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Alex C. Bilimoria acbilimoria

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acbilimoria / buy_them_things.rb
Last active October 2, 2015 21:06
Shopify Shop Circuit
#You've discovered the Shopify Store 'Shopicruit'. Since you're obsessed with lamps and wallets,
#you want to buy every single lamp and wallet variant they have to offer. By inspecting the
#Javascript calls on the store you discovered that the shop lists products at
# Write a program that calculates how much all
#lamps and wallets would cost you. Attach your program (any language) and answer in the cover letter
#field below."
require 'unirest'
require 'bigdecimal'
require 'bigdecimal/util'
acbilimoria /
Last active October 6, 2015 17:17
show_tab = () ->
if location.hash.match(/^#tab-/)
$(".nav-tabs a[href=##{location.hash.replace('#tab-', '')}]").tab('show')
$(window).on 'popstate', ->
set t_Co=256
syntax enable
set background=dark
set ts=4
set tabstop=4
set sw=4
set et
<!-- Soccer Testimonial -->
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container">
<div class="row row-eq-height" style="min-height: 350px;">
<div class="col-sm-4 testimonial-image">
<img src="wp-content/uploads/2016/01/soccer-coach-image.png" alt="" style="margin: auto; display: block; position: relative; top: 100px; height: 150px; width: 150px; border-radius: 50%;"></img>
<div class="col-sm-8 testimonial">
acbilimoria / demo.js
Created January 17, 2016 18:51
Script to call external javascript file
<script type="text/javascript">
function downloadJSAtOnload() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "defer.js";
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false);
acbilimoria / Gruntfile.js
Last active January 19, 2016 16:58
Standard Build Automation Files
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// 1. All configuration goes here
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
options: {
separator: ';'
acbilimoria /
Last active September 9, 2018 21:21
Initial Server Setup -- Ubuntu 16.04 Digital Ocean
# to run:
# find and replace username with your username
adduser username
usermod -aG sudo username
su - username
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Install PHP 5.6:
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum -y install epel-release
sudo rpm -Uvh ius-release*.rpm
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum -y install php56u php56u-opcache php56u-xml php56u-mcrypt php56u-gd php56u-devel php56u-mysql php56u-intl php56u-mbstring php56u-bcmath
sudo service httpd restart
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php pep8 libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-xml php-xmlrpc silversearcher-ag xclip htop python3 xvfb python3-pip libxml2 chromium-chromedriver firefox postgresql postgresql-contrib python-psycopg2 libpq-dev npm letsencrypt dos2unix vsftpd mailutils gconf2 gconf-service gconf-service-backend gconf2-common libgconf-2-4 sendmail python3-tk unzip git vim nodejs-legacy flake8 mtpfs libmtp-common mtp-tools libmtp-dev libmtp-runtime libmtp9 ruby ruby-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev qt5-default android-tools-adb udev mtp-tools kdeconnect postgresql postgresql-contrib php-cli ubuntu-make php-dev gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config kcachegrind sqlite graphicsmagick pvm-dev phantomjs rake libicu-dev imagemagick libmysqlclient-dev composer -y
sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
# add ServerName server_domain_or_IP
sudo ufw allow in "Apa
acbilimoria / npm-install-string
Last active April 26, 2017 22:49
NPM install string
sudo npm install gulp gulp-concat gulp-autoprefixer gulp-clean-css gulp-uglify gulp-rename gulp-watch gulp-cssmin gulp-insert gulp-sass laravel-elixir laravel-elixir-vue laravel-elixir-vue webpack node-sass laravel-elixir-webpack-official --global