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kevin-smets /
Last active June 8, 2024 10:07
iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Source Code Pro Powerline + Font Awesome + [Powerlevel10k] - (macOS)





shaneriley / mixins.jade
Created February 10, 2014 20:10
Jade mixins example
// Writing JS for everything is great and all, but I don't want to see JS
// inline in my Jade templates. Thankfully, there are ways of abstrating it
// into mixins!
// Want some Rails-like helpers?
mixin link_to(name, href)
- href = href || "#"
a(href="#{href}")= name
// How about a single editing point for a class name?
niksumeiko / git.migrate
Last active May 31, 2024 21:18
Moving git repository and all its branches, tags to a new remote repository keeping commits history
# Sometimes you need to move your existing git repository
# to a new remote repository (/new remote origin).
# Here are a simple and quick steps that does exactly this.
# Let's assume we call "old repo" the repository you wish
# to move, and "new repo" the one you wish to move to.
### Step 1. Make sure you have a local copy of all "old repo"
### branches and tags.
lttlrck / gist:9628955
Created March 18, 2014 20:34
rename git branch locally and remotely
git branch -m old_branch new_branch # Rename branch locally
git push origin :old_branch # Delete the old branch
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch # Push the new branch, set local branch to track the new remote
patriciogonzalezvivo /
Last active June 8, 2024 06:11
GLSL Noise Algorithms

Please consider using instead of copy/pasting this functions. It expand suport for voronoi, voronoise, fbm, noise, worley, noise, derivatives and much more, through simple file dependencies. Take a look to

Generic 1,2,3 Noise

float rand(float n){return fract(sin(n) * 43758.5453123);}

float noise(float p){
	float fl = floor(p);
  float fc = fract(p);
tobek / get-image-urls.js
Last active June 7, 2024 17:36
Save images from chrome inspector/dev tools network tab
/* open up chrome dev tools (Menu > More tools > Developer tools)
* go to network tab, refresh the page, wait for images to load (on some sites you may have to scroll down to the images for them to start loading)
* right click/ctrl click on any entry in the network log, select Copy > Copy All as HAR
* open up JS console and enter: var har = [paste]
* (pasting could take a while if there's a lot of requests)
* paste the following JS code into the console
* copy the output, paste into a text file
* open up a terminal in same directory as text file, then: wget -i [that file]
paulmelnikow / shadows.scss
Last active August 22, 2022 15:35
Sass Mixin: Google Material Design Shadow
* A mixin which helps you to add depth to elements according to the Google Material Design spec:
* Please note that the values given in the specification cannot be used as is. To create the same visual experience
* the blur parameter has to be doubled.
* Adapted from a LESS version at
* Original Author: Florian Kutschera (@gefangenimnetz), Conceptboard GmbH (@conceptboardapp)
klihelp / kli-wp-api-modify-post-response-fields.php
Created February 1, 2015 19:44
WP-API modify post response fields
* WP-API modify post response fields
* Posts per page
function kli_wp_api_query_post_per_page( $query ){
AlexanderOMara / index.html
Last active February 19, 2019 22:30
iOS 8 position: fixed; input element workaround
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />
<title>iOS 8 position: fixed; input element workaround</title>
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
adactio / blogServiceWorker.js
Last active March 27, 2023 09:26
A Service Worker to progressively enhance a blog by storing assets in a cache, and keeping limited caches of pages and images for offline browsing.
'use strict';
// Licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
(function() {
// A cache for core files like CSS and JavaScript
var staticCacheName = 'static';
// A cache for pages to store for offline