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abajwa-hw /
Last active June 8, 2016 15:54
Automated build script to create HAWQ (HDB) single VM sandbox on HDP
##HDB on HDP sandbox setup script
#- Laptop with at least 10-12 GB RAM (mine has 16 GB)
#- ISO image of Centos 6.7 or later downloaded from [here](
# - In my case, I used CentOS-6.7-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso.
##### Setup Centos 6.7 or later on VM
#- Start a CentOS VM using ISO
abajwa-hw /
Last active October 7, 2016 22:58
Sample python code to update zeppelin interpreter using REST
def post_request(url, body):
import json, urllib2
encoded_body = json.dumps(body)
req = urllib2.Request(str(url), encoded_body)
req.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, encoded_body).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
abajwa-hw / HAWQ demo.json
Last active June 8, 2016 02:15
Zeppelin notebook for HAWQ demo
{"paragraphs":[{"title":"Create HAWQ table and generate data series","text":"%psql.sql\ndrop table if exists tt;\ncreate table tt (i int);\ninsert into tt select generate_series(1,1000000);","dateUpdated":"Jun 7, 2016 7:12:59 PM","config":{"colWidth":12,"editorMode":"ace/mode/scala","title":true,"graph":{"mode":"table","height":300,"optionOpen":false,"keys":[],"values":[],"groups":[],"scatter":{}},"enabled":true},"settings":{"params":{},"forms":{}},"jobName":"paragraph_1465351928921_1500086996","id":"20160603-083343_921281900","result":{"code":"SUCCESS","type":"TABLE","msg":"Update Count\n0\n","comment":"","msgTable":[[{"value":"0"}]],"columnNames":[{"name":"Update Count","index":0,"aggr":"sum"}],"rows":[["0"]]},"dateCreated":"Jun 7, 2016 7:12:08 PM","status":"FINISHED","progressUpdateIntervalMs":500,"$$hashKey":"object:863","dateFinished":"Jun 7, 2016 7:13:00 PM","dateStarted":"Jun 7, 2016 7:12:59 PM","focus":true},{"title":"Calculate average of subset of data","text":"%psql.sql\nselect avg(i) from tt where
abajwa-hw /
Last active September 22, 2016 20:57
Setup HDF
# - Run the below script. You can customize the functionality by modifying the exports below. Otherwise to run the script with defaults, just run below one-liner and wait for 30 min:
# wget -O ; chmod +x; export hdf_build=551; ./ ;
export ranger_user="${ranger_user:-rangeradmin}"
export ranger_pass="${ranger_pass:-BadPass#1}"
export nifi_cert_pass="${nifi_cert_pass:-BadPass#1}"
export hdf_build="${hdf_build:-579}"
read -p "Git Userid: " git_user
read -s -p "Git Password: " git_password
abajwa-hw /
Last active September 23, 2021 23:03
Automation to deploy latest HDP

Automated deployment of fresh cluster via blueprints (using ambari-bootstrap)

  • Note: You will now need to set the following env vars with your Cloudera paywall credentials: username paywall_password

  • Bring up 4 VMs imaged with RHEL/CentOS 6.x (e.g. node1-4 in this case)

  • On non-ambari nodes (e.g. nodes 2-4), install ambari-agents and point them to ambari node (e.g. node1 in this case)

export ambari_server=node1
export ambari_version=
export username=myuser
abajwa-hw /
Created July 15, 2016 00:40
Setup SSL for clustered Nifi
  • Create and distribute certs on HDF cluster
#download toolkit

#create nifi certs dir under ambari-server resources dir
mkdir /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/host_scripts/nifi-certs

#generate certs using toolkit into ambari-server resources dir
abajwa-hw /
Last active November 2, 2018 18:00
Setup HDF via blueprints
# Sample script to deploy HDF via blueprint
# - Installs Ambari server/agents
# - Installs HDF mpack
# - Uses ambari-bootstrap to generate blueprint based on stack advisor recommendation and starts cluster install
# - Optionally: installs KDC, sets up postgres for Ranger, allows customizations of config properties and number of Nifi nodes
# Usage: su as root and run below to invoke this script on a host where CentOS/RHEL has been freshly installed (do NOT run this on HDP sandbox!). You can customize the functionality by setting env vars e.g.
# export host_count=3; export install_nifi_on_all_nodes=true; curl -sSL | sudo -E sh ;
# Note for multi-node install, you will need to install/register agents on other nodes first using below (replace <AMBARI_SERVER_HOSTNAME>)
abajwa-hw /
Last active August 24, 2016 20:58
Setup Erie via BP on CentOS6
# One liner to install HDP Erie TP on a single node
# export host_count=1; curl -sSL | sudo -E sh
export cluster_name=HDP
export ambari_password="admin"
#TP 6
export ambari_repo=""
abajwa-hw /
Last active October 5, 2019 17:43
Setup KDC on Ambari node
# curl -sSL | sudo -E sh
export host=$(hostname -f)
export realm=${realm:-HORTONWORKS.COM}
export domain=${}
export kdcpassword=${kdcpassword:-BadPass#1}
set -e
sudo yum -y install krb5-server krb5-libs krb5-auth-dialog krb5-workstation
abajwa-hw /
Last active November 25, 2021 17:00
Automation to setup Ranger users and policies for HDF
# Run this script on Ranger host to
# 1. create users in format $host.openstacklocal@apache.nifi e.g. abajwa-hdf-qe-bp-1.openstacklocal@apache.nifi
# 2. create Ranger policies for above Nifi users:
# a) read policy for /flow
# b) read/write policies for /proxy
export admin=${admin:-nifiadmin}
export cluster=${cluster:-HDF}
export hosts=${hosts:-myhost1 myhost2 myhost3}