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rauchg/expect.js Secret

Created December 15, 2011 18:01
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* Based on should.js by TJ Holowaychuk (MIT)
* Changes from should:
* Additions
* - `.be(<obj>)` as a synonym of `equal` and as a proxy (`be.array()`)
* - `.array()` to assert array type through [[Class]] check
* Browser reserved keywords:
* - no more `be.true`/`be.false`. Use `be(true)`/`be(false)` instead
* - `instance.of` instead of `instanceof`
(function (global, module) {
if ('undefined' == typeof module) {
var module = { exports: {} }
, exports = module.exports
* Exports.
module.exports = expect;
expect.Assertion = Assertion;
* Possible assertion flags.
var flags = {
not: ['be', 'have', 'include']
, an: ['instance']
, and: ['be', 'have', 'include', 'an']
, to: ['be', 'have', 'include']
, be: ['an']
, have: ['an', 'own']
, include: ['an']
, not: ['include', 'have', 'be']
, own: []
, instance: []
function expect (obj) {
return new Assertion(obj);
* Constructor
* @api private
function Assertion (obj) {
this.obj = obj;
this.flags = {};
var $flags = keys(flags);
for (var i = 0, l = $flags.length; i < l; i++) {
var flag = new FlaggedAssertion(this, $flags[i]);
if (this[$flags[i]]) {
for (var k in flag) {
this[$flags[i]][k] = flag[k];
} else {
this[$flags[i]] = flag;
* Performs an assertion
* @api private
Assertion.prototype.assert = function (truth, msg, error) {
var msg = this.flags.not ? error : msg
, ok = this.flags.not ? !truth : truth;
if (!ok) {
throw new Error(msg);
this.flags = {};
* Check if the value is truthy
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.ok = function () {
this.obj == true
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be true'
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not be true');
* Checks if the array is empty.
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.empty = function () {
0 === this.obj.length
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be empty'
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not be empty');
return this;
* Checks if the obj is arguments.
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.arguments = function () {
'[object Arguments]' ==
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be arguments'
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not be arguments');
return this;
* Checks if the obj exactly equals another.
* @api public
*/ =
Assertion.prototype.equal = function (obj) {
obj === this.obj
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to equal ' + i(obj)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not equal ' + i(obj));
return this;
* Checks if the obj sortof equals another.
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.eql = function (obj) {
expect.eql(obj, this.obj)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to sort of equal ' + i(obj)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to sort of not equal ' + i(obj));
return this;
* Assert within start to finish (inclusive).
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} finish
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.within = function (start, finish) {
var range = start + '..' + finish;
this.obj >= start && this.obj <= finish
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be within ' + range
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not be within ' + range);
return this;
* Assert typeof.
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.a = function (type) {
type == typeof this.obj
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be a ' + type
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' not to be a ' + type);
return this;
* Assert array type.
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.array = function () {
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be an array'
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' not to be an array');
return this;
* Assert instanceof.
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.of = function (constructor) {
var name =;
this.obj instanceof constructor
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be an instance of ' + name
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' not to be an instance of ' + name);
return this;
* Assert numeric value above _n_.
* @param {Number} n
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.greaterThan =
Assertion.prototype.above = function (n) {
this.obj > n
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be above ' + n
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be below ' + n);
return this;
* Assert numeric value below _n_.
* @param {Number} n
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.lessThan =
Assertion.prototype.below = function (n) {
this.obj < n
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be below ' + n
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to be above ' + n);
return this;
* Assert string value matches _regexp_.
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.match = function (regexp) {
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to match ' + regexp
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' not to match ' + regexp);
return this;
* Assert property "length" exists and has value of _n_.
* @param {Number} n
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.length = function (n) {
var len = this.obj.length;
n == len
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to have a length of ' + n + ' but got ' + len
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not have a length of ' + len);
return this;
* Assert substring.
* @param {String} str
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.string = function(str){
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to include ' + i(str)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not include ' + i(str));
return this;
* Assert inclusion of object.
* @param {Object} obj
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.object = function(obj){
var included = true;
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && !expect.eql(obj[key], this.obj[key])) {
included = false;
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to include ' + i(obj)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not include ' + i(obj));
return this;
* Assert property _name_ exists, with optional _val_.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Mixed} val
* @api public
