupControlRepresentation ControlRepresentation { get; set; }
	public virtual nint SelectedIndex { get; set; }
	public virtual NSToolbarItemGroupSelectionMode SelectionMode { get; set; }
	public virtual NSToolbarItem[] Subitems { get; set; }
	// methods
	public static NSToolbarItemGroup Create (string itemIdentifier, NSImage[] images, NSToolbarItemGroupSelectionMode selectionMode, string[] labels, Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	public static NSToolbarItemGroup Create (string itemIdentifier, string[] titles, NSToolbarItemGroupSelectionMode selectionMode, string[] labels, Foundation.NSObject target, ObjCRuntime.Selector action);
	public virtual bool GetSelected (nint index);
	public virtual void SetSelected (bool selected, nint index);

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarItemGroupControlRepresentation

public enum NSToolbarItemGroupControlRepresentation {
	Automatic = 0,
	Collapsed = 2,
	Expanded = 1,

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarItemGroupSelectionMode

public enum NSToolbarItemGroupSelectionMode {
	Momentary = 2,
	SelectAny = 1,
	SelectOne = 0,

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarSizeMode

public enum NSToolbarSizeMode {
	Default = 0,
	Regular = 1,
	Small = 2,

New Type: AppKit.NSToolbarWillInsert

public sealed delegate NSToolbarWillInsert : System.MulticastDelegate {
	// constructors
	public NSToolbarWillInsert (object object, IntPtr method);
	// methods
	public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (NSToolbar toolbar, string itemIdentifier, bool willBeInserted, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
	public virtual NSToolbarItem EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
	public virtual NSToolbarItem Invoke (NSToolbar toolbar, string itemIdentifier, bool willBeInserted);

New Type: AppKit.NSTouch

public class NSTouch {
	// constructors
	public NSTouch ();

New Type: AppKit.NSTouchBar

public class NSTouchBar : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSTouchBar ();
	public NSTouchBar (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSTouchBar (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSTouchBar (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// properties
	public static bool AutomaticCustomizeTouchBarMenuItemEnabled { get; set; }
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual string[] CustomizationAllowedItemIdentifiers { get; set; }
	public virtual string CustomizationIdentifier { get; set; }
	public virtual string[] CustomizationRequiredItemIdentifiers { get; set; }
	public virtual string[] DefaultItemIdentifiers { get; set; }
	public virtual INSTouchBarDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public virtual string EscapeKeyReplacementItemIdentifier { get; set; }
	public NSTouchBarMakeItem MakeItem { get; set; }
	public virtual string PrincipalItemIdentifier { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSSet<NSTouchBarItem> TemplateItems { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Visible { get; }
	// methods
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
	public virtual NSTouchBarItem GetItemForIdentifier (string identifier);

New Type: AppKit.NSTouchBarDelegate

public class NSTouchBarDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, INSTouchBarDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSTouchBarDelegate ();
	protected NSTouchBarDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSTouchBarDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// methods
	public virtual NSTouchBarItem MakeItem (NSTouchBar touchBar, string identifier);

New Type: AppKit.NSTouchBarDelegate_Extensions

public static class NSTouchBarDelegate_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static NSTouchBarItem MakeItem (this INSTouchBarDelegate This, NSTouchBar touchBar, string identifier);

New Type: AppKit.NSTouchBarItem

public class NSTouchBarItem : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NSTouchBarItem (NSTouchBarItemIdentifier identifier);
	public NSTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected NSTouchBarItem (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected NSTouchBarItem (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	public NSTouchBarItem (string identifier);
	// properties
	public override ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual string CustomizationLabel { get; }
	public virtual string Identifier { get; }
	public virtual float VisibilityPriority { get; set; }
	public virtual bool Visible { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: AppKit.NSTouchBarItemIdentifier

public enum NSTouchBarItemIdentifier {
	CandidateList = 10,
	CharacterPicker = 4,
	FixedSpaceLarge = 1,
	FixedSpaceSmall = 0,
	FlexibleSpace = 2,
	OtherItemsProxy = 3,
	TextAlignment = 7,
	TextColorPicker = 5,
	TextFormat = 9,
	TextList = 8,
	TextStyle = 6,

New Type: AppKit.NSTouchBarItemIdentifierExtensions

public static class NSTouchBarItemIdentifierExtensions {
	// methods
	public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this NSTouchBarItemIdentifier self);
	public static NSTouchBarItemIdentifier GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);

New Type: AppKit.NSTouchBarMakeItem

public sealed delegate NSTouchBarMakeItem : System.MulticastDelegate {
	// constructors
	public NSTouchBarMakeItem (object object, IntPtr method);
	// methods
	public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (NSTouchBar touchBar, string identifier, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
	public virtual NSTouchBarItem EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
	public virtual NSTouchBarItem Invoke (NSTouchBar touchBar, string identifier);

New Namespace CoreWlan

New Type: CoreWlan.CWEventDelegate

public class CWEventDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, ICWEventDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public CWEventDelegate ();
	protected CWEventDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected CWEventDelegate (ObjCRuntime.NativeHandle handle);
	// methods
	public virtual void BssidDidChangeForWiFi (string interfaceName);
	public virtual void ClientConnectionInterrupted ();
	public virtual void ClientConnectionInvalidated ();
	public virtual void CountryCodeDidChangeForWiFi (string interfaceName);
	public virtual void LinkDidChangeForWiFi (string interfaceName);
	public virtual void LinkQualityDidChangeForWiFi (string interfaceName, int rssi, double transmitRate);
	public virtual void ModeDidChangeForWiFi (string interfaceName);
	public virtual void PowerStateDidChangeForWiFi (string interfaceName);
	public virtual void ScanCacheUpdatedForWiFi (string interfaceName);
	public virtual void SsidDidChangeForWiFi (string interfaceName);

New Type: CoreWlan.CWEventDelegate_Extensions

public static class CWEventDelegate_Extensions {
	// methods
	public static void BssidDidChangeForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName);
	public static void ClientConnectionInterrupted (this ICWEventDelegate This);
	public static void ClientConnectionInvalidated (this ICWEventDelegate This);
	public static void CountryCodeDidChangeForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName);
	public static void LinkDidChangeForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName);
	public static void LinkQualityDidChangeForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName, int rssi, double transmitRate);
	public static void ModeDidChangeForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName);
	public static void PowerStateDidChangeForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName);
	public static void ScanCacheUpdatedForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName);
	public static void SsidDidChangeForWiFi (this ICWEventDelegate This, string interfaceName);

New Type: CoreWlan.ICWEventDelegate

public interface ICWEventDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
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