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abdullin / SessionStore.js
Created March 6, 2015 10:43
Example of a Flux Store that maintains session token in a cookie
"use strict";
var createStore = require("fluxible/utils/createStore");
var client = require("../client");
var cookies = require("cookies-js");
var debug = require("debug")("ClientTokenStore");
var ClientTokenStore = createStore({
storeName: "ClientSessionStore",
abdullin / ddd-in-golang.markdown
Last active October 10, 2023 00:46
DDD in golang

This is my response to an email asking about Domain-Driven Design in golang project.

Thank you for getting in touch. Below you will find my thoughts on how golang works with DDD, changing it. This is merely a perception of how things worked out for us in a single project.

That project has a relatively well-known domain. My colleagues on this project are very knowledgeable, thoughtful and invested in quality design. The story spelled out below is a result of countless hours spent discussing and refining the approach.

Conclusions could be very different, if there was a different project, team or a story-teller.

Short story

abdullin / errors.txt
Created August 17, 2022 09:36
A list of Kubeflow errors discovered while trying to build a simple pipeline.
(tracking them here just ouf of amusement)
Incompatible argument passed to the input "in_model_path" of component "step-train": Argument type "String" is incompatible with the input type "GCSPath"
Passing value "data" with type "String" (as "Parameter") to component input "in_model_path" with type "GCSPath" (as "Artifact") is incompatible. Please fix the type of the component input.
ValueError: Unexpected type
TypeError: The pipeline argument "model_path" is viewed as an artifact due to its type "Path". And we currently do not support passing artifacts as pipeline inputs. Consider type annotating the argument with a primitive type, such as "str", "int", "float", "bool", "dict", and "list".
abdullin / LICENSE
Last active July 10, 2020 21:31
Naive ring benchmark in .NET Core using simulated actors
MIT License 2018 Rinat Abdullin
image: ruby2.0.0
- cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
- bundle install
- psql -c 'create extension hstore;' -U postgres -h
- psql -c 'create role exmu with superuser login;' -U postgres -h
- psql -c 'create database exmu_test;' -U postgres -h
- bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
- bundle exec rspec spec
/// <summary>
/// Creates convention-based routing rules
/// </summary>
public sealed class RedirectToDynamicCommand
readonly IDictionary<Type, Wire> _dict = new Dictionary<Type, Wire>();
sealed class Wire
public MethodInfo Method;
abdullin / SampleTracer.cs
Created March 20, 2018 08:59
A sample code to generate JSON dumps according to the catapult event format. Not used any more (planning to write a new one some time later).
public sealed class Tracer {
int _traceId;
readonly Func<long> _clock;
StreamWriter _writer;
public Tracer(Func<long> clock) {
_clock = clock;
public sealed class RedirectToDynamicEvent
public readonly IDictionary<Type, List<Wire>> Dict = new Dictionary<Type, List<Wire>>();
public sealed class Wire
readonly MethodInfo _method;
public Type ParameterType;
readonly object _subject;
readonly bool _includeVersion;

This is a response to Bill Fisher regarding experience with Flux:

@abdullin Also, can you clarify what you mean by "solution structure"? I am thinking about revising the examples soon.

Currently all flux samples (that I've seen) group files into folders based on technical similarity. For example, stores go with stores, action creators reside in the same folder shared with the other action creators.

This pattern works quite well for smaller projects. It feels especially good for the sample projects of various MVC frameworks, when you have just a bunch of controllers, models and views.

However, as we discovered on some production projects, such approach doesn't scale well. At some point you end up with dozens of technically similar files per folder and logically messy solution.