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Charlie Huggard acharlieh

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This is a Gist of useful Splunk Queries.
acharlieh / 0-Setup
Last active January 28, 2020 19:20
Getting counts of multiple fields
| noop
| stats count
| fields
| eval raw=split("a=3 b=9 ; a=5 b=1 ; a=10 b=10 ; a=5 b=8 ; a=3 b=1 ; a=6 b=9 ; a=4 b=9 ; a=3 b=1 ; a=7 b=7 ; a=5 b=9 ; a=6 b=10 ; a=7 b=10 ; a=6 b=7 ; a=1 b=8 ; a=8 b=7 ; a=6 b=6 ; a=3 b=7 ; a=2 b=8 ; a=9 b=3 ; a=5 b=2 ; a=5 b=8 ; a=8 b=10 ; a=10 b=7 ; a=6 b=1 ; a=2 b=4 ; a=5 b=7 ; a=9 b=5 ; a=6 b=7 ; a=9 b=6 ; a=4 b=10 ; a=10 b=7 ; a=7 b=7 ; a=6 b=6 ; a=6 b=3 ; a=2 b=9 ; a=2 b=7 ; a=2 b=5 ; a=3 b=9 ; a=3 b=9 ; a=1 b=5 ; a=5 b=7 ; a=5 b=3 ; a=6 b=6 ; a=10 b=9 ; a=3 b=2 ; a=10 b=8 ; a=1 b=4 ; a=4 b=4 ; a=2 b=4 ; a=9 b=4 ; a=2 b=1 ; a=3 b=6 ; a=2 b=3 ; a=1 b=9 ; a=10 b=6 ; a=2 b=6 ; a=3 b=3 ; a=10 b=6 ; a=3 b=5 ; a=2 b=5 ; a=5 b=5 ; a=6 b=4 ; a=5 b=5 ; a=6 b=10 ; a=4 b=8 ; a=5 b=1 ; a=3 b=1 ; a=3 b=7 ; a=3 b=4 ; a=6 b=10 ; a=1 b=8 ; a=9 b=9 ; a=8 b=4 ; a=7 b=8 ; a=7 b=9 ; a=1 b=3 ; a=9 b=8 ; a=2 b=3 ; a=7 b=1 ; a=2 b=8 ; a=6 b=3 ; a=6 b=6 ; a=1 b=3 ; a=7 b=1 ; a=8 b=1 ; a=10 b=5 ; a=7 b=6 ; a=2 b=8 ; a=1 b=4 ; a=8 b=6 ; a=5 b=10 ; a=10 b=7 ; a=7 b=4 ; a=10 b=4 ; a=5 b=9 ; a=8 b
acharlieh / tzinfo.xml
Created August 17, 2019 20:09
Timezone Test Splunk Dashboard
<label>Timezone Test</label>
<title>User Info</title>
<title>User Time Zone</title>
<search id="info">
acharlieh / DualPianos.rb
Last active November 1, 2018 03:22
SonicPi Playground
def bars(k)
n = chord(k,:sus4)
([n[0]]*4 + [n[1]]*2 + [n[0]]*2 + [n[2],n[1]] + [n[0]]*2)
use_bpm 200
use_synth :piano
use_debug false
set :key, :C2
alias jpgoptim='find . -iname '"'"'*.jpg'"'"' -exec convert {} -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace sRGB {}.new \; -exec bash -c "ls -l {} {}.new | awk '"'"'/\.jpg\$/ {old=\$5;oldf=\$9} /\.jpg\.new\$/ {new=\$5;newf=\$9} END { if(old<=new) print \"rm \" newf; else print \"mv \" newf \" \" oldf }'"'"' " \; | bash -x'

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am acharlieh on github.
  • I am acharlieh ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCTCJPIiM2QV1Bq-J5ffyxWr3k473iamt6WWV4ohHZusAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

acharlieh / search.spl
Created May 2, 2017 03:41
Try this out, with a few different time zones, time picker set to a few days or so.
| gentimes increment=1s
[ makeresults
| addinfo
| rename info_max_time -> end info_min_time -> start
| fields start end
| convert timeformat="%m/%d/%y:%H:%M:%S" ctime(*) as *
| format "" "" "" "" "" ""]
| rename starttime -> _time
| fields
| bin span=1h _time as hourly
acharlieh / script.rb
Last active February 2, 2017 17:09
Quick Script to pull versions of all cookbooks from a node
require 'json'
# Cookbooks from a folder (like when you do a berks vendor)
# json = Dir.glob('./*/metadata.json').collect do |file|
# Cookbooks from a node cache
json = Dir.glob('/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/*/metadata.json').collect do |file|
hash = JSON.parse(
{ hash['name'] => hash['version'] }
end.reduce({}, :merge).to_json
acharlieh / script.rb
Created August 9, 2016 15:14
Figuring out that one vagrant vault key wasn't updated
require 'chef-vault'
data = JSON.parse('data_bags/cerner_splunk/license_secrets_keys.json').read())
keys = (data['clients'] + data['admins']).inject({}) do |m,c|
pem = (c == 'knife_workstation') ? 'fake-key.pem' : "pems/#{c}.pem"
private_key =
m[c] = private_key.private_decrypt(Base64.decode64(data[c]))
acharlieh / Vagrantfile
Created December 13, 2013 20:28
Vagrantfile for demonstrating hostname / hostname -f oddities
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
@boxes = {
centos510: {box:'opscode_centos-5.10_provisionerless',box_url:''},
centos65: {box:'opscode_centos-6.5_provisionerless',box_url:''},
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
config.berkshelf.enabled = false