*/ = function (name, val) {
if (this.flags.own) {
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to have own property ' + i(name)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not have own property ' + i(name));
return this;
if (this.flags.not && undefined !== val) {
if (undefined === this.obj[name]) {
throw new Error(i(this.obj) + ' has no property ' + i(name));
} else {
undefined !== this.obj[name]
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to have a property ' + i(name)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not have a property ' + i(name));
if (undefined !== val) {
val === this.obj[name]
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to have a property ' + i(name)
+ ' of ' + i(val) + ', but got ' + i(this.obj[name])
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not have a property ' + i(name)
+ ' of ' + i(val));
this.obj = this.obj[name];
return this;
* Assert that the array contains _obj_.
* @param {Mixed} obj
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.contain = function (obj) {
~indexOf(this.obj, obj)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to contain ' + i(obj)
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not contain ' + i(obj));
return this;
* Assert exact keys or inclusion of keys by using
* the `.include` modifier.
* @param {Array|String ...} keys
* @api public
Assertion.prototype.key =
Assertion.prototype.keys = function (keys) {
var str
, ok = true;
keys = keys instanceof Array
? keys
if (!keys.length) throw new Error('keys required');
var actual = keys(this.obj)
, len = keys.length;
// Inclusion
ok = every(keys, function(key){
return ~indexOf(actual, key);
// Strict
if (!this.flags.not && !this.flags.include) {
ok = ok && keys.length == actual.length;
// Key string
if (len > 1) {
keys = map(keys, function(key){
return i(key);
var last = keys.pop();
str = keys.join(', ') + ', and ' + last;
} else {
str = i(keys[0]);
// Form
str = (len > 1 ? 'keys ' : 'key ') + str;
// Have / include
str = (this.flag.include ? 'include ' : 'have ') + str;
// Assertion
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to ' + str
, 'expected ' + i(this.obj) + ' to not ' + str);
return this;
* Assertion with a flag.
* @api private
function FlaggedAssertion (parent, flag) {
this.parent = parent;
this.obj = parent.obj;
this.flag = flag;
this.flags = {};
this.flags[flag] = true;
for (var i in parent.flags) {
if (parent.flags.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
this.flags[i] = true;
var $flags = flags[flag];
for (var i = 0, l = $flags.length; i < l; i++) {
var flag = new FlaggedAssertion(this, $flags[i]);
if (this[$flags[i]]) {
for (var k in flag) {
this[$flags[i]][k] = flag[k];
} else {
this[$flags[i]] = flag;
* Inherits from assertion
(function () {
function tmp () {}
tmp.prototype = Assertion.prototype;
FlaggedAssertion.prototype = new tmp;
* Array every compatibility
* @see
* @api public
function every (arr, fn, thisObj) {
var scope = thisObj || global;
for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; ++i) {
if (!, arr[i], i, arr)) {
return false;
return true;
* Array indexOf compatibility.
* @see
* @api public
function indexOf (arr, o, i) {
if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
return, o, i);
for (var j = arr.length, i = i < 0 ? i + j < 0 ? 0 : i + j : i || 0
; i < j && arr[i] !== o; i++);
return j <= i ? -1 : i;
* Inspects an object.
* @see taken from node.js `util` module (copyright Joyent, MIT license)
* @api private
function i (obj, showHidden, depth) {
var seen = [];
function stylize (str) {
return str;
function format (value, recurseTimes) {
// Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions.
// Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it
if (value && typeof value.inspect === 'function' &&
// Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special
value !== exports &&
// Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.
!(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) {
return value.inspect(recurseTimes);
// Primitive types cannot have properties
switch (typeof value) {
case 'undefined':
return stylize('undefined', 'undefined');
case 'string':
var simple = '\'' + json.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, '')
.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\'';
return stylize(simple, 'string');
case 'number':
return stylize('' + value, 'number');
case 'boolean':
return stylize('' + value, 'boolean');
// For some reason typeof null is "object", so special case here.
if (value === null) {
return stylize('null', 'null');
// Look up the keys of the object.
var visible_keys = keys(value);
var $keys = showHidden ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value) : visible_keys;
// Functions without properties can be shortcutted.
if (typeof value === 'function' && $keys.length === 0) {
if (isRegExp(value)) {
return stylize('' + value, 'regexp');
} else {
var name = ? ': ' + : '';
return stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special');
// Dates without properties can be shortcutted
if (isDate(value) && $keys.length === 0) {
return stylize(value.toUTCString(), 'date');
var base, type, braces;
// Determine the object type
if (isArray(value)) {
type = 'Array';
braces = ['[', ']'];
} else {
type = 'Object';
braces = ['{', '}'];
// Make functions say that they are functions
if (typeof value === 'function') {
var n = ? ': ' + : '';
base = (isRegExp(value)) ? ' ' + value : ' [Function' + n + ']';
} else {
base = '';
// Make dates with properties first say the date
if (isDate(value)) {
base = ' ' + value.toUTCString();
if ($keys.length === 0) {
return braces[0] + base + braces[1];
if (recurseTimes < 0) {
if (isRegExp(value)) {
return stylize('' + value, 'regexp');
} else {
return stylize('[Object]', 'special');
var output = map($keys, function(key) {
var name, str;
if (value.__lookupGetter__) {
if (value.__lookupGetter__(key)) {
if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) {
str = stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special');
} else {
str = stylize('[Getter]', 'special');
} else {
if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) {
str = stylize('[Setter]', 'special');
if (indexOf(visible_keys, key) < 0) {
name = '[' + key + ']';
if (!str) {
if (indexOf(seen, value[key]) < 0) {
if (recurseTimes === null) {
str = format(value[key]);
} else {
str = format(value[key], recurseTimes - 1);
if (str.indexOf('\n') > -1) {
if (isArray(value)) {
str = map(str.split('\n'), function(line) {
return ' ' + line;
} else {
str = '\n' + map(str.split('\n'), function(line) {
return ' ' + line;
} else {
str = stylize('[Circular]', 'special');
if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
if (type === 'Array' && key.match(/^\d+$/)) {
return str;
name = json.stringify('' + key);
if (name.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)) {
name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);
name = stylize(name, 'name');
} else {
name = name.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/\\"/g, '"')
.replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'");
name = stylize(name, 'string');
return name + ': ' + str;
var numLinesEst = 0;
var length = reduce(output, function(prev, cur) {
if (indexOf(cur, '\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++;
return prev + cur.length + 1;
}, 0);
if (length > 50) {
output = braces[0] +
(base === '' ? '' : base + '\n ') +
' ' +
output.join(',\n ') +
' ' +
} else {
output = braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1];
return output;
return format(obj, (typeof depth === 'undefined' ? 2 : depth));
function isArray (ar) {
return ar instanceof Array || == '[object Array]';
function isRegExp(re) {
var s = '' + re;
return re instanceof RegExp || // easy case
// duck-type for context-switching evalcx case
typeof(re) === 'function' && === 'RegExp' &&
re.compile &&
re.test &&
re.exec &&
function isDate(d) {
if (d instanceof Date) return true;
return false;
function keys (obj) {
if (Object.keys) {
return Object.keys(obj);
var keys = [];
for (var i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
return keys;
function map (arr, mapper, that) {
if ( {
return, mapper, that);
var other= new Array(arr.length);
for (var i= 0, n = arr.length; i<n; i++)
if (i in arr)
other[i] =, arr[i], i, arr);
return other;
function reduce (arr, fun) {
if (Array.prototype.reduce) {
return Array.prototype.reduce.apply(
,, 1)
var len = +this.length;
if (typeof fun !== "function")
throw new TypeError();
// no value to return if no initial value and an empty array
if (len === 0 && arguments.length === 1)
throw new TypeError();
var i = 0;
if (arguments.length >= 2) {
var rv = arguments[1];
} else {
do {
if (i in this) {
rv = this[i++];
// if array contains no values, no initial value to return
if (++i >= len)
throw new TypeError();
} while (true);
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this)
rv =, rv, this[i], i, this);
return rv;
* Strict equality
* @api public
expect.equal = function (a, b) {
if (a !== b) {'expected ' + i(a) + ' to equal ' + i(b));
* Fails with msg
* @param {String} msg
* @api public
*/ = function (msg) {
throw new Error(msg);
* Asserts deep equality
* @see taken from node.js `assert` module (copyright Joyent, MIT license)
* @api private
expect.eql = function eql (actual, expected) {
// 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.
if (actual === expected) {
return true;
} else if ('undefined' != typeof Buffer
&& Buffer.isBuffer(actual) && Buffer.isBuffer(expected)) {
if (actual.length != expected.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false;
return true;
// 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is
// equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time.
} else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) {
return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();
// 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == "object",
// equivalence is determined by ==.
} else if (typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') {
return actual == expected;
// 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is
// determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified
// with, the same set of keys
// (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every
// corresponding key, and an identical "prototype" property. Note: this
// accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.
} else {
return objEquiv(actual, expected);
function isUndefinedOrNull (value) {
return value === null || value === undefined;
function isArguments (object) {
return == '[object Arguments]';
function objEquiv (a, b) {
if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b))
return false;
// an identical "prototype" property.
if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;
//~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing.
// Converting to array solves the problem.
if (isArguments(a)) {
if (!isArguments(b)) {
return false;
a =;
b =;
return expect.eql(a, b);
var ka = keys(a),
kb = keys(b),
key, i;
} catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't
return false;
// having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates hasOwnProperty)
if (ka.length != kb.length)
return false;
//the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),
//~~~cheap key test
for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (ka[i] != kb[i])
return false;
//equivalent values for every corresponding key, and
//~~~possibly expensive deep test
for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
key = ka[i];
if (!expect.eql(a[key], b[key]))
return false;
return true;
var json = (function () {
"use strict";
if ('object' == typeof JSON && JSON.parse && JSON.stringify) {
return {
parse: nativeJSON.parse
, stringify: nativeJSON.stringify
var JSON = {};
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
function date(d, key) {
return isFinite(d.valueOf()) ?
d.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(d.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(d.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(d.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(d.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z' : null;
var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
meta = { // table of character substitutions
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
function quote(string) {
// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
// backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
// sequences.
escapable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
var c = meta[a];
return typeof c === 'string' ? c :
'\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
}) + '"' : '"' + string + '"';
function str(key, holder) {
// Produce a string from holder[key].
var i, // The loop counter.
k, // The member key.
v, // The member value.
mind = gap,
value = holder[key];
// If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value.
if (value instanceof Date) {
value = date(key);
// If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to
// obtain a replacement value.
if (typeof rep === 'function') {
value =, key, value);
// What happens next depends on the value's type.
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value);
case 'number':
// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
case 'boolean':
case 'null':
// If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note:
// typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in
// the remote chance that this gets fixed someday.
return String(value);
// If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or
// null.
case 'object':
// Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object',
// so watch out for that case.
if (!value) {
return 'null';
// Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value.
gap += indent;
partial = [];
// Is the value an array?
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
// for non-JSON values.
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
// Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in
// brackets.
v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' : gap ?
'[\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + ']' :
'[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified.
if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
if (typeof rep[i] === 'string') {
k = rep[i];
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
} else {
// Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object.
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
// Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas,
// and wrap them in braces.
v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' : gap ?
'{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + '}' :
'{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.
JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {
// The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional
// space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function
// that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys.
// A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can
// produce text that is more easily readable.
var i;
gap = '';
indent = '';
// If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that
// many spaces.
if (typeof space === 'number') {
for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
indent += ' ';
// If the space parameter is a string, it will be used as the indent string.
} else if (typeof space === 'string') {
indent = space;
// If there is a replacer, it must be a function or an array.
// Otherwise, throw an error.
rep = replacer;
if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
(typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
// Make a fake root object containing our value under the key of ''.
// Return the result of stringifying the value.
return str('', {'': value});
// If the JSON object does not yet have a parse method, give it one.
JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) {
// The parse method takes a text and an optional reviver function, and returns
// a JavaScript value if the text is a valid JSON text.
var j;
function walk(holder, key) {
// The walk method is used to recursively walk the resulting structure so
// that modifications can be made.
var k, v, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = walk(value, k);
if (v !== undefined) {
value[k] = v;
} else {
delete value[k];
return, key, value);
// Parsing happens in four stages. In the first stage, we replace certain
// Unicode characters with escape sequences. JavaScript handles many characters
// incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings.
text = String(text);
cx.lastIndex = 0;
if (cx.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
return '\\u' +
('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
// In the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look
// for non-JSON patterns. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new'
// because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can cause mutation.
// But just to be safe, we want to reject all unexpected forms.
// We split the second stage into 4 regexp operations in order to work around
// crippling inefficiencies in IE's and Safari's regexp engines. First we
// replace the JSON backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second, we
// replace all simple value tokens with ']' characters. Third, we delete all
// open brackets that follow a colon or comma or that begin the text. Finally,
// we look to see that the remaining characters are only whitespace or ']' or
// ',' or ':' or '{' or '}'. If that is so, then the text is safe for eval.
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/
.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@')
.replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']')
.replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
// In the third stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a
// JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity
// in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text
// in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
j = eval('(' + text + ')');
// In the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing
// each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation.
return typeof reviver === 'function' ?
walk({'': j}, '') : j;
// If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');
return JSON;
if ('undefined' != typeof window) {
window.expect = module.exports;
, 'undefined' != typeof module ? module : {}
, 'undefined' != typeof exports ? exports : {}
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weepy commented Dec 16, 2011

in "ok" you have: this.obj == true
should this be: !!this.obj == true

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weepy commented Dec 16, 2011

Also I find that the FlaggedAssertion doesn't quite work as should used to. E.g. you can't write expect(1), only as expect(1).not.eql(2)

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weepy commented Dec 16, 2011

Found that errors related to jQuery elements (which might contain strings that look like tags) would bork the inspect function. Fixed with: str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;"); at line 1439

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