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~  Source  rails   master  perl ~/Downloads/cloc-1.60\ \(1\).pl .  255  acook  static-72-47-3-227
2695 text files.
2468 unique files.
776 files ignored. v 1.60 T=6.86 s (287.1 files/s, 38026.7 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Ruby 1735 38803 37517 174423
# given two users, Bob and Sally, each with their own clone of a github repo and a share branch "foo"
# bob says "hold up don't push to github for a minute"
Bob : git checkout foo ; git pull --rebase ; git rebase master ; git push
Sally : git checkout foo ; git pull --rebase
# and then they go back to work
def prettifier things # since this code should exist in an object anyway, then use a damn method
if ugly? then
assign = prettifier things
1065 mit.lic
775 mit.lic.7z
728 mit.lic.xz
712 mit.lic.rar
655 mit.lic.bz2
645 mit.lic.gz
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
# premature optimization is the root of all evil"
# - Donald Knuth
require 'securerandom'
def rarray size
size.times.inject( do |result, _|
NoMethodError: private method `pri_bar' called for #<Foo:0x007f8376ae2d28>
from (pry):10:in `other_bar'
number.to_s.split(''){|p| p.join.to_i }
x: gen 1x10
x: gen [1 to 10]
print x ;; 1
print x ;; 2
print x ;; 3
y: range 1.2.10

Vim setup for Haiku

configuration files:

  • ~/.vimrc -> ~/config/settings/vim/vimrc
  • ~/.vim -> ~/config/settings/vim/vimfiles

for more information check out the runtimepath

string "say 'hello world!'"
action-rule: [ some alphanumer ]
action-coerce: func [match][ to-lit-word match ] ;; coercion function to apply to match
action: [ action-rule action-coerce ]
apostext: [ delim "'" ]