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Last active July 6, 2020 19:04
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How Will sets up a Brand New Mac (cloned from

Will New Mac Runbook

How to get a Macbook operational general development. Also, take all those stupid icons off your dock.

Initial Setup

  • Create account on the machine- don't copy over old settings or files
    • If asked to opt into iCloud sharing, don't.
  • Check for software updates.

Get Mac Preferences just the way I like

  • Change Scroll direction from Natural
    • System Preferences -> Trackpad -> Scroll & Zoom -> Scroll direction
  • Turn off Trackpad Swipe with two fingers gesture
  • Rebind Caps Lock to Control
    • System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Modifier Keys
  • Check "Use F1, F2 as standard function keys"
  • Remove everything from Dock except for Finder
  • Add Hot Corner settings
    • System Preferences -> Desktop & Screen Saver -> Hot Corners...
      • Bind Lower right corner to "Put Display to Sleep"
      • Bind Lower left corner to "Start Screen Saver"
  • Have Screen Saver prompt for password immediately
    • System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General
      • Change Require password after sleep or screen saver begins to "Immediately"
  • Turn on Night Shift on in Displays -> Night Shift or alternately use flux (see below)
  • Turn on Dock Auto-hiding
    • System Preferences -> Dock
  • In Finder:
    • Customize Toolbar and add "Path" to the toolbar.
    • Add your "Home", "Movies", and "Code" directories to the favorites sidebar
  • In System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> Guest User disable "Allow guests to log into this computer"

Set up accounts

  • Open Terminal
    • run homebrew install script
      • /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    • install all basic apps needed to access other apps and use mac effectively.
      • brew cask install firefox iterm2 google-chrome
      • Launch Firefox and set Options -> Keep in Dock
        • sign in with firefox account
        • Make Gmail the default mail handler.
          • Go to Preferences and search for mailto and set Gmail as the default handler
      • install browser extensions if necessary

Set up basic computer usability

  • brew install bash wget coreutils tmux node yarn
  • brew install brew install github/gh/gh
  • Open iTerm Preferences
    • set Options -> Keep in Dock
    • Open preferences and set Profiles->General->Working Directory->Reuse previous session's directory
    • Go to General->Selection and check both "Copy to Pasteboard on selection" and "Applications in terminal may access clipboard"
    • set default profile login command to /usr/local/bin/bash
      • In Terminal, go to Preferences -> Shells open with: and fill in /usr/local/bin/bash
      • echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  • Install apps needed for developing and doing teamwork on a Mac environment.
    • brew cask install spectacle slack resilio-sync

Set up development environment

  • Generate a pubkey
    • ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521
  • Add this to the top of your ~/.ssh/config
TCPKeepAlive yes
ServerAliveInterval 60
forwardagent yes
Host *
    compression yes
    UseKeychain yes
  • Upload this public key to github.
  • Upload this public key to BitBucket (optional).
  • If you have a passphrase on your private key you can add your private key to your keychain- it will prompt you for your passphrase.
    • ssh-add -K /path/to/private_key
  • cd ~ && mkdir Code && cd Code
  • Clone github dotfiles repo to ~/Code/dotfiles
    • symlink .vim/vimrc
  • Set up resilio sync to sync your vimwiki to ~/vimwiki
  • Configure apps
    • Launch slack and add all relevant accounts.

Clone and set up all repos for work/projects

  • Clone all repos (Sourcetree makes this very easy if you have lots of them)
    • brew cask install sourcetree
    • You may need to symlink your generated pubkey to be accessible to SourceTree- it is expecting them in the location ~/.ssh/<username>-GitHub and ~/.ssh/<username>
  • Install IDE tools
    • brew cask install jetbrains-toolbox visual-studio-code

Set up quality of life stuff

  • brew cask install itsycal
    • itsycal is a nice way to have the current date displayed in the Mac upper righthand corner (it's weird that Mac doesn't do this by default).

Set up hardware

  • Download latest printer software here.
  • Plug in logitech unifying device and configure
    • brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers
    • brew cask install logitech-options
    • In the keyboard settings for the logitech keyboard, rebind Caps Lock to Escape
      • System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Modifier Keys
    • Launch Logitech Options
      • Check "Use F1, F2 as standard function keys"
    • Launch Spectacle and turn on accessibility settings
    • In mouse settings turn the Scrolling speed down to slow

Work specific stuff


  • brew install ccrypt kustomize skaffold
  • brew cask install tunnelblick docker -- this is docker desktop specifically

Set up recreational stuff

  • brew cask install battle-net steam calibre plex-media-player vlc flux
    • Battle.Net and Steam are the two gaming platforms I use
    • Calibre is a formatter for eBooks
    • Plex is how I access all my media
    • VLC is how I play local media
    • Flux is like the built in Night Shift for OSX but I prefer Flux as it is more customizable.
  • Things I'm trying out...
    • brew install bash-completion
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