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abdullin / reader.clj
Created January 26, 2016 20:02
Sample clojure code for searching log entries stored in chunks in custom binary format on Windows Azure
(ns azurelog.reader
(:require [clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.format :as f]
[ :as io])
(:import [ CloudStorageAccount]
[java.nio ByteOrder ByteBuffer]
[ GZIPInputStream]
[ BoundedInputStream]))
// Bookmarklet for making Houzz useful
javascript:$("img.viewImage, img.currentImage,, img[id^=galleryImg], img[class^=browseListImage], .gallery-photo img").each(function() { var newSrc = this.src.replace(/[fs]images\/(\d+).*/, 'simages/$1_0_9-.jpg').replace(/_\d-/,'_16-'); $(this).parents("div.browseListBody").before("<a href='"+newSrc+"'><img src='"+newSrc+"' width=400></a>") });$("div.content-row").remove();
abdullin / RedirectToWhen.cs
Created June 26, 2011 08:59
Static helper class for invoking handling methods on AR and AR state.
// snippet is for
// simple helper, that looks up and calls the proper overload of
// When(SpecificEventType event). Reflection information is cached statically
// once per type.
public static class RedirectToWhen
static class Cache<T>
public static readonly IDictionary<Type, MethodInfo> Dict = typeof(T)
abdullin / Program.cs
Created October 6, 2011 18:27
Wiring Lokad-CodeDSL in a MightyMoose style.
// This is a hacky sample (that works for me) of alternative way to use Lokad-codeDSL
// or any similar way of generating message contracts on-the-fly. Original approach was
// with using T4 template, that would rebuild cs files from DSL representation, whenever
// we hit Ctrl-S.
// This approach works almost exactly like this (Ctrl-S to rebuild), but does not require VS
// to run or does not require unloading VS to change the underlying generator code.
// in fact it is extremely boring. Lolcats from MightyMoose could be used to improve the situation, though.
// any takers? :)
abdullin /
Created August 12, 2016 14:47 — forked from Preetam/
FoundationDB Flow

Flow: Actor-based Concurrency with C++

Engineering challenges

FoundationDB began with ambitious goals for both high performance per node and scalability. We knew that to achieve these goals we would face serious engineering challenges while developing the FoundationDB core. We'd need to implement efficient asynchronous communicating processes of the sort supported by Erlang or the Async library in .NET, but we'd also need the raw speed and I/O efficiency of C++. Finally, we'd need to perform extensive simulation to engineer for reliability and fault tolerance on large clusters.

To meet these challenges, we developed several new tools, the first of which is Flow, a new programming language that brings actor-based concurrency to C++11. To add this capability

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace SearchBench {

This is a response to Bill Fisher regarding experience with Flux:

@abdullin Also, can you clarify what you mean by "solution structure"? I am thinking about revising the examples soon.

Currently all flux samples (that I've seen) group files into folders based on technical similarity. For example, stores go with stores, action creators reside in the same folder shared with the other action creators.

This pattern works quite well for smaller projects. It feels especially good for the sample projects of various MVC frameworks, when you have just a bunch of controllers, models and views.

However, as we discovered on some production projects, such approach doesn't scale well. At some point you end up with dozens of technically similar files per folder and logically messy solution.

public sealed class RedirectToDynamicEvent
public readonly IDictionary<Type, List<Wire>> Dict = new Dictionary<Type, List<Wire>>();
public sealed class Wire
readonly MethodInfo _method;
public Type ParameterType;
readonly object _subject;
readonly bool _includeVersion;
abdullin / SampleTracer.cs
Created March 20, 2018 08:59
A sample code to generate JSON dumps according to the catapult event format. Not used any more (planning to write a new one some time later).
public sealed class Tracer {
int _traceId;
readonly Func<long> _clock;
StreamWriter _writer;
public Tracer(Func<long> clock) {
_clock = clock;