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Ahmed Khaled MOhamed aa-ahmed-aa

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sbinlondon /
Last active October 12, 2024 17:10
Get the synth wave glow theme working for VS Code on Mac

Get the synth wave glow working for VS Code on Mac

These notes are pretty much the same steps as the two extensions list, it's just that I had to collate them together because neither seems to list it fully in the proper order.

  1. Install Synthwave ’84/Synthwave + Fluoromachine theme on VS Code (I used the Fluoromachine one)

  2. Install Custom CSS and JS Loader

  3. Command + Shift + P to open command palette > "Preferences: Open settings (JSON)"

DmytroLisitsyn / country_dial_info.json
Last active February 6, 2025 03:56 — forked from Goles/CountryCodes.json
A JSON dataset of entities containing country name, code, dial (phone) code and flag emoji icon.
[{"name":"Afghanistan","flag":"🇦🇫","code":"AF","dial_code":"+93"},{"name":"Åland Islands","flag":"🇦🇽","code":"AX","dial_code":"+358"},{"name":"Albania","flag":"🇦🇱","code":"AL","dial_code":"+355"},{"name":"Algeria","flag":"🇩🇿","code":"DZ","dial_code":"+213"},{"name":"American Samoa","flag":"🇦🇸","code":"AS","dial_code":"+1684"},{"name":"Andorra","flag":"🇦🇩","code":"AD","dial_code":"+376"},{"name":"Angola","flag":"🇦🇴","code":"AO","dial_code":"+244"},{"name":"Anguilla","flag":"🇦🇮","code":"AI","dial_code":"+1264"},{"name":"Antarctica","flag":"🇦🇶","code":"AQ","dial_code":"+672"},{"name":"Antigua and Barbuda","flag":"🇦🇬","code":"AG","dial_code":"+1268"},{"name":"Argentina","flag":"🇦🇷","code":"AR","dial_code":"+54"},{"name":"Armenia","flag":"🇦🇲","code":"AM","dial_code":"+374"},{"name":"Aruba","flag":"🇦🇼","code":"AW","dial_code":"+297"},{"name":"Australia","flag":"🇦🇺","code":"AU","dial_code":"+61"},{"name":"Austria","flag":"🇦🇹","code":"AT","dial_code":"+43"},{"name":"Azerbaijan","flag":"🇦🇿","code":"AZ","dial_code":"+9
giansalex /
Last active October 13, 2024 20:15
docker-php-ext-install Reference
RUN apt update
RUN apt upgrade -y
RUN apt install -y apt-utils
RUN a2enmod rewrite
RUN apt install -y libmcrypt-dev
RUN apt install -y libicu-dev
RUN docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) intl
RUN apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng12-dev
RUN docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ 
anthonyray /
Last active September 21, 2024 04:56
Setting up OhMyZsh on a rapsberry Pi
  1. Connect to your raspberry Pi with SSH
  2. Install zsh : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install zsh
  3. Edit your passwd configuration file to tell which shell to use for user pi : sudo vim /etc/passwd and change /bin/bash and /bin/zsh
  4. Reconnect to your raspberry, and check that zsh is the shell with echo $0.
  5. Switch to root : sudo su
  6. Install OhMyZsh : sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
  7. Disconnect from your instance and reconnect it.
nguyenanhtu /
Last active July 12, 2024 19:06
Guide to configure SSL in XAMPP for Windows

How to test 'https' in XAMPP for localhost ? I will guide you


  • Create certificate
  • Config Apache to access https instead of http
  • Config mod rewrite to generate SSL url
  • Config Virtual host to test site

Step 1 : Create certificate

  • Go to your XAMPP installation directory (in my case it’s E:\xampp), figure out apache folder. In this, find & run batch file
ahgood / jwt_decode.php
Created June 20, 2016 06:41
Get payload data from JWT token.
* JSON Web Token implementation
* Minimum implementation used by Realtime auth, based on this spec:
* @author Neuman Vong <>
class JWT
ihciah / README.MD
Created January 19, 2016 05:49 Toddler's Bottle writeup Toddler's Bottle writeup

It has been a long time since I finish(nearly) these problems...

1. fd

In linux, 0 is std_input, 1 is std_output, 2 is std_error_output.

We just need to send LETMEWIN to std_input and set fd to 0 which means (our input - 0x1234) == 0.

developius /
Last active November 22, 2024 01:35
Setup SSH keys for use with GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket etc

Create a new repository, or reuse an existing one.

Generate a new SSH key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

Copy the contents of the file ~/.ssh/ to your SSH keys in your GitHub account settings (

Test SSH key:

kodekracker / c++Template.cpp
Last active December 7, 2024 13:53
Basic C++ Template for Competitive Programming
* Note: This template uses some c++11 functions , so you have to compile it with c++11 flag.
* Example:- $ g++ -std=c++11 c++Template.cpp
* Author : Akshay Pratap Singh
* Handle: code_crack_01
/******** All Required Header Files ********/
rxaviers / gist:7360908
Last active February 18, 2025 23:20
Complete list of github markdown emoji markup


:bowtie: :bowtie: 😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing:
😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed:
😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_eyes: 😘 :kissing_heart:
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: 😳 :flushed: 😌 :relieved:
😆 :satisfied: 😁 :grin: 😉 :wink:
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 😀 :grinning:
😗 :kissing: 😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: 😛 :stuck_out_tongue: