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Working from home

Abhinaba Chakraborty abhi2495

Working from home
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This gist describes the configuration required for Spring reactive WebClient to make a call to an OAuth2 protected resource through OAuth2.0 Client Credentials Grant Type Flow.

Assumption is that the Authorization Server supports OpenId Connect 1.0 specifications.

To access the api in this example, first we have to procure the Auth Token (using one of the OAuth2 Flows) containing a scope "canGreet".

Assumption is that the Authorization Server supports OpenId Connect 1.0 specifications.

Use Case:

  • The object to be serialized/deserialized has a Map field whose key is another object that Jackson can't serialize or deserialize implicitly
  • A third party library is responsible for serializing or deserializing the object eg. custom serialization of api response contracts in a spring webapplication. i.e the ObjectMapper cannot be accessed and configured directly

How am I doing it

  • Using @JsonSerialize before Map field to register a custom serializer for the key.

Use Case:

  • A third party library is responsible for serializing or deserializing the object eg. custom serialization of api response contracts in a spring webapplication. i.e the ObjectMapper cannot be accessed and configured directly
  • We want to serialize instances of only one class.

How am I doing it

  • Using @JsonSerialize at class level to register a custom serializer for instances of that class.

Use Case:

  • We are manually serializing the object
  • We want to serialize a particular type of field (eg. LocalDateTime type) in a custom way

How am I doing it

  • Modifying the ObjectMapper instance to create modules defining serializers for particular type and registering those modules in the ObjectMapper.

A "reactive" example of in-memory caching of information using CacheMono

In this example, I have created a service which returns the id of a tenant for a given alias either from cache or (if not found) calls a REST API to fetch and stores it in the cache.

A technique to do MDC logging in reactive JAVA web application using Spring.

An example demonstrating printing of tenant id as mdc in logs.

An example demonstrating usage of Spring's @WebFluxTest in Junit Tests

A sample Integration Test for a reactive webapplication written using Spring WebFlux

A demo Java code using ExecutorService to perform two tasks in parallel and then return after both finish