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"був такий експерементальний сука процесор, який називався ентіті блять процессор... ну, вернєє, ентіті процессор..."(с) Ю
"если бы она тебе скилы сгенерировала... " (с) В, про якийсь генератор ентіті
"флексом розпідарасило сафарі на айфоні" (с) Ю
"блять злоєбущенські вьюси" (с) Ю
"коли на гіту виникають конфлікти то вам все треба вручную анально-прінудітєльно впіхувать" (с) Ю, учить падаванів
* @file
* Theme override for a field.
* To override output, copy the "field.html.twig" from the templates directory
* to your theme's directory and customize it, just like customizing other
* Drupal templates such as page.html.twig or node.html.twig.
* Instead of overriding the theming for all fields, you can also just override
{% extends "@altitude/node/node.html.twig" %}
* @file
* Theme override to display a node.
* Available variables:
* - node: The node entity with limited access to object properties and methods.
Only "getter" methods (method names starting with "get", "has", or "is")
and a few common methods such as "id" and "label" are available. Calling
{% extends "@altitude/node/node.html.twig" %}
* @file
* Theme override to display a node.
* Available variables:
* - node: The node entity with limited access to object properties and methods.
Only "getter" methods (method names starting with "get", "has", or "is")
and a few common methods such as "id" and "label" are available. Calling
{% extends "@altitude/node/node.html.twig" %}
* @file
* Theme override to display a node.
* Available variables:
* - node: The node entity with limited access to object properties and methods.
Only "getter" methods (method names starting with "get", "has", or "is")
and a few common methods such as "id" and "label" are available. Calling