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adamjonas / blane_final
Created July 9, 2012 17:45
Missing Pieces of Blane's Final
class Artist
def genres
@songs.collect{|s| s.genre}
class Song
attr_accessor :name, :song, :artist, :genre
def genre=(genre)
adamjonas / Quiz 1
Created October 9, 2012 02:11
# Write a program that tells you the following:
# Hours in a year. How many hours are in a year? - 6pts
# Minutes in a decade. How many minutes are in a decade? - 6pts
# Your age in seconds. How many seconds old are you? - 6pts
# Define at least the following methods to accomplish these tasks:
# seconds_in_minutes(1) #=> 60 - 3pts
# minutes_in_hours(1) #=> 60 - 3pts
adamjonas / FizzBuzz.rb
Created October 9, 2012 02:12
# Define the fizzbuzz method to do the following: 10pts
# Use the modulo % method (divisible by)
# 2 % 2 #=> true
# 1 % 2 #=> false
# If a number is divisible by 3, puts "Fizz".
# If a number is divisible by 5, puts "Buzz".
# If a number is divisible by 3 and 5, puts "FizzBuzz"
# Use if statements 2pts
adamjonas / assignment.rb
Created October 12, 2012 03:04
Friday Oct 12
# Assignment
# write a true expression using ==
a == a
# write a false expression using ==
a == b
# write a true expression using !=
true != false
# write a false expression using !=
adamjonas / jukebox.rb
Created October 15, 2012 13:28
puts "What do you want me to do? (Remember to type 'help' if you need it!)"
prompt = '> '
print prompt
input = gets.chomp.downcase.strip
puts "Sure... no problem"
# songs = [
# "The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs - Parades Go By",
# "The Magnetic Fields - Get Lost - Smoke and Mirrors",
# "The Magnetic Fields - Get Lost - You, Me, and the Moon",
def test(title, &b)
if b
result =
if result.is_a?(Array)
puts "fail: #{title}"
puts " expected #{result.first} to equal #{result.last}"
elsif result
puts "pass: #{title}"
adamjonas / Pergola
Last active December 24, 2015 02:29
curl -X POST --data ''
#My profile
curl -H "vine-session-id:#{key}"
gem install httparty

order: 3 question: 'How does it work?' answer: 'There are two ways to participate:


Online submission of innovative, feasible concepts to the DEVELOPMENT track. Proposals will be judged on technical and business criteria (listed in the Judging section below). As participants advance to semi-final and final rounds, they will receive mentorship, education, and resources to help optimize the potential of their ideas. Winners will receive up to $500,000 in funding, gain business development support to launch their products, and attend the MAKE IT WEARABLE final presentation and gala event. If a winning submission is made by a team or organization, prizes will be awarded to the team or organization as a whole (not on an individual basis).


adamjonas / gist:8965462
Created February 12, 2014 22:03
gem file
source ''
# Frameworks
gem 'rails', '4.0.2'
# Server
gem 'unicorn'
# Database
gem 'pg'
`curl -o tmp/latest.dump \`heroku pgbackups:url -a fis-ironboard-production\``