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rain-1 /
Last active June 19, 2024 03:05
How to run Llama 13B with a 6GB graphics card

This worked on 14/May/23. The instructions will probably require updating in the future.

llama is a text prediction model similar to GPT-2, and the version of GPT-3 that has not been fine tuned yet. It is also possible to run fine tuned versions (like alpaca or vicuna with this. I think. Those versions are more focused on answering questions)

Note: I have been told that this does not support multiple GPUs. It can only use a single GPU.

It is possible to run LLama 13B with a 6GB graphics card now! (e.g. a RTX 2060). Thanks to the amazing work involved in llama.cpp. The latest change is CUDA/cuBLAS which allows you pick an arbitrary number of the transformer layers to be run on the GPU. This is perfect for low VRAM.

  • Clone llama.cpp from git, I am on commit 08737ef720f0510c7ec2aa84d7f70c691073c35d.
ogrisel /
Created January 31, 2021 23:28
Running some benchmark of BLAS level 3 and LAPACK on Apple M1
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
except ImportError:
tf = None
from time import perf_counter
def timeit(func, *args, **kwargs):
durations = []
HanSooloo / TrueTone.scpt
Created April 8, 2020 23:29
AppleScript to change TrueTone
tell application "System Events"
if (get name of every application process) contains "System Preferences" then
set _isSysPrefRunning to true
set _isSysPrefRunning to false
end if
end tell
log _isSysPrefRunning
use sys : application "System Events"
rjhansen /
Last active April 14, 2024 12:28
SKS Keyserver Network Under Attack

SKS Keyserver Network Under Attack

This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Terminological Note

"OpenPGP" refers to the OpenPGP protocol, in much the same way that HTML refers to the protocol that specifies how to write a web page. "GnuPG", "SequoiaPGP", "OpenPGP.js", and others are implementations of the OpenPGP protocol in the same way that Mozilla Firefox, Google Chromium, and Microsoft Edge refer to software packages that process HTML data.

Who am I?

miguelmota / process_names.txt
Last active March 4, 2024 22:20
macOS process whitelist
# not an exhaustive list
nsurlsessiond "icloud sync"
fseventsd "macos file system events"
WindowServer "macos windows"
DisplayLinkManager "macos driver"
configd "macos dynamic configuration"
displaypolicyd "macos process"
CommCenter "macos keychain"
kernel_task "macos kernel"
BrainBacon /
Last active December 13, 2017 00:05
# input validator and help
# install necessary packages
apt update && apt install proot tar -y
VojtechKlos /
Created October 12, 2017 14:10
Guide to split audio recording by silence with SoX and ffmpeg
# First denoise audio
## Get noise sample
ffmpeg -i input.ogg -vn -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:01 noise-sample.wav
## Create noise profile
sox noise-sample.wav -n noiseprof
## Clean audio from noise
sox input.ogg clean.wav noisered 0.21
max-mapper / bibtex.png
Last active March 10, 2024 21:53
How to make a scientific looking PDF from markdown (with bibliography)
simonw /
Last active June 21, 2024 00:11
How to recover lost Python source code if it's still resident in-memory

How to recover lost Python source code if it's still resident in-memory

I screwed up using git ("git checkout --" on the wrong file) and managed to delete the code I had just written... but it was still running in a process in a docker container. Here's how I got it back, using and

Attach a shell to the docker container

Install GDB (needed by pyrasite)

apt-get update && apt-get install gdb
RichardBronosky / README.MD
Last active June 24, 2024 15:18
cb - A leak-proof tee to the clipboard - Unify the copy and paste commands into one intelligent chainable command.


A leak-proof tee to the clipboard

This script is modeled after tee (see [man tee][2]) and works on Linux, macOS, Cygwin, WSL/WSL2

It's like your normal copy and paste commands, but unified and able to sense when you want it to be chainable.

This project started as an answer to the StackOverflow question: [How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard?][3]