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Adam Grant adamjgrant

  • Software Engineer
View GitHub Profile
adamjgrant / smosa-space-x.json
Created December 30, 2020 14:24
"main": [
"ps": "What did you think the first time you saw the backwards-looking landing of a Space X rocket?"
"ps": "Do you think we’ll have safer space travel with the new Space X vehicles over the space shuttle?"
"ps": "We’re about to have a huge surge of satellites in orbit around Earth. More so than ever. Do you think that will be an overall positive for life on earth?"
adamjgrant / smosa-science-communication.json
Created December 30, 2020 14:23
"main": [
"ps": "Good science communication is sorely in need with misinformation being a bigger problem than ever. Have you noticed any of your family or friends falling prey to bad science?"
"ps": "I hope we can improve scientific literacy for the next generation. Misunderstanding science can do real harm. What do you think is most pervasive in terms of misinformation?"
"ps": "Be vigilant in the fight against misinformation. Good science communication is key. How do we reach more people and educate the public on the facts?"
adamjgrant / smosa-ai-in-the-future.json
Created December 30, 2020 14:22
"main": [
"ps": "(There’s|We've noticed|Public discourse shows) a( growing|n increasing|ballooning|steady|mounting) (fear|concern|worry|trepidation) that (advances in|improvements to|innovation in) (AI|artificial intelligence|#AI|machine learning and ai) will (take|claim|steal|take away) (more and more|an increasing amount of) jobs. What(’s your opinion on|'s your take on| do you think about) (all |)that?"
"ps": "(Artificial intelligence|#AI|AI) has (seen|gained from|experienced) (so much|a tremendous amount of|a surge of|a wealth of) innovation and (creation of new jobs|new job creation|new jobs being created), but some say it’s a force that takes away jobs. Where do you land on that?"
"ps": "(Artificial intelligence|#AI|AI) is a( powerful|n incredible| remarkable| futuristic) (tool|resource|advantage) and we’ve (no doubt |)(seen|observed|noticed|watched) it (increase|raise|surge|boost) the (threat|concerns) to (our |)privacy. Do you (think|expect) it (co
"main": [
"branch": "symptoms"
"branch": "99percent"
"branch": "joke"
adamjgrant / biden_harris.json
Last active December 17, 2020 16:52
Twitter Permutations
"main": [
"branch": "firstfemale"
"branch": "morebiden"
"branch": "runagainst"
"main": [
"(Dr. Danielle|Danielle|Dr. Belardo), (It seems |)I (am unable to|can't|just can't|won't be able to) (sell|hustle|sell off) enough (baseball cards|of my ebay cards) to (cover|pay for) my (legal fees|lawyer). Please (don't hurt me|go easy on me|don't tell my wife)."
"main": [
"I (saw|read|read up|was reading about how|noticed) (much|the majority|most|the major voices) of (experts in the medical community|medical experts|experts in medicine|health experts) (disagree with|say otherwise about|don't agree regarding) (HCQ/Zinc|HCQ + Zinc|Hydroxychloroquine|Hyrdr. + Zinc|HCQ & zinc) (as a treatment|in treating COVID|as a treatment for COVID-19|as an effective COVID treatment). What (do you think of|are your thoughts on|is your take on) that?"
"(HCQ/Zinc|HCQ + Zinc|Hydroxychloroquine|Hyrdr. + Zinc|HCQ & zinc) (is being called|is widely regarded as|has been deemed|is documented as|is claimed to be) (ineffecive|not effective|not viable) (as a treatment|for treatment|as a treatment option) for (COVID-19|COVID|the virus) by (the larger medical community|experts in the medical community|many medical experts|experts in medicine|health experts). What (do you think of|are your thoughts on|is your take on) that?"
"main": [
"branch": "I watched them all"
"branch": "admiration"
"branch": "quotes"
"main": [
{ "branch": "the-starter-kit" }, { "branch": "pool" }
"pool": [
{ "ps": "(We|We all) have to (get out of|leave|jump out of) the pool because antimaskers (shat|took a shit|shit|left a turd) in it. (We warned them|They were warned) but (went ahead|off they went|did it anyway) because (\"freedom\"|\"their rights\")\n\n(Nobody can swim now|Now no one can swim|No one gets to swim now) and they're (chastising|criticizing|yelling at) the (lifeguard|cleaners) for (infringing on|stepping on|blocking|threatening) their (right to swim|swimming rights)\n\nAll of us *(would like|want)* to (head to a bar|go out for a drink|get a drink at a bar)(| right now)" }
"the-starter-kit": [
"branch": "starter-kit", "then": {
"main": [
"When I'm driving",
"When I'm in my car",
"Whenever I drive",
"When driving", [
" and ", [
"a car is heading towards me",
"I'm about to get into an accident",
"certain death is right in front of me",