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require 'rexml/document'[0]).read).write($stdout, 4)
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abhiyerra / mep2postereous.rb
Created July 10, 2009 05:34
mepisto to posterous
require "rubygems"
require "java"
require "jdbc/mysql"
require 'RedCloth'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
PosterousUsername = ''
PosterousPassword = ''
/* fib.js */
i = 2;
while(true) {
postMessage(i + " " + fib(i));
function fib(n){
return n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) +fib(n-2);
abhiyerra / wp2posterous.rb
Created July 10, 2009 09:55
require 'rubygems'
require 'open-uri'
require 'xmlrpc/client'
WordPressSite = ""
WordPressUsername = 'username'
WordPressPassword = 'password'
PosterousApi = ''
PosterousEmail = 'email'
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# flickrup.rb - A utility to upload photos to Flickr.
# This work is put in public domain by Kesava Abhinav Yerra.
# Create a config file ~/.flickrup and add your Flickr API Key and secret key
# For example:
# secret: SECRET_KEY
def post_multipart url, params
req = params.collect do |k,v|
"-F #{k}=#{v.kind_of?(File) ? '@' : ''}'#{v.kind_of?(File) ? v.path : v}'"
end.join(' ')
`curl -s #{req} #{url}`
* <events>
* <event>
* <name>My name</name>
* </event>
* </events>
#import <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#import <libxml/parser.h>
set :application, "abooklog"
set :repository, "ssh://"
set :user, 'deployer'
# If you have previously been relying upon the code to start, stop
# and restart your mongrel application, or if you rely on the database
# migration code, please uncomment the lines you require below
# If you are deploying a rails app you probably need these:
python << EOF
# Post to Blog
import vim
import urllib2, urllib
import base64
import markdown2
blog_email = ''
blog_password = 'mYpA$$W0RD'
site_id = "123456"