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Adrian Taylor adetaylor

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let json_decode_result = decode_some_hypothetical_json();
let mut site_descriptions = Vec::new();
// Convert JSON site descriptions into rendered site descriptions
#[gtest(RustValuesTest, TypeConfusion)]
fn test_type_confusion() {
let mut v = NewValueSlotForTesting();
let mut v = ValueSlotRef::from(&mut v);
let mut l = v.construct_list();
// l.set_integer_key("a", 3); // does not compile
#[gtest(RustValuesTest, DataRace)]
fn test_data_race() {
use anyhow::Result;
use clap::Parser;
use std::fs::File;
/// Unzip all files within a zip file as quickly as possible.
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
/// Zip file to unzip
#[arg(value_name = "FILE")]
struct CloneableFile {
file: Arc<Mutex<File>>,
pos: u64,
// TODO determine and store this once instead of per cloneable file
file_length: Option<u64>,
impl CloneableFile {
// extra 'use' statements omitted
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args = Args::parse();
let mut zip = zip::ZipArchive::new(args.zipfile)?;
let file_count = zip.len();
println!("Zip has {} files", file_count);
(0..file_count).for_each(|i| {
let mut file = zip.by_index(i).expect("Unable to get file from zip");
if file.is_dir() {
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args = Args::parse();
let zipfile = File::open(args.zipfile)?;
let zipfile = CloneableFile::new(zipfile);
let zip = zip::ZipArchive::new(zipfile)?;
let file_count = zip.len();
println!("Zip has {} files", file_count);
(0..file_count).into_par_iter().for_each(|i| {
let mut myzip = zip.clone();