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Created April 17, 2020 19:43
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Euler's Method.ipynb
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"import numpy as np \n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
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"In the y_actual function where it says return, you can input the function you want to estimate. In this case, I'm using x^2 for simplicity, however you can also use an equation in terms of y and x. The y_derivative function is simply the derivative of the y_actual function, which in this case is 2x "
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"def y_actual(x=0,y=0):\n",
" return(x**2)\n",
"def y_derivative(x=0, y=0):\n",
" return (2*x)"
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"Next, I wrote the function for Euler's method.there are many parameters I could have taken in, but I ultimately decided on the x value we want to estimate, the number of steps we want to take, and an initial y value."
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"def eulers_method(x, n):\n",
" y_hat = 0\n",
" h = x/n\n",
" for i in range(n):\n",
" y_hat += h*y_derivative(h*i,0,0)\n",
" return(y_hat)"
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"Finally, I printed the results of Euler's approximation, the actual solution and the percent error. You can see that as the steps increase, the error decreases."
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"x = 5\n",
"steps = 1000000\n",
"print(\"Euler's method approximation: \"+str(eulers_method(x, steps)))\n",
"print(\"Actual solution: \"+str(y_actual(x)))\n",
"print(\"Error: \"+str(np.abs((y_actual(x)-eulers_method(x, steps))/eulers_method(x, steps))*100)+\"%\")"
"execution_count": 53,
"outputs": [
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"text": [
"Euler's method approximation: 24.999975000000006\n",
"Actual solution: 25\n",
"Error: 0.00010000009997499789%\n"
"name": "stdout"
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