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2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]: ERROR Failed: resolving remainging rows in fast staging
2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]: Traceback (most recent call last):
2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]: "fast_events_master"))
2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]: File "/app/upworthyetl/", line 25, in error_handling
2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]: File "/app/upworthyetl/", line 20, in job
2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]: InternalError: 1023
2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]: yield
2014-03-14T12:06:54.873387+00:00 app[worker.1]: Process
2014-03-14T12:06:54.871918+00:00 app[worker.1]:
2014-03-14T12:06:54.873529+00:00 app[worker.1]: File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am aconbere on github.
* I am anders ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is B3CB AC64 FF6E F86D C4FA 5E58 0F5A 56CD 5DE9 07B5
To claim this, I am signing this object:
from __future__ import with_statement
from os import path, makedirs
def render_template(doc, env, template_path):
template = env.get_template(template_path)
return template.render(doc=doc, **doc.headers)
def publish(doc, env, publish_dir):
out = render_template(doc, env, doc.template)
publish_dir = path.join(publish_dir, doc.publish_directory())
module Main where
import Network.HTTP
import Text.JSON
import System.Environment
get :: String -> IO String
get url = do simpleHTTP (getRequest url) >>= getResponseBody
main :: IO ()
#+++ pubsub_presence_controller.rb
class Pubsub_presenceController < Babylon::Base::Controller
@@nodes = []
def nodes
Babylon.logger.debug { "NODES" }
@from = Babylon.config["jid"]
@to = Babylon.config["pubsub_jid"]
@id = "nodereq"
class Pubsub_presenceController < Babylon::Base::Controller
@@nodes = []
@@listeners =
@@pubsub_subscribers =
def on_connected
# send a node request
@from = Babylon.config[:jid]
@to = Babylon.config[:pubsub_jid]
@id = "nodereq1"
class PubsubNode
include SAXMachine
element :item, :as => :jid, :value => :jid
element :item, :as => :node, :value => :node
element :item, :as => :name, :value => :name
class DiscoItems < Babylon::Base::Stanza
element :iq, :as => :to, :value => :to
element :iq, :as => :from, :value => :from
build = function(tag, attrs){
var node = document.createElement(tag);
for(var k in attrs) {
node.setAttribute(k, attrs[k])
return node;
text = function(text) {
return document.createTextNode(text);
buildNode = function(tag, attrs){
var node = document.createElement(tag);
for(var k in attrs) {
node.setAttribute(k, attrs[k])
return node;
text = function(text) {
return document.createTextNode(text);
var iq = xml('iq', {xmlns: "http:..."}, function() {
this.xml('query', {xmlns: '', node: "root"}, function() {
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
this.xml('item', {}, function() {
this.text('item-' + i);