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Alan Garcia adg29

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# How to echobot with XMPP, BOSH, and Strophe
1. Setup ejabberd( server and setup account admin@localhost.local
NOTE: localhost should be enough. If you setup something else, make sure you add it at /etc/hosts like this
#/etc/hosts localhost.local
NOTE: Also download Psi(, and make sure you can connect to your ejabberd server.
2. Download strophe( and place it (eg: /Users/makoto/work/sample/strophejs-1.0)
epicserve / Django Enviroment Setup on Mac OSX 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard).markdown
Created February 22, 2010 15:29
Django Enviroment Setup on Mac OSX 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard)

Django Enviroment Setup on Mac OSX 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard)

Install Homebrew

sudo mkdir /usr/local
sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local
curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C /usr/local
brew install git
cd /usr/local
git init
cowboy / gist:360138
Created April 8, 2010 14:46 — forked from remy/gist:360113
setInterval and setTimeout patterns
// =========================
// SetInterval
// =========================
// While not truly accurate, setInterval is still fairly good, time-wise.
// Better for things like a "one second tick" but not great for expensive
// code executed at small intervals as iterations can "stack".
// (ECMAScript 5 strict mode compatible)
teamon /
Created July 28, 2011 19:11
Pow + nginx configuration aka give me back my 80 port!
# Install pow
$ curl | sh
# Install powder
$ gem install powder
# See that firewall is fucked
$ sudo ipfw show
00100 0 0 fwd,20559 tcp from any to me dst-port 80 in <- THIS ONE!!!
65535 81005 28684067 allow ip from any to any
mbostock / .block
Last active May 3, 2019 07:49
Chained Transitions
license: gpl-3.0
jtimberman / gist:1218092
Created September 14, 2011 23:21
Super Simple Chef Solo - non-root rvm install w/ ruby 1.9.2, chef 0.10.4 on CentOS 6.0.
[jtimberman@centos6 ~]$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jtimberman/chef-repo/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 199, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (118/118), done.
remote: Total 199 (delta 72), reused 161 (delta 48)
Receiving objects: 100% (199/199), 30.19 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (72/72), done.
[jtimberman@centos6 ~]$ cd chef-repo
[jtimberman@centos6 chef-repo]$ mkdir cookbooks/example/recipes
[jtimberman@centos6 chef-repo]$ echo '{"run_list": ["recipe[example]"]}' >> solo.json
jcbozonier / gist:1240614
Created September 25, 2011 13:49
Creating an image proxy in Node.js/Expressjs
app.get('/proxied_image/:image_url', function(request_from_client, response_to_client){
sys.puts("Starting proxy");
var image_url = request_from_client.params.image_url;
var image_host_name = url.parse(image_url).hostname
var filename = url.parse(image_url).pathname.split("/").pop()
var http_client = http.createClient(80, image_host_name);
var image_get_request = http_client.request('GET', image_url, {"host": image_host_name});
image_get_request.addListener('response', function(proxy_response){
jwo / registrations_controller.rb
Created September 30, 2011 23:11
API JSON authentication with Devise
class Api::RegistrationsController < Api::BaseController
respond_to :json
def create
user =[:user])
render :json=> user.as_json(:auth_token=>user.authentication_token, :email=>, :status=>201
mauricioszabo / connection_fix.rb
Created October 10, 2011 18:38 — forked from defunkt/connection_fix.rb
MySQL server has gone away fix
# If your workers are inactive for a long period of time, they'll lose
# their MySQL connection.
# This hack ensures we re-connect whenever a connection is
# lost. Because, really. why not?
# Stick this in RAILS_ROOT/config/initializers/connection_fix.rb (or somewhere similar)
# From:
donut / DD_belatedPNG.js
Created October 26, 2011 23:38
Fix PNGs in IE < 9 jQuery plugin
/* The code below should be included in a separate file using IE conditional comments
as it causes errors in IE8(+?) */
* DD_belatedPNG: Adds IE6 support: PNG images for CSS background-image and HTML <IMG/>.
* Author: Drew Diller
* Email:
* URL:
* Version: 0.0.8a
* Licensed under the MIT License: