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abrenk / test.clj
Created September 29, 2010 15:57
(use ['clojure.test :only ['report 'run-tests 'with-report]])
(use ['clojure.test.junit :only ['junit-report]])
(use [' :only ['file 'writer]])
(require 'com.example.ns1-test)
(require 'com.example.ns2-test)
(require 'com.example.ns3-test)
(.mkdirs (file "target/surefire-reports"))
(doseq [ns (filter #(.contains (str %) "-test") (all-ns))]
(loop [curr 53
jobs #{98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67 199}
sum 0]
(let [[sect dist] (first
(sort-by last
(partition 2
(interleave jobs
#(Math/abs (- curr %))
(loop [curr 53
dir true
jobs #{98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67 199}
sum 0]
(let [f (condp = dir
false (partial < curr)
true (partial > curr))
s (condp = dir
false sort
true (comp reverse sort))

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