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Aaron D. Campbell aaroncampbell

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aaroncampbell /
Created September 5, 2011 19:38 — forked from markjaquith/
TLC Transients — On the fly WordPress transients with soft expiration and one-liner chained syntax.

TLC Transients

A WordPress transients interface with support for soft-expiration (use old content until new content is available), background updating of the transients (without having to wait for a cron job), and a chainable syntax that allows for one liners.


In this simple example, we're defining a feed-fetching callback, and then using tlc_transient with a chain to point to that callback and use it, all in one line. Note that since we haven't used background_only(), the initial load of this will cause the page to pause.

aaroncampbell / expand-admin-menus.php
Created October 12, 2011 15:23
WordPress Expanded Admin Menus
* Plugin Name:
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Forces all admin menus to be expanded all the time
* Version: 0.0.1
* Author: Aaron D. Campbell
* Author URI:
* If the post doesn't have a featured image set it to the first attached image
* or a default if there are no images
function pd_set_post_thumbnail( $post_id = null ) {
if ( ! isset( $post_id ) )
$post_id = get_the_ID();
if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post_id ) )
return true;
aaroncampbell / gist:4483989
Last active December 10, 2015 19:48
Dump function for convenient debugging. It can handle anything var_dump() can, but also takes a title that it will insert above the data, as well as formatting the data for display in HTML, PLAINTEXT, or as an HTML comment.
* For use with debugging
if ( !function_exists('dump') ) {
* To be used like a more flexible more developer friendly var_dump.
* Basically you can pass a variable to dump as well as a title and choose
* whether it returns that data to you to echo out or Use this as a var_dump
aaroncampbell /
Last active December 11, 2015 21:58
Measure the added and deleted lines in patches
# For patches, lower numbers are better
function redgreen() {
sed s/'^\(---\|+++\)'// | ack "^[-|\+]" -oh | sort | uniq -c | sed s/"\s*\([0-9]\+\)\s*\([+-]\)"/"\2\1"/ | xargs | awk '{print $2}{print $1}{print "--\r\n"$2 + $1}'
# Example usage
# $ svn di | redgreen
# +205
# -506
# --
aaroncampbell / shopp-cart-sort.php
Last active December 15, 2015 03:59
Sorting Shopp cart by blog_id (product meta data)
foreach ( ShoppOrder()->Cart->contents as &$item ) {
$item->blog_id = get_post_meta( $item->product, 'blog_id', true );
function finecabin_sort_cart( $a, $b ) {
if ( $a->blog_id == $b->blog_id )
return 0;
return ( $a->blog_id < $b->blog_id )? -1 : 1;
aaroncampbell / get_php_bin_from_path.php
Created August 21, 2013 13:34
Find the PHP binary in the path
* Checks the path for the php binary and returns it's location if found
* @return false|string False on failure, String of binary location on success
function get_php_bin_from_path() {
$paths = explode( PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv( 'PATH' ) );
foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
// Windows XAMPP sometimes has the actual bin as the path
aaroncampbell / show-related-thumbs.php
Created September 18, 2013 15:05
Showing related post thumbnails using Efficient Related Posts for WordPress
aaroncampbell / background-updates-for-major-releases.php
Created October 24, 2013 23:50
WordPress plugin to enable automatic background updates for major versions.
* Plugin Name: Background Updates for Major Releases
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Enables background updates for major releases
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Aaron D. Campbell
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
aaroncampbell / create-shopp-promo.php
Created January 10, 2014 16:18
This is how I create a promo code. I'm only using percentage off, but you can set it up however you want. I'm getting $_POST['percentage'] and $_POST['coupon-code'] from a front-end form, along with the nonces
if ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) && 'add-coupon-code' == $_POST['action'] ) {
if ( empty( $_POST['add_coupon_code_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['add_coupon_code_nonce'], 'add_coupon_code' ) ) {
fc_message( "You don't have permissions to add a coupon code.", 'error' );
} else {
$_POST['percentage'] = filter_percentage( $_POST['percentage'] );
$_POST['coupon-code'] = sanitize_key( $_POST['coupon-code'] );
$Promotion = new ShoppPromo();
$data = array